
  1. 基金是社会保障运行的物质基础。

    The Fund is the material basis of Social Security .

  2. 长春市社会保障基金运行体系优化设计研究

    The Study of Changchun Social Security Fund System Optimization

  3. 我国城市社会保障基金运行研究

    The City Social Security System Fund in China

  4. 其次,分析现行社会保障体系运行效果,尝试性提出完善我国社会保障体系的建制原则;

    Secondly , the organic principles have been outlined on the base of analyzing performing effects of present social security system .

  5. 本文揭示了我国现行社会保障制度运行中存在的六个问题,并针对这些问题提出了完善我国社会保障制度的六方面建议。

    The paper reveals six problems existing in China 's Social Insurance System and , aiming at those problems , comes up with six pieces of proposals .

  6. 本文就我国城市社会保障基金运行三要素,即筹集、支付和投资运营三方面进行了论述。

    This paper analyses the three most important factors during the operation of the city social security system fund , which are the collection , payment and investment of the fund .

  7. 自我国实行养老保险改革以来,城镇职工的养老问题已经取得了一定的成效,但是随着市场经济的发展,社会保障的运行机制仍然存在不少问题。

    Since our country implement the reform of endowment insurance , urban staff live in retirement problem has gotten certain effect . However , along with the development of market-oriented economy , the operation mechanism of social security still has a lot of problems .

  8. 社会保障基金的运行成败也影响到国家财政。

    Its operation is closely related to the state finance .

  9. 社保基金的保值增值是社会保障体系有效运行的关键所在。

    The social security fund is the key of the social security system .

  10. 短期组成部分将与“全球食品应对方案”下的“食品价格危机对策”中的社会保障部分平行运行。

    The short-term component will work in parallel with the social protection component of the Food Price Crisis Response under the Global Food Response Program .

  11. 社会保障基金的运行管理增效已成为社会保障领域最重要的前沿课题。

    Thus , how to increase benefits of social security fund has become the most important topic in the frontier of the social security field .

  12. 其次,从社会保障资金自身运行情况和社会保障资金审计自身发展两个方面阐述了社会保障效益审计的必要性。

    Second , from social security funds own operation and social security funds audit their own development two aspects of social security benefit audit necessity .

  13. 而传统的基于户籍制度的社会保障制度在运行过程中对于农民工这个新生阶层显现了排斥。

    The traditional social security system , which is based on the household registration system , shows its exclusive side to migrant workers in its operation .

  14. 当前,我国社会保障制度及运行中暴露出诸多关于保障对象间、地区间及管理主体间有失公平或不合理的问题。

    Currently , many unfair or unreasonable problems are appearing in China 's social security system and operation between the security objects , regions and management subjects .

  15. 个人账户的空账运行已严重威胁到社会保障制度的运行基础,严重违背了设立个人账户的初衷。

    The " empty account " of the individual account has already threatened the social security system seriously and has violated the original intention of setting up individual account seriously .

  16. 而社会保障是国家运行的安全网,社会主义市场经济体制的建立和完善,需要作为社会安全网的社会保险制度的支撑,全体劳动者都应加入到社会保险体系中来。

    However , social security is the safety net of the country . The establishment and perfection of the system of socialist market economy needs to support by social security , all the workers should be join in social surance system .

  17. 国外社会保障管理体制的运行及经验

    The Operation and Experience of the Social Security Managing System Abroad

  18. 天保工程区社会保障模式能否正常运行,资金筹集是关键。

    Whether the mode of social assurance works depends on the fund collection .

  19. 中国社会保障制度模式及运行问题研究

    Research on Pattern of China Social Security System and Issues of It 's Operation

  20. 中国农村社会保障设计理念及运行机制研究

    A Study on the Design Idea and the Operational Mechanism of Social Security in Chinese Countryside

  21. 养老保险基金收支平衡对社会保障的正常平稳运行有重大影响。

    The balance of the endowment insurance funding plays an important role in the operation of the social security system .

  22. 政府应该承担社会保障制度建设和运行管理的责任,其中资金给付责任是政府的主要责任之一。

    The government should uphold the responsibility to establish and manage the social security system and financial delivery is one of its major responsibilities .

  23. 社会保障体系的正常运行关系到广大人民的切身利益,如何能在信息爆炸时代的今天有效的利用领域信息,来指导社保审计体系的调整是领域内急待解决的问题。

    The normal operation of the social security system relates to the vital interests of the people , in the time of information explosion how can we use of domain information effectively to guide the adjustment of social security audit system is a pressing problem .

  24. 建立失业保障监测预警系统,对于政府从宏观上把握失业状况、制定相应的宏观调控政策、保证社会保障体系的良性运行以及社会经济的可持续发展具有重要的理论和实际意义。

    Setting up monitoring system of unemployment security has its own theoretical and realistic meanings for the government to know unemployment , to formulate a relative policies of macro-regulation , to ensure the operation of our social security and sustained development of the country 's economy .

  25. 从事业单位职能范围的届定入手,指出建立现代事业制度的必要性和可能性,如事业法人制度,事业投资制度,事业人事、社会保障制度,事业运行管理制度等。

    Starting from the definition of the functions of institutions , this paper points out the necessity and possibility of establishing modern institutional systems , such as institutional corporate system , institutional investment system , institutional personnel system , social security system , institutional operating and regulating system etc.

  26. 社会保障资金作为社会保障运行的物质基础,其重要性不言而喻。

    Social security funds as Social Security running the material basis , its importance is self-evident .

  27. 城市社会保障基金是社会保障体系正常运行的基本保证。

    And the city social security system fund is the basic guarantee to the smooth operation of the city social security system .

  28. 运用收支两条线和提高社会保障立法层次构建起社会保障运行的制约机制。

    Through two lines of revenue and expenditure and raising the level of social security law are to construct the balance mechanism of social security system .

  29. 它是社会保障的重要要素,反映着社会保障运行状况和社会保障资金的供求关系。

    It is the key element of the social security system , and also reflects the running processes of the system and the demands or the supplies of the funds of social security .

  30. 加强时社会保障的监督管理,是社会保障体系正常运行的前提条件,对实现社会保障的功能具有重要意义。

    Strengthening its management and supervision is essential to the smooth operation of the system and significant to realize the functions of social security .