
shè huì bǎo zhànɡ quán
  • right to social security;social security right
  1. 社会保障权的界定和历史考察

    Definition and Historical Investigation of the Right to Social Security

  2. 社会保障权无阻碍地实现还需国家行政机关的积极行政保障。

    The fulfillment of right to social security needs active administration of the national administrative organs .

  3. 第二章探讨了社会保障权的定位。

    Chapter II probes into the fixed position of social security right .

  4. 两性社会保障权的法理公平并不等于事实公平。

    Legal fairness of social security rights does not mean real fairness .

  5. 社会保障权的基本概念辨析

    On the concept of the right to social security

  6. 论社会保障权的司法保护

    On Judicial Remedies for the Rights to Social Security

  7. 论社会保障权及其现实化

    The Right of Social Security and It 's Realization

  8. 建设社会主义新农村应重视保护农民的社会保障权

    Building New Socialist Rural Area Should Concern Protecting the Social Security Right of Farmers

  9. 第二、社会保障权是现代社会的公民基本权利。

    Second , social security right is the basic civil right in modern society .

  10. 社会保障权可诉性分析:背景、规范与实践

    Analysis on the Actionability of Social Security Rights : Background , Prescription and Practice

  11. 浅析社会保障权的主体

    Subjects of the Right of Social Security

  12. 论农民工的社会保障权

    On Peasant Laborers ' Social Safeguard Right

  13. 试论农民工社会保障权的法律保护

    Legal Protection of Social Security of Migrants

  14. 二是导游人员劳动报酬权、社会保障权难以保障;

    It is hard to ensure their rights of labor remuneration and social security right .

  15. 因此,农民作为共和国公民理应享有社会保障权。

    Undoubtedly , peasants , as national citizens , are entitled to the social security .

  16. 作为法律具体权利的社会保障权无疑也具有可诉性。

    As a concrete right of law , right to social security can also be sued .

  17. 第三章分析了社会保障权产生与存在的社会根源。

    Chapter III analyzes the social root of the social security right 's origins and existence .

  18. 社会保障权论

    On the Right of Social Security

  19. 社会保障权的救济是社会保障权得以实现的最终保障。

    The remedy of right to social security is an end guarantee that the rights can be fulfilled .

  20. 关于应对国际金融危机的弱势群体社会保障权问题研究

    Research of the right to social protection of vulnerable groups with regard to cope with the international financial crisis

  21. 弱势群体的权利体系由生存权、社会保障权、平等权、教育权、劳动权组成。

    The rights system is consisted of right to subsistence , social security , equal , education and work .

  22. 但是,我国老年人的社会保障权并未得到应有的重视,老年人社会保障权保护不力。

    But in fact , their right to social security has not been paid more attention by the state .

  23. 农民社会保障权建设是我国当下学界与实务界共同关注的热点问题。

    Building farmers ' right to social security is our present academic and practical hot issues of mutual concern .

  24. 社会保障权司法救济的研究对于构建和谐公平的社会具有现实意义。

    Study on the right to social security and judicial relief has practical significance for building a harmonious and equitable society .

  25. 社会保障权是否具有可诉性,在国内外理论和实务界都存在争议。

    There is controversy in theory and in practice as to the actionability of social security rights within the country and abroad .

  26. 但是,社会保障权是由经济发展水平决定的,并与经济发展水平相适应。

    However , social security rights is decided by the economic development level , and adapted to the level of economic development .

  27. 由于老年人的弱势地位,社会保障权对他们至关重要。

    Because of the specificity of the senior citizens , the right to social security is more important for them than other persons .

  28. 要使农民工实现社会保障权,必须从立法、行政以及国家履行积极义务等几个方面采取措施。

    It is necessary to ensure peasant laborers ' social safeguard right from following aspects-legislation , administration and the state 's performing the duty .

  29. 从形式上说,现代世界各国基本上都以根本大法的形式将社会保障权规定为公民的基本权利;

    In form , most of counties in modern age stipulate social security right as basic civil right in the form of constitution law ;

  30. 政治正义包括三个正义原则:权利正义原则是公民获得社会保障权的合法性依据;

    The political justice includes three justice principles : the right justice principle is a legal basis that citizen obtains the right to social security ;