
  • 网络Unemployment insurance system;system of unemployment insurance
  1. 论建立和完善我国县级失业保险制度

    On Establishing and Perfecting the System of Unemployment Insurance in Our County Level

  2. 贵州省失业保险制度自1986年建立以来,为保障失业人员基本生活、维护社会稳定、促进社会和谐发挥了重要的作用。

    Since the establishment of the system of unemployment insurance in Gui Zhou province in 1986 , it has played an important role in guaranteeing basic livings of the unemployed 、 maintaining social stability and promoting social harmony .

  3. 浅析中国失业保险制度

    A brief analysis on the current situation of Chinese unemployment insurance

  4. 尽快建立社会失业保险制度

    Establishment of a Social Unemployment Insurance System ── A Matter of Urgency

  5. 德国失业保险制度的调整及其依据

    Adjustment on German unemployment insurance system and its theoretical foundation

  6. 我国大学毕业生失业保险制度缺失问题研究

    Research on the Lack of Unemployment Insurance System for Graduates in China

  7. 我国失业保险制度的历史回顾与现实思考

    Review and Present Thought of the Unemployment Insurance System in Our Country

  8. 中英失业保险制度比较分析

    Chinese and British Unemployment Insurance Systems : a Comparative Study

  9. 对完善失业保险制度建设的分析

    Analysis of Perfecting the Construction of the Unemployment Insurance System

  10. 作者对大学生失业保险制度与失业救助制度的设计要点进行说明。

    The unemployment insurance system and the unemployment assistance system design description .

  11. 从福利到工作:中国失业保险制度的理性选择

    From Welfare to Work : Rational Choice of Unemployment Insurance System in China

  12. 第二部分,主要介绍失业保险制度的基本理论,包括失业的含义及分类;失业率的含义;

    Part II focuses on the basic theory of the unemployment insurance system .

  13. 因此,应当进行合理的制度设计,构建以就业为导向的积极的失业保险制度。

    Therefore , there should be positive unemployment insurance system of employment priority .

  14. 三,健全的失业保险制度,为再就业工程提供重要保证。

    Thirdly , sound unemployment insurance system provides reemployment project for important guarantee .

  15. 完善失业保险制度。

    We need to improve the unemployment insurance system .

  16. 中国失业保险制度的法制化建设

    Legalization construction of the unemployment insurance institution in China

  17. 中国失业保险制度正处在进一步完善阶段。

    China unemployment insurance institutions are still in the stage of further perfection .

  18. 中德失业保险制度之比较&写在《中德互免社会保险协定》实施之际

    A Comparison of Insurance System between China and Germany

  19. 中国失业保险制度中道德风险的控制机制研究

    The Research of Control Mechanism to Prevent Moral Hazard in Chinese Unemployment Insurance System

  20. 失业保险制度优化设计研究

    A Study on the Optimization of Unemployment Insurance

  21. 然而与世界上许多国家的失业保险制度相比,还有许多不尽完善的地方。

    However , it still needs further improvement compared to that of other countries .

  22. 我国就业结构变化与失业保险制度创新

    The Changes of Employment Structure and the Innovation of Unemployment Insurance System in China

  23. 中外失业保险制度的比较研究

    That the China and foreign countries lose job insures the comparison research of system

  24. 关于完善失业保险制度的思考

    Institutional Thinking of Concerning Perfect Unemployment Insurance

  25. 美国的失业保险制度浅析

    A Probe to American Unemployment Insurance System

  26. 论失业保险制度改革

    Questioning the Reformation of Unemployment Insurance System

  27. 失业保险制度的就业促进功能研究

    Employment Promotion Function of Unemployment Security System

  28. 健全失业保险制度和城市居民最低生活保障制度。

    We should improve the systems of unemployment insurance and subsistence allowances for urban residents .

  29. 建立与完善失业保险制度

    Establish and perfect unemployed insurance system

  30. 失业保险制度及其国际比较

    Unemployment insurance system and international comparation