
  1. 社会保障监督体系构成初探

    Study on the Composition of Social Security and Supervision System

  2. 社会保障审计监督面临的形势与对策

    Social Assurance Audit : Situation and Countermeasures

  3. 设立社会保障基金监督委员会,依法监督社会保障基金筹集和运用;

    Found social security fund censor commitee censor the raising and using of social security funds ;

  4. 加强时社会保障的监督管理,是社会保障体系正常运行的前提条件,对实现社会保障的功能具有重要意义。

    Strengthening its management and supervision is essential to the smooth operation of the system and significant to realize the functions of social security .

  5. 加快社会保障管理和监督体系的完善。

    Perfecting the system of managing and supervising social security .

  6. 因此,开展计算机网络审计对社会保障基金进行审计监督是刻不容缓的。

    Therefor , putting into computer network audit to the Social Security Fund brooks no delay .

  7. 加强社会保障基金管理与监督,完善社会保障制度,是构建社会主义和谐社会的一项重要任务。

    To strengthen the social security fund management and supervision , improving the social security system , building a harmonious socialist society is an important task .

  8. 现代事业制度的基本内容包括事业法人制度、事业领导制度、事业人事制度、事业财务制度、事业社会保障制度、事业监督与评估制度等。

    The basic content of modern institution system consists of juridical person system , leading system , personnel system , financial affair system , social security system , supervision and evaluation systems of institutions .

  9. 健全社会保障宏观调控和监督体制,提高管理水平和工作效率,促进社会保障体系稳定、健康和有序运行。

    The social security macro-regulation and supervision system shall be bettered and its management level and efficiency raised , so as to ensure the stable , healthy and orderly operation of the social security system .

  10. 在资金运动的过程管理中,还需考虑社会保障资金的风险管理与社会保障资金的监督管理。

    During the management of funds moving , risk management and supervision of social security funds management should also be considered .