
  • 网络insurance fund;Unemployment Insurance Fund
  1. 我国失业保险基金管理创新初探

    On the Management Innovation of the Unemployment Insurance Fund in China

  2. 失业保险基金供求平衡模型研究

    Research on Model of Balance between Supply and Demand of Unemployment Insurance Fund

  3. (二)按照规定负责失业保险基金的管理;

    B.being responsible for administration of unemployment insurance funds according to provisions ;

  4. 失业保险基金开支不合理、统筹层次和失业保险待遇偏低;

    The level if raising unemployment insurance fund and its treatment are lower ;

  5. 失业保险基金的利息并入失业保险基金。

    The interests are merged into unemployment insurance funds .

  6. 失业保险基金应该从筹集、运用和支出等方面加强管理。

    Unemployment insurance fund should be strengthened management from raising , application and expenditure .

  7. 第五条失业保险基金由下列各项构成

    Article5Unemployment insurance funds include the following items

  8. 失业保险基金是支撑失业保险制度运行的物质基础。

    Unemployment insurance fund is the material base for supporting unemployment insurance system to run .

  9. 北京市失业保险基金促进就业与预防失业功能研究

    Study on the Function of Unemployment Insurance Fund in Beijing in Promoting Employment and Preventing Unemployment

  10. 失业保险基金的利息;

    B.interest of unemployment insurance fund ;

  11. 第二章失业保险基金

    Chapter Two Unemployment Insurance Funds

  12. 浅析失业保险基金管理

    On Unemployment Insurance Fund Management

  13. 失业保险基金困境与合理筹措利用

    A study on the existing problems of unemployment insurance fund , its raising measures and its utilization

  14. 失业保险基金现在收缴率只占企业上交工资总额的0.6%至1%,失业保险金少。

    The unemployment insurance premiums paid by enterprises now only account for 0.6-1 percent of their total payroll .

  15. 第三十一条任何单位、个人挪用失业保险基金的,追回挪用的失业保险基金;

    Article 31 If any unit or individual misappropriates unemployment insurance funds , the misappropriated fund shall be recovered ;

  16. 有违法所得的,没收违法所得,并入失业保险基金;

    If there is illegal income , such illegal income shall be confiscated and merged into unemployment insurance funds ;

  17. 第二十六条财政部门和审计部门依法对失业保险基金的收支、管理情况进行监督。

    Article 26 Financial departments and auditing departments shall supervise the collection , payment and administration of unemployment insurance funds according to law .

  18. 失业保险基金专款专用,不得挪作他用,不得用于平衡财政收支。

    Unemployment insurance funds shall be used for their specific purposes , and may not be misused for other purposes or used to balance financial expenses and receipts .

  19. 我国失业保险基金管理水平较低,管理制度、管理体制、管理机制等方面存在诸多问题,管理创新迫在眉睫。

    A low quality in the management of the unemployment insurance fund in China and the existing problems in the management system and management mechanism call for management innovation .

  20. 在美国,如果州政府的失业保险基金不足而不能继续给付,则州政府可从联邦政府获得无息贷款。

    In america , if a state unemployment insurance fund is inadequate to continue paying benefits , the States then can borrow money from the federal government without paying interest .

  21. 这种对失业保险基金的信息化管理流程大大提高了前台业务人员的工作效率,简化了群众办事繁琐的程序,起到了便民快捷的效果。

    This kind of informatization of unemployed insurance fund management processes can greatly improve the efficiency of the business personnel receptionist ; simplify the wide rigamarole that played a convenient shortcut effect .

  22. 统筹地区的失业保险基金不敷使用时,由失业保险调剂金调剂、地方财政补贴。

    If unemployment funds in areas where overall planning is conducted are not enough for use , adjustment funds of unemployment insurance may be used as adjustment and local finance may be used as subsidies .

  23. 存入银行和按照国家规定购买国债的失业保险基金,分别按照城乡居民同期存款利率和国债利息计息。

    Unemployment insurance funds deposited into banks and used to buy national debts according to state provisions are accounted interests respectively according to the deposit rates of resident deposits during the same period and interests of national debt .

  24. 最后,这是保险单。城镇建立了城市最低生活保障、下岗职工基本生活保障和失业保险基金三大保障线。

    In towns and cities , three forms security system have been gradually established : the minimum living standard for citizens , the basic living security for laid-off and workers , and the insurance fund for the unemployed .

  25. 它是国家通过立法强制建立失业保险基金,对这些中断收入的劳动者,提供限定时期的物质帮助以及再就业服务的一项社会保险制度。

    It is a social insurance system that is through legislation to establish a mandatory unemployment insurance fund , and provide material assistance and limited period of re-employment services to those workers whose income were interrupted for a period .

  26. 筹资制度创新部分,笔者对资金的负担方式、筹资渠道、手段、费率以及筹资方式等方面都提出一些具体措施,希望能有效地保证失业保险基金的足额到位与失业保险制度的顺利运行;

    For the innovation of fund-raising system , the author presents some concrete countermeasures about its charging mode , channels of fund-raising , means , rates , etc , in order to ensure effectively sufficient allocation of unemployment insurance fund and smooth running of the system .

  27. 另外,北京市失业保险基金在十五期间的总体承受能力很强且存在缴费率下调的空间,较好地符合了市场经济结构调整和体制转型时期的运行要求。

    And during the tenth five-year plan , the bearing capability of Beijing unemployment insurance fund is very strong and there is enough space to let both individual contribution rate and the firm contribution rate go down , so that it can meet the demand of economic restructure better .

  28. 第三章分别从失业保险制度供求和失业保险基金供求两方面进行分析。

    Chapter III from the unemployment insurance system and the unemployment insurance fund demand and supply both the supply and demand analysis .

  29. 失业保险部分主要研究分析了河南省失业保险基金的收支情况、支出构成、下岗保障转向失业保险等问题;

    In unemployment insurance section , it mainly studies the income and expenditure conditions , expenditure structure , and the problems of transfering from unemployment indemnity to unemployment insurance in Henan Province .

  30. 失业人员在领取失业保险金期间死亡的,能否从失业保险基金中给予一定补偿?

    During unemployed personnel is getting unemployed insurance gold , die , whether offer fair compensation from inside unemployed insurance fund ?