
  1. 企业有权通过当地社会保险监督机构,要求社会保险机构合理有效地治理使用养老保险金。

    The enterprise has authority to be sure to supervise an orgnaization through local society , requirement society insurance device manages gold of use endowment insurance effectively .

  2. 第二部分阐述了公共财政框架下的社会保险基金监督的监督系统、内容、方式和方法。

    The second part describes the supervision system of social insurance fund under the public financial frame .

  3. 论商业保险基础风险原理对建立基本医疗保障制度的适用价值我国社会保险基金监督管理制度研究

    On the practical value of fundamental commercial insurance risk management principles to establishment of the basic social medical care system

  4. 社会保险基金监督机构依照法律规定,对社会保险基金的收支、管理和运营实施监督。

    Organizations supervising the social insurance fund shall exercise supervision over the receipts , expenditure , management and operation of the social insurance fund according to the relevant provisions of the law .

  5. 如何加强对社会保险基金监督管理,防止各种风险的再生、舞弊的漫延,从机制上保障社会保险基金的安全,成了整个社会普遍关注的热点。

    It is the focus of attention of the entire community that how to strengthen the supervision and management of the social insurance fund , prevent the regeneration of various risks and the spread of corruption , guarantee the safety of the social insurance fund on the mechanism .

  6. 为了加强社会保险基金的监督检查,对社会保险基金进行审计就显得尤为重要。

    In order to strengthen the supervision and inspection of the social insurance funds , auditing has become particularly important .

  7. 目前我国社会保险基金审计监督十分薄弱,在合法审计的基础上,如何借鉴国际先进经验,加强我国社会保险基金的绩效审计工作将具有十分重要的现实意义。

    At present our benefit audit in social insurance fund is very weak , and based the advanced experiences in foreign countries , we should strengthen our benefit audit in social insurance fund .

  8. 鉴于我国的国情,可以在基金组织管理上实行政府间接化监管、建立独立的农村社会养老保险基金监督机构和在安全性原则下选择收益较高的资产组合等。

    According to our country 's situation , we can adopt governmental indirect supervise and management , build absolute supervise organ of rural social endowment insurance fund , choose high income capital combination in safe principle .

  9. 农村税费改革、规范土地出让金、加强社会保险资金的监督管理、紧缩地方融资政策等无疑将加剧地方政府债务风险。

    Rural tax and fee reform , standardizing the land transfer payment , social insurance funds to strengthen the supervision and management of local financing policy tightening , such as local government debt will undoubtedly aggravate the risk .

  10. 社会保险基金经办机构和社会保险基金监督机构的设立和职能由法律规定。

    The establishment and functions of social insurance fund organizations and social insurance fund supervision organizations shall be provided for by law .

  11. 珠海市制定的《珠海市社会保险反欺诈办法》、市社会保险基金监督委员会的监督以及社会医疗保险中心的良好管理工作确保了珠海市社会医疗保险基金运行基本平稳。

    The stable operation of ZhuHai City Social Health Insurance fund was guaranteed by the Law of ZhuHai City Social Health Insurance against Cheating , the supervision of the ZhuHai City Social Health Insurance Supervision Committee , and the efficient work of the Social Health Insurance Center . 3 .

  12. 社会保险基金会计信息披露制度的建设是社会保险基金监督中的重要一环。

    Information publish is an important part of social insurance fund management .

  13. 社会保险行政部门应当按照社会保险法的规定,对外国人参加社会保险的情况进行监督检查。

    The social insurance administrative authorities shall supervise and inspect the participation of foreigners in social insurances in accordance with the Social Insurance Law .

  14. 单位要向职工通报本单位缴纳社会保险费的情况,对拒不通报缴费情况的,职工有权向劳动保障监察或社会保险监督机构举报。

    The unit should report the case of insurance premium of this unit pay society to the worker , do not report capture to expend a circumstance to refus , the worker has authority to be ensured to labor censorial or the society is safe supervisory orgnaization is informed against .

  15. 因而建立健全社会保险基金投资监管法律制度,保障保险基金安全、有效运行,鼓励和支持社会各方面参与社会保险基金的监督,使养老保险基金在阳光下运行,是当前的重中之重。

    Therefore , establishing the social insurance fund investment and supervision legal system is very important which guarantee insurance fund operating safely and effectively .