
  1. 社会保险关系转移包括社会保险关系转入以及转出。

    Move of social insurance concern includes social insurance concern to turn and turn piece .

  2. 我国社会保险关系地区转移存在问题与对策研究

    The Problems Existing in the Social Insurance Relations Between the Regions in China and Its Countermeasures

  3. 抓紧研究制定社会保险关系跨地区转移接续办法。

    We will step up efforts to formulate methods for transferring social security accounts of workers moving from one region to another .

  4. 提高统筹层次,制定全国统一的社会保险关系转续办法。

    We will upgrade management of social security funds to higher-level authorities and work out unified methods for transferring social security accounts nationwide .

  5. 在办理社会保险关系转出手续时,需提供《社会保险关系转出申请表》一式两份。

    In conduction society insurance concern turns when skill add , need to offer " social insurance concern turns an application form " in duplicate .

  6. 进入改制后企业的职工均重新签订劳动合同,并由改制后企业接续各项社会保险关系。

    For employees who will join the enterprise after restructure , their contracts of labor should be resigned and their social insurance should be ensured continually by restructured enterprise .

  7. 高光泽彩色喷墨打印纸中纸和油墨的相互关系及保存性能探讨我国社会保险关系地区转移存在问题与对策研究

    Study on the Paper-ink Interaction and Fastness Properties of High Gloss Ink-jet Printing Paper The Problems Existing in the Social Insurance Relations Between the Regions in China and Its Countermeasures

  8. 社会保险不仅关系到公民的基本权利,更关系到公民的切身利益。

    Social insurance is related to the fundamental rights of citizens .

  9. 社会保险直接关系到人民群众的切身利益,针对社会保险进行的社会保险审计则显得更为重要。

    Social insurance is directly related to the vital interests of the people , and social insurance audit is much more important .

  10. 关于商业保险与社会保险的关系,笔者认为前者为基本保险,后者为次要保险,而由前者负终局性给付义务。

    As to the relationship between commercial insurance and social insurance , the writer holds that the former is the basic one and the later is subordinate .

  11. 农村社会养老保险关系到农民的切身利益,是影响农村稳定发展、社会公平、社会和谐的重要因素。

    Rural social pension insurance is related to the interests of farmers , it is also an important factor in stability of rural development , social equity and social harmony .

  12. 社会养老保险是关系到我国改革和社会稳定的一项工程。

    Social insurance of annuity is a great engineering about reform and social stability in China .

  13. 目前非全日制就业需要解决的问题包括工时、最低工资、社会保险、劳工关系等。

    Now the problem that the part-time system employment demand resolve includes man-hour , lowest wages , social insurance , labor relation etc.

  14. 农民工的就业与社会保险政策的关系研究&以劳动力市场分割理论为分析视角

    The Research on The Relation between The Farmer Workers ' Employment and The Social Insurance Policy & From The Segmented Labor Market Theory Point of View

  15. 农村的社会养老保险制度关系农民的切身利益,关乎农村社会的稳定和长治久安。

    The Old-Age Insurance System in Rural Areas is a matter of concern to peasants ' vital interests , and stability and long-term peace and order in village as well .

  16. 劳动者与用工单位解除劳动关系后,其参加社会养老保险的关系由当地社会保险经办机构予以保留。

    Laborer removes with the unit that use worker worker after labor concerns , the significance that its play social endowment insurance is given by orgnaization of agency of local society insurance reservation .

  17. 养老社会保险制度设计关系到不同社会机构、不同社会群体的权益关系,设计一种科学合理公平的养老社会保险制度是一件比较复杂的工作。

    The social pension insurance system is related to interests of different social organization and social groups . It is a complicated task to design a social pension system that is reasonable and scientific .

  18. 替代还是互补:社会保险与商业保险关系的理论和实证分析

    Substitute or Complementary : Relationship between Social Insurance and Business Insurance

  19. 社会保险经办管理直接关系着百姓的切身利益,关系着社会保险事业的发展。

    Social insurance administration is directly related to the vital interests of the people and the development of social insurance .

  20. 同时,理顺城镇居民养老保险制度与最低生活保障制度、农村社会养老保险制度的关系。

    At last , we estimate the capital requirement with the actuarial model and straighten the relationship between the Noncontributory Pension for urban residents , the Minimum Living Standard security system and the Rural Social Pension system .

  21. 用人单位招收下岗失业人员,要及时到社会保险经办机构为其办理社会保险关系接续和转移手续。

    Unit of choose and employ persons recruits personnel of unemployment of come off sentry duty , should be its in time to deal with continue of social insurance concern and move formalities to orgnaization of social insurance agency .

  22. 社会保障法所调整的社会关系主要有社会保险关系、社会救助关系、社会福利关系以及社会优抚关系。

    The relations that the social security adjusts includes the following : social insurance , social assistance , social welfare , and social special care .

  23. 在这一部分里,首先阐述了行政给付的概念,及其与干涉行政、行政补偿、社会保障、社会慈善业、社会保险等概念的关系;

    In this part , I have explained the concept of administrative benefit at first , and explained the relation between administrative benefit and interfere administration , administration compensating , social security , social insurance etc.