
  1. 他说,社会融资规模存在着众所周知的概念性问题;亚洲开发银行盯的是M2以及单独的金融领域,例如委托贷款、银行承兑汇票等等。

    ' There are well known conceptual problems ' with TSF , he said . The ADB looks at M2 , he said , as well as separate financial segments such as entrusted loans and bankers ' acceptances .

  2. 亚洲开发银行驻北京办公室经济学部门主管康拉德(JurgenConrad)说,目前的社会融资规模指标用处十分有限。

    Jurgen Conrad , head of the economics unit at the Asian Development Bank 's office in Beijing , said the total social financing gauge in its present form was of limited use .

  3. 三年前,由于不满当时衡量国内货币供应量的指标,中国央行推出了被其称为社会融资规模的指标,并称该指标比银行贷款总额或广义货币供应量(M2)更具代表性。

    Three years ago , unhappy with its existing tools for measuring domestic credit , the PBOC rolled out what it called total social financing , or TSF , trumpeted as a more representative measure than total bank loans or M2 ( broad money supply ) .

  4. 加强宏观审慎管理,引导货币信贷和社会融资规模适度增长。

    We will strengthen macro-prudential management to encourage an appropriate increase of monetary credit and nongovernmental financing .

  5. 另一个问题是,中国央行没有给出社会融资规模的总量数据,只给出过增量部分。

    Another problem is that the central bank doesn 't give a figure for the total stock of social financing , only the incremental portion .

  6. 1月份社会融资规模为人民币2.58万亿元,高于去年12月份的1.23万亿元,也高于去年同期的2.54万亿元。

    Total social financing , a broader measurement of credit in the economy , rose to 2.58 trillion yuan in January from 1.23 trillion yuan in December . That was also higher than 2.54 trillion yuan recorded in January 2013 .

  7. 首先在国内外相关的理论研究基础上,结合我国实际描述金融脱媒在商业银行与非银行金融机构、社会融资规模与融资结构等方面的发展现状。

    First of all , this paper combines abroad and domestic relevant theoretical research and the reality of our country to describe the financial disintermediation development situation in commercial banks and non-bank financial institutions , social financing scale and financing structure .

  8. 同时文件表明,明年中国要适当扩大社会融资总规模,保持贷款适度增加,保持人民币汇率基本稳定。

    Meanwhile , the document said China would " properly expand the amount of social financing to maintain a moderate increase in loan issuances " and keep the yuan 's exchange rate " basically stable " next year .