
  • 网络Social Paradox
  1. 这个结果为社会悖论的进化对策研究及其在社会经济方面的应用提供一种有效的研究手段。

    This study provides an efficient approach to research evolution games of the social dilemmas and its applications in social economics field .

  2. 采用理论分析与计算机试验的方法研究一类常见的社会悖论问题&重复多人囚犯博弈问题。

    N-person prisoner 's game , which is a kind of social dilemma , is developed by the means of both theoretical analyses and computer simulations .

  3. 社会悖论是在社会生活中大量存在的多人非合作博弈问题,但用经典对策论难以得到有意义的结果。

    Social dilemmas are n-person non-cooperation game problems existed widely in the social life , which is difficult to obtain valuable results only using classical game theory .

  4. 他批判统治者运用技术理性控制人的发展,使人的生存异化,也分析并批判了由此产生的诸多社会悖论问题。

    He criticizes the ruler to control human 's development with the technical rationality , causes human 's survival dissimilation , has analyzed and criticized from these many social paradoxs questions produced .

  5. 美国芝加哥大学行为科学教授埃普利说,当上班族错误地寻求独处时,每天早晨全世界的火车和公交车上就上演了一出社会悖论剧。

    Nicholas Epley , a professor of behavioural science at the University of Chicago in the US , said there 's a social paradox that plays out on trains and buses around the world every morning when commuters mistakenly seek solitude .

  6. 我说可能是《萨迦》,我想去讨论宗教的世俗化问题,信仰与物质社会的悖论。

    I said I might do something on Sakya , that I wanted to explore the issue of the secularization of religion , and the paradox between faith and material society .

  7. 作者认为消费社会的悖论和危机是资本主义社会基本矛盾的体现。因而不能靠资本主义本身来解决。

    The author is convinced that the paradoxes and crises of consumer society are the embodiment of the basic contradictions of capitalist society , which hence cannot be solved by capitalist society itself .

  8. 经济转型与社会公平的悖论&来自俄罗斯的启示

    Paradox of Economic Transformation and Social Equity & Enlightenment from Russia

  9. 论科学技术社会功能的悖论性

    Paradox of Social Functions of Science and Technology

  10. 社会认识的悖论分析

    Paradox in Social Knowledge

  11. 这是开放社会的一个悖论:既然秩序得不到自动恢复和保持,公众就会要求政府大张旗鼓地维持秩序。

    It is a paradox of open societies : since order cannot be taken for granted , the public demands that government ostentatiously impose it .

  12. 社会福利的国家道义与福利社会化逻辑悖论分析

    Logic Paradox Analysis on Social Welfare and Moral Welfare

  13. 作为现代化的文化逻辑,世俗化已经成为中国社会发展进程中的必然现象,大众文化作为世俗化的一种独特表现形式,对于青年社会化悖论性地展示出其双重面相。

    As the cultural logic of modernization , secularization has become an ineluctable phenomenon in the process of social development in China . The mass culture as a particular form of secularization exhibits paradoxically its double faces in the course of youth socialization .

  14. 网络技术所铸造的网络时代导致了人的社会化的新变化,这些变化既有积极的,也有消极的,进而形成了一系列的人的社会化悖论。

    The network time molded by network technology leads to the new changes of man 's socialization . Such changes have active respect , as well as passive respect and further form a series of absurd talks about man 's socialization , which mainly expresses in seven respects ;