
  1. 在得出老年人社会优待概念的基础上树立了我国老年人优待的发展变化,从古代刑事立法上对老年人的宽宥一直到现在老年人享有的宽泛的优待权利。

    On this basis , I analysis the development of the elderly preferential treatment , from the ancient criminal legislation for the elderly forgiveness to now elderly enjoy a broad right of preferential treatment .

  2. 中国的老年人社会优待尚处于初步发展的阶段,制度和体系的完善还需要经过时间和实践的考验,需要不断地学习、研究和探讨。

    The elderly social preferential treatment in China is still in the initial development stage , the perfection of the system also need to go through the test of time and practice , we still need study , research and explore .