
  • 网络Unemployment;unemployed;Unemployed persons
  1. 卖方市场条件下形成的供给结构与买方市场条件下变化中的需求结构之间的结构性矛盾已上升为主要矛盾,该结构矛盾已加剧了总量失衡,导致了总体经济增速减缓,失业人员增加。

    The structural contradiction between supply structure under seller 's market and demand structure under buyer 's market has become the main obstacle to future economic growth , which also deepens the total production disequilibrium , overall economic slump and unemployment increase .

  2. 城镇下岗失业人员的社会保障研究

    The Issue of Social Security for Unemployment in Urban China

  3. 一个没有提及的问题是,失业人员也许缺乏填补所提供的空职的技能。

    One problem not mentioned is the unemployed may not have the skills to fill the vacancies on offer

  4. 失业人员待遇低下是不公平的。

    It would be unfair to penalize those without a job .

  5. 这个国家现有四百万失业人员。

    There are now over four million unemployed workers in this country .

  6. 拒绝联邦政府对失业人员直接援助的自大的理由(b孝瑟M.施莱辛格)

    Highfalutin reasons for denying direct federal assistance to the unemployed ( bArthur M.Schlesinger , Jr )

  7. ta们有时也被称为失业人员或者自由职业者。

    They may also be described as underemployed or freelance workers .

  8. 据NPR新闻的伊娜·贾菲报道,失业人员或未充分就业人员为了生活不得不动用他们的退休储蓄。

    NPR 's Ina Jaffe reports that unemployed or underemployed workers had to dip into their retirement savings just to get by .

  9. 本文从某市2007-2008年登记的失业人员数据中随机选取了2753个样本,采用EM算法聚类对其聚类,并总结不同类别的显著特征。

    2753 samples were randomly selected from the data of unemployed people registered from 2007 to 2008 in XX City . As to these samples , EM algorithm is used for clustering and distinct features of different categories are also summed up .

  10. 超过半数的失业人员此前工作时有401k退休计划,他们表示他们已经将帐户里的资金取出。

    More than half of unemployed workers who had a 401k at their previous job say they 've withdrawn funds from the account .

  11. SYB培训项目引进中国后,其培训模式受到了广大创业者特别是下岗失业人员的欢迎,但其在高职院校中的应用较晚,目前还没开成系统化、制度化,还不够成熟。

    When SYB is in China , the model of training instruction is warmly welcome by both the Laid-off and Unemployed . Since this project started late in vocational colleges and has not been systemized or institutionalized , to the SYB trainings in vocational colleges is not mature .

  12. 这个国家现在有四百多万失业人员。

    There are now over four million unemployed in this country .

  13. 一是下岗失业人员增多,消费需求增长缓慢。

    First , the unemployed increases and consumption demand increases slowly .

  14. 失业人员可以选择是否申领失业保险待遇。

    Unemployed personnel can choose whether explain receive unemployed insurance treatment .

  15. 失业人员再就业要走劳动力市场这条路。

    The unemployed should seek jobs through the labor market .

  16. 农村的许多失业人员流动到城镇。

    Many of the rural jobless moved into the towns .

  17. 企业裁员沟通与被裁失业人员再就业关系的概念模型

    Conceptual Model of the Relationship between Corporate Downsizing Communication and Laid-offs Reemployment

  18. 这是2008年的失业人员总数。

    They are that we know the total job losses for 2008 .

  19. 这也意味着我们要为失业人员延长失业保险期。

    That means extending unemployment insurance for workers who lost their jobs .

  20. 长期失业人员现在构成了一个底层阶级。

    The long-term unemployed now constitute a sort of underclass .

  21. 失业人员归因心理分析&以苏南地区为例

    Study of Attributive Psychology of Unemployment in South Jiangsu Area

  22. 失业人员正饱尝市场经济的苦果。

    The unemployed are tasting the bitter fruits of the market economy .

  23. 负责失业人员的登记、调查、统计;

    A.being responsible for registration , investigation and statistics of the unemployed ;

  24. 下岗失业人员小额贷款政策执行过程研究

    Study on the Executing Process of the Laid-off Workers ' Microfinance Policy

  25. 虽然下岗失业人员是城市弱势群体的重要组成部分,但是他们与传统的城市弱势人员不同。

    Laid-off workers have become the important parts of city vulnerable groups .

  26. 城市国企失业人员心理压力的社会学研究

    The Sociology Research on Psychological Pressure of City State-owned Enterprise Unemployed Person

  27. 论对下岗失业人员的创业指导

    On guidance of starting undertaking of laid off and unemployed

  28. 后者包括人力资本缺乏和下岗失业人员再就业存在多重障碍。

    The latter includes the lack of human resource and reemployment obstacles .

  29. 下岗失业人员再就业困难,既有主观的原因,也有客观的原因。

    Analysis of causes for difficulty of reemployment is proposed .

  30. 这使公众服务紧缩,引发了失业人员的焦虑。

    It 's straining public services and worrying the jobless .