
  • 网络social distance;social distancing
  1. 社交距离是在一起工作或在社交场合中相识的人之间的距离,一般在1.30至2米间。

    Social distance covers people who work together or are meeting at social gatherings . Distances here tend to be kept between 1.30 to 2 metres .

  2. 人们对间接言语行为的使用是为了表现人际之间的社交距离,或者体现人际之间对某些敏感问题的回避态度,间接言语行为还体现了人们为达到某一目的时所使用的语言技巧。

    Indirect speech acts can be used for the presentation of mutual social distance , or the evasion of some subtle problems , and some linguistic skills for reaching certain purposes in communication .

  3. 在超级碗赛场上,“纸板球迷”被分散开来,以让现场球迷真正保持社交距离。而在一些其他体育赛场上,纸板观众通常都“聚集”在一些电视报道较集中的区域。

    Unlike other sporting events where the cardboard cutouts are all bunch together in some areas of the stadium that receive the most TV coverage , the fake Super Bowl fans are spread out to keep the real fans socially distant .

  4. 这些场所必须遵守社交距离以及严格的卫生措施。

    They are required to physical distancing and strict hygiene measures .

  5. 有关部门试图在保持社交距离的同时疏散数百成民众。

    Authorities were trying to evacuate millions of people while maintaining social distancing .

  6. 纽约州州长安德鲁·科莫表示,将社交距离政策的实施时间。

    Governor Andrew Cuomo says the time of social distancing will be extended .

  7. 官员们用扩音器命令人们继续保持社交距离,并返回家中。

    Officials with loudspeakers ordered people to continue social distancing and return to their homes .

  8. 社交距离规则有助于八卦在社会中发挥重要作用——建立社会关系;

    The distance rule allows gossip to perform its vital social functions - social bonding ;

  9. 大多数美国人在3月中旬开始开始居家并保持社交距离。

    Most Americans started staying at home and observing social distancing in the middle of March .

  10. 这就是社交距离的规则。

    This is the distance rule .

  11. 一家以色列公司认为在办公室天花板上安装智能传感器将有助于保持社交距离。

    An Israeli company thinks it can help , using smart sensors mounted on workplace ceilings .

  12. 受阅方队按照社交距离规定进行安置,同时受阅车辆也进行了消毒处理。

    Formations were arranged under social distancing rules , while vehicles underwent a thorough disinfection sweep .

  13. 研究还表明,在取消出行限制后,社交距离可以大大帮助减少病例。

    The study also suggests social distancing can greatly help reducing cases after travel restrictions are lifted .

  14. 中国香港特别行政区决定将社交距离限制再延长一周。

    The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has decided to extend its social distancing restrictions for another week .

  15. 警方命令抗议者散开,因为他们未能遵循社交距离,且未戴口罩。

    The police ordered protesters to disperse because they failed to observe social distancing and were not wearing masks .

  16. 与此同时,墨西哥也在采取一些“扩大社交距离”的措施。

    At the same time , the country has also taken a number of " social distancing " measures .

  17. 贝卢斯科尼敦促意大利民众认真对待新冠病毒,遵守戴口罩、保持社交距离的规定,还要勤洗手。

    Berlusconi urged Italians to the virus and mask mandates , social distancing norms , and frequent hand washing .

  18. 他还表示了对人群聚集、不戴口罩、无视社交距离规定的担忧。

    He also expressed concern that people are congregating in crowds without any face coverings and disregarding the social distancing rules .

  19. 英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊举行了最后一场冠状病毒每日简报会,同时,英国放松了社交距离规定。

    British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has held the final daily coronavirus briefing as social distancing rules are eased in England .

  20. 疫情之下,如果企业想把不情愿复工的员工拉回办公室,找到保持社交距离的方法很关键。

    If businesses are to get reluctant workers back into the office , finding ways to maintain social distancing will be key .

  21. 组织者告知粉丝们在圣火传递时要在路边保持社交距离,并且不要大声欢呼。

    Fans were told to social-distance along the roadside as the torch passes , and they are to refrain from loud cheering .

  22. 她强调,在放松封城措施的情况下,每个人都有遵守社交距离和卫生条件的“共同责任”。

    She stresses that everyone share a " joint responsibility " in following social distancing and hygiene rules as lockdown rules are relaxed .

  23. 白宫冠状病毒工作组协调员表示,尽管对病毒的预测是积极的,但社交距离措施需要持续整个夏天。

    The White House Coronavirus Task Force coordinator says social distancing measures need to continue through the summer despite positive projections on the virus .

  24. 对于那些即将上大学的人来说,不知道实施社交距离限制的校园里是什么样的生活,令人不安。

    For those heading to college , it is unsettling not to know what life will be like on a campus with social distancing .

  25. 他表示,公众仍应继续保持社交距离,遵循防疫措施,特别是在即将到来的五一假期。

    He says the public should still continue to maintain social distancing and follow prevention measures , especially during the upcoming May Day holiday .

  26. 一般来说,发达国家在监测、诊断、提供治疗、扩大社交距离措施都比发展中国家准备程度高。

    Generally rich countries will be better prepared in terms of surveillance , diagnosis , availability of treatment , social distancing than poorer countries .

  27. 纽约州州长安德鲁·科莫表示,随着近日住院治疗率的降低,社交距离措施似乎正在起作用。

    New York Governor Andrew Cuomo says social distancing measures seem to be working as the rate of hospitalizations has slowed in recent days .

  28. 最近的研究领域已经扩展到社会因素对其的影响,如权力、性别差别及社交距离。

    More recently the field of research has expanded to include the effects of social factors , such as relative power , gender difference and social distance .

  29. 白宫预测,如果继续实施社交距离措施,美国将有10万至24万人死于冠状病毒疫情。

    The White House is projecting that between 100000 to 240000 people in the U.S. will die from the coronavirus pandemic if social distancing measures continue to be followed .

  30. 预测表明,如果美国不实施社交距离,将有150万至220万人死亡。

    The projections suggest that , if no social distancing measures had been put in place across the country , between 1.5 million to 2.2 million people would have died .