
  • 网络social security policy
  1. 城乡社会保障政策不平衡;

    Urban social security policy and rural social security policy are imbalances ;

  2. 上海市弱势群体问题及社会保障政策选择

    The Issue of Vulnerable Group and Social Security Policy Selection in Shanghai

  3. 西方社会保障政策改革的理念启示

    Theoretical Enlightenment of Reforms in Social Security Policies in Western Countries

  4. 中国社会保障政策制定的公共选择问题研究

    Study on Public Choice in Constituting Policy of Chinese Social Security

  5. 略论明代社会保障政策实施中的弊端

    Malpractice in the enforcement of social security policies in the Ming Dynasty

  6. 中国社会保障政策的人本主义价值取向

    Humanism as the Value of Social Security Policy in China

  7. 清代社会保障政策研究

    The Research on Social Security Policy of Qing Dynasty

  8. 明代传统社会保障政策述论

    Research of Traditional Social Security Policy in Ming Dynasty

  9. 农村社会保障政策落实过程中妇女权益状况的分析

    Investigation on women ′ s rights during the rural social security policies implementation

  10. 英国工党社会保障政策研究

    A Study on the Social Security Policy Pursued by the Labor Party of UK

  11. 党派对立不利于社会保障政策的稳定。

    The struggle of parties is unfavorable to the stability of social security policies .

  12. 在这一地区,就业与社会保障政策将如何面对和应对这些问题,也非常值得研究。

    How to cope with those problems by adjusting the policy is very worth researching .

  13. 从这个理论出发,对各种社会保障政策进行分析,以求最优的综合社会效益。

    Further , it analyzes different social security policies for the optimal comprehensive social benefits .

  14. 论社会保障政策制定中的公众参与

    Public Participation in Social Security Policies Decision

  15. 布什政府的社会保障政策

    Social Security Policies of Bush Government

  16. 一是要制定完善农村社会保障政策和法律。

    First , must formulate consummates the rural community to safeguard the policy and the law .

  17. 美国老年社会保障政策的历史考察

    A study on the history of the social welfare policy for the aged in the U.S.A

  18. 经计量,现行的社会保障政策才是导致这些不良结果的主要因素。

    By measuring , the current social security policy is the main factors causing these bad results .

  19. 从社会保障政策的演变,我们看到了社会的发展和时代的进步。

    From these laws , we can see clearly of the advancements of our epoch and our society .

  20. 政府的教育政策、人事政策、社会保障政策、户籍政策也影响着毕业生就业。

    The governmental policies in education , administration , social security and household registration can influence their employment .

  21. 重庆城中村改造中征地农转非人员社会保障政策研究

    Social Security Policy for Land-lost People in Expropriation of Land in the Process of Rebuilding Village Inside a City

  22. 中央和各地方政府作为社会保障政策制定、具体实施的主导部门。

    Central and local government as a social security policy formulation , the dominant sector in the specific implementation .

  23. 明代的社会保障政策是中国古代传统社会保障政策的重要组成部分。

    Social security policy in the Ming Dynasty is an important part of Chinese ancient traditional social security policy .

  24. 清代社会保障政策所表现的一些特点为我们当今社会保障制度建设提供了不少的借鉴和启示。

    All of these can offer a lot of references and advices to the construction of modern social security policy .

  25. 也包括了社会保障政策中观层面分析,主要涉及社会保障政策的制定、社会保障政策的执行、社会保障政策的评价等;

    Intermediate perspective analysis of social security policy , refers to the formulation , implementation and evaluation of the policy .

  26. 城乡二元分割的社会保障政策与特定的历史事件催生了中国独特的救助管理制度,然而其实践却问题重重。

    Urban-rural dual-division policies of social security and the specific historical incidents have induced the unique succour administration system in China .

  27. 同时对澳门社会保障政策存在的问题和危机进行了分析。

    Meanwhile , the author also does some analysis of the problems or crises concerning the operation of its social security policy .

  28. 政策性农业保险是风险保障制度的重要内容,是政府支持农业的政策工具和社会保障政策的一部分,是政府农业保护政策的重要组成部分。

    The policy-suported agricultural insurance is important content of the risk safeguard system , government agriculture protection policy and social security policy .

  29. 发达国家在社会保障政策的制定和运行过程中,形成了诸多的社会保障包括农村社会保障的理论。

    In the process of establishment and implementation of social security policies , many theories including rural social security come into being .

  30. 社会保障政策与就业联动的实证分析长三角物流产业联动发展对策

    A Positive Analysis on the Interaction of Social Security Policy and Employment Countermeasures on couple development of logistics industry in Yangtze River Delta