
  1. 同时也是衡量人们享受社会保障待遇是否公平的一个测度指标。

    Also a measure of whether people enjoy social security benefits of a fair measure indicators .

  2. 目前上海劳动力市场中外来劳动力在职业进入、工资水平、社会保障待遇等方面与本地劳动力有明显的差异,其就业环境依然有待改善。

    There are discriminations as to occupation attainment , wage income and social welfare between local residents and migrant labors in Shanghai .

  3. 因为体制等因素,农民工在城市里只能从事次属劳动力市场的工作,经济收入比较低,而且又不能享有城市人口的社会保障待遇,他们成为了边缘人;

    Because of the related factors , the peasant laborers only can be engaged in the labor market in the city , but the income is quite low .

  4. 应当通过加强教育和管理,提高社会保障待遇,改善民工生存状态等一系列措施,来减少和遏制该类犯罪。

    Measures should be taken to diminish and restrain this kind of crime , which include enhancing education and administration , increase social security and improve the living condition of migrant workers .

  5. 他们进城务工,繁荣了城镇经济,为国民经济的迅速增长做出了巨大贡献,理应享受社会保障待遇,与城镇居民享有同等的社会保障权。

    They come into city and work for prosperity of the city economy , for the rapid growth of the national economy made great contribution , they should enjoy the equal social security benefits , with city residents .

  6. 郊区农民享受到了和城里人一样的社会保障及待遇,在这之后,他们最关心的就是能否在新的环境下实现自身职业的转型。

    After they move to city and enjoy the social security like townspeople , what they care most is to find a suitable job in a new environment .

  7. 其中,缩小社会保障和福利待遇在不同群体之间的差距无疑是消除职业流动障碍的必走之路。

    Among them , narrowing the difference of social security and welfare benefits between different markets is necessary for breaking the obstacle of job mobility .

  8. 他们处于我国高等教育思政课教师中的最低层,他们的生存状况并不乐观,很多民办高职院校的思政课教师收入相对较低,社会保障不足,福利待遇不佳。

    They are at the lowest level of the Higher Education Ideological Teachers . Their living conditions are not optimistic , many run vocational colleges in ideological and political teacher at a relatively low income , lack of social security and welfare benefits poor .

  9. 本章从西部地区城乡社会保障资源以及社会保障待遇水平两个方面,对城乡的社会保障现状进行了分析。

    This chapter the western area urban and rural social security resources as well as social security benefits of level two aspects to urban and rural social security are analyzed .

  10. 随着三农问题日益得到国家和社会的重视,大多数人理所当然地认为渔民将享受同样的社会保障和社会待遇。

    As agriculture is increasingly attached importance to the State and society , most people take for granted that the fishermen will enjoy the same social security and social benefits .