
  • 网络Unemployment Insurance Act
  1. 遵守任何州政府的失业保险法的代理机构、商业组织或其它用人单位。

    An agency , business , organization or other employing unit that is subject to the unemployment insurance law of any state .

  2. 这些议员们已经通过了很多重大的举措,诸如,起诉废除失业保险法。也通过了很多小的办法,就像为预防疾病保险置出钱财。

    They have passed big measures , such as Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act , and small ones , such as barring money for preventive health care .

  3. 在法律规范层面上,尽快制定《失业保险法》,提高失业保险制度的立法层次,强化制度权威。

    On the level of legal norms , enact " The Unemployment Insurance Law " as soon as possible , and raise the legislative level of the unemployment insurance system , and strengthen the system authority .