
  1. 高等教育扩张的制度创新与结构性失业治理

    On The Institutional Innovation of Higher Education and Structural Unemployment

  2. 失业治理与政府选择

    Unemployment Administering & the Choice of Government

  3. 第三章,具体论述了欧盟失业治理政策的发展对我国的启示。

    Chapter 3 narrated the enlightens from the unemployment managing policy of the EU materially .

  4. 人力资本投资与失业治理

    Investment of Human Capital and Unemployment Treatment

  5. 中国失业治理研究

    Study on the Control of Chinese Unemployment

  6. 总之,应当把失业治理同经济增长结合起来,在经济增长的过程中治理失业;

    In brief , unemployment treatment should be combined with economic growth and industrial structure adjustment .

  7. 关于城镇失业治理对策的思考

    A Thought on Urban Employment Resolution

  8. 对经济增长与失业治理的探讨,是经济学最重要的基本命题之一。

    The Exploration on economic growth versus the governance on unemployment is one of the most important fundamental themes in Economics .

  9. 第四部分通过考察经济转型国家的失业治理的措施,指出其对我国的借鉴意义。

    Part IV point out its reference meaning in our country through studying the measures of the unemployment control in the economic transition country .

  10. 我们应借鉴西方经济学的失业治理理论和西方国家的治理经验,制定出适合我国国情的就业政策。

    We should formulate suitable policies to promote employment according to the national conditions of China by fully using the theories and practices of western countries for reference .

  11. 同时,结合前面对经济增长与失业治理问题的分析,提出了加快实现我国失业治理模式转型的思路和对策。

    And at the same time , linked with the analysis above about economic growth versus unemployment governance , it mentions the ideas and tactics in accelerating the transition of unemployment governance mode .

  12. 这条工业化道路不同于传统的工业化,它要求以信息化带动工业化发展的同时注重人力资源的合理分配,对失业治理提出了更高的要求。

    This industrialized road are different from traditional industrialization , it demands , use informationalization bring along that industrialization develop and to pay attention to reasonable distribution of human resources while , it has managed and put forward higher requirement for the unemployment .

  13. 第二章,是本文的重心,阐述了欧盟失业治理政策从强调被动失业治理政策阶段到强调主动失业治理政策阶段的演进过程,并评价其成效。

    Chapter 2 is the center of the thesis , narrated the EU 's process from stage of emphasizing " passive policy of managing unemployment " to stage of emphasizing " active policy of managing unemployment ", and make some evaluations to the policy .

  14. 现阶段和今后一个长时期里,失业治理工作的一项根本性任务,就是要适应我国经济增长模式转型的要求,加快实现我国失业治理模式的转型。

    Therefore , now and during a long time in the future , one of the fundamental tasks to govern unemployment is to catalyze the realization of transition on unemployment governance mode in our country at the requirement of the economic growth pattern change .

  15. MATLAB与建筑结构分析论结构性失业及其治理途径

    MATLAB AND ITS STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS On Structural Unemployment and Its Countermeasures

  16. 相对过剩经济条件下的失业及其治理

    Unemployment under Relative Surplus Economy and Its Solutions

  17. 总量失业的治理不外乎是两个方法:一是减少劳动力供给。

    Two methods are available for tackling national unemployment : one is to reduce supply of labor force .

  18. 二是建国以来中国6次失业高峰治理政策的考察与分析(第2、3、4、5章);

    Second , the study and analysis on anti-unemployment policies during six unemployment climax , since the foundation of the P.R. C ( chapter 2-5 );

  19. 在我国经济快速发展和加快改革开放的大好形势下,对失业的治理也就成了不能回避的话题。

    Rapid economic development in our country and accelerate the reform and opening up a good situation , governance issues of unemployment will become unavoidable topic .

  20. 广州市城市失业特征及其治理

    The Features of Urban Unemployment in Guangzhou City and Its Treatments

  21. 1990&2000年前苏联与东欧国家失业状况与治理

    Unemployment Status and Improvement of USSR and East European Countries

  22. 第三章对国外解决就业问题的财税政策进行了比较研究,先后介绍了发达国家、发展中国家的失业问题及治理失业的财税政策。

    It introduces the unemployment problems as well as their financial policies for the settlement of unemployment of the developed countries and developing countries .

  23. 我国经济转型时期的失业问题及其综合治理

    Analysis and Control of Unemployment During Tranformation of Our Economic Regime

  24. 浅论知识失业的成因与治理我国失业问题的影响、成因及对策

    On the Impacts of Unemployment , its Causes and Countermeasures in China

  25. 论失业的成因及其治理

    On the Cause and the Control of Unemployment

  26. 将规范分析与实证分析相结合,同时运用定性与定量的方法对广州市的劳动力市场、失业特征及失业治理进行考察。

    With combination of normative analysis and positive analysis , qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis , we inspect on the labor market unemployment features and unemployment administration of Guangzhou .

  27. 失业保障制度作为一种被动的失业治理政策有其存在的理论基础;

    As one of passive unemployment cure policy , unemployment security system has its theory base ;

  28. 结构性失业问题不仅增加了总量性失业问题的治理难度,而且与总量性失业问题共同加剧了我国失业问题的进一步发展。

    The structural unemployment not only increases the difficulties of treating the total number of unemployment , but also worsens the whole problem of unemployment in China .

  29. 新中国初期,河北省以发展促就业,以农村的稳定支持城镇的就业,推行积极的失业救济政策和实行多元化的就业方针,在失业治理工作方面取得了重大成就。

    In the initial period of New China , Hebei got great achievements towards harnessing unemployment though developing economy , stabilizing rural areas , practicing energetic unemployment relief policy and implementing diversified outplacement principle .

  30. 多中心治理理论治理失业强调政府、市场、第三部门发挥各自在失业治理中的优势,积极促进失业人员再就业。

    Polycentric governance theory to Curb Unemployment stressed that the Government , the market , the third sector to play their respective advantages in the governance of unemployment and actively promote the re-employment of the unemployed .