
  • 网络social insurance law;social security act;ASVG
  1. 社会保险法立法需要重点解决的几个问题

    A Few Important Problems to be Solved in Social Insurance Law Legislation

  2. 社会保险法基本原则研究

    On the Basic Principles of the Social Insurance Law

  3. 社会保险法立法中授权立法和政府自由裁量权问题研究

    On Authorized Legislation and Governmental Discretional Power in Social Insurance Legislation

  4. 社会保险法与侵权行为法的冲突与融合

    The Conflict and Integration between the Social Insurance and the Tort Law

  5. 论社会保险法中企业角色的定位

    On the Positioning of the Enterprise Role in the Social Law of Insurance

  6. 配合做好社会保险法(草案)修改论证工作。

    Review and revise of Social Insurance Law ( draft ) are under way .

  7. 这就是社会保险法和侵权行为法能够共存的根本原因。

    This is the basic reason why the social insurance and the law of trot can coexist .

  8. 本文对《社会保险法》颁布后,现有法律存在的不足进行了梳理和分析。

    After promulgating of " social insurance law ", combs and analyses problems of the existing legal .

  9. 《社会保险法》的出台为我国养老保障体制奠定了基本框架。

    The Social Insurance Law has established the basic institutional framework for our country 's endowment insurance system .

  10. 目前,社会保险法已进入立法程序,养老保险制度正逐步走向定型。

    At present the Social Insurance Law has entered the legislative process and pension insurance system is gradually moving towards stereotypes .

  11. 根据一些行政法规,如社会保险法,复审最初由联邦地区法院负责。

    Under sane administrative statutes , such as the Social Security Act , review occurs initially in a federal district court .

  12. 随着事业单位养老保险制度改革在五省市进行试点和《中国社会保险法》的出台,原本就广为人诟病的公务员养老保险问题更加引人关注。

    With The introduction of " China Social Security Act ", the already widely-criticized old-age insurance for civil servants became more concerned .

  13. 《社会保险法》的广受争议以及出台的举步维艰正是对这一现状的最真实写照。

    The much controversy on " Social Insurance Law " and its difficult publish are the most realistic portrayal to this situation .

  14. 认为社会保险法具有自己独立的调整对象,是从属于社会保障法的一个法律部门。

    The social insurance law which has its own independent object of adjustment is a branch department subordinate to the social security law .

  15. 第三人侵权情况下的工伤事故,涉及社会保险法和民事侵权赔偿两个法律关系调整。

    The work-related injury caused by the third party infringement belongs to legal relations , that is , social insurance law and civil infringement indemnification .

  16. 在最新的社会保险法草案出台之前,交通强制保险一直是保险领域内关注度最高的明星险种。

    The compulsory insurance for traffic accident had been focused as a " Star insurance " in the insurance field until the latest Social Insurance Law was promulgated .

  17. 在华经营的外国公司面临成本显著提高的局面,原因是7月1日起实施的中国社会保险法将首次适用于外籍员工。

    Foreign companies in China face significantly higher costs because of a new social insurance law that will apply to expatriate employees for the first time from July 1 .

  18. 社会保险法的基本原则是指导社会保险立法和司法的基本准则,在社会保险法中居于统帅的地位。

    The basic principles of the social insurance law are the basic criterion of the corresponding legislative and judicial conducts and play a regnant role in the social insurance law .

  19. 主要有以下几点建议:第一,在《社会保险法》出台的同时,做好相关配套法律法规,新农保实施一定要做到立法先行。

    Mainly have the following Suggestions : first , in " social insurance law " issued at the same time , completes the related laws and regulations , and the new farming the implementation must do legislation to go first .

  20. 立法模式的选择上,也应当以统一的模式,将公务员年金法律设置统一纳入《社会保险法》中。在管理监督模式上以纵向横向上进行设计,建立一个具有中国特色的公务员年金制度。

    Legislation of the model should be unified the civil service into a unified pension law , " Social Insurance Law ", based on the establishment of horizontal and vertical management model and the establishment of a civil service pension system with Chinese characteristics .

  21. 我挺社保和医保,并且我知道如果联邦社会保险捐款法不设上限,而且每个人都将全部收入存进这个系统,这些计划是会自我保持的。

    I 'm for Social Security and Medicare , and I know these programs would be self-sustaining if the FICA cap were removed and everyone paid into the system on 100 % of their income .

  22. 随着社会保险介入侵权法调整的领域,它势必给侵权法造成冲击或者说挑战。

    As the social insurance enter the field of the adjustment of the law of tort , it will surely impact on or challenge the applied field and the social function of the law of tort .

  23. 在某些领域,至少是人身侵害领域存在着社会保险和侵权行为法共存的事实。

    In certain circumstances , at least in the field of bodily injury , the social insurance and the law of tort has been coexisting .

  24. 第三部门着重讨论了与严格责任相关的责任保险制度和社会保险制度带给侵权法的冲击,从而引出第四部分的结论,严格责任作为一把双刃剑的角色定位。

    The third section discusses related liability and strict liability insurance system and social insurance system to bring the impact of tort law . which leads to the conclusion of the fourth section , strict liability as a double-edged sword role orientation .

  25. 社会保险行政部门应当按照社会保险法的规定,对外国人参加社会保险的情况进行监督检查。

    The social insurance administrative authorities shall supervise and inspect the participation of foreigners in social insurances in accordance with the Social Insurance Law .

  26. 现代社会中,工伤损害赔偿机制涉及商业保险法、社会保险法、侵权行为法等多个领域。

    In modern society , industrial injury compensation mechanism stretches to many fields like commercial insurance law , social security law and violence of behavior rights .

  27. 由于我国农村与城市两元化,现行农村社会养老保险体现出与城市不同的法律特征,农村社会养老保险法与城市相比也有许多差异。

    The nowadays rural social endowment insurance shows different characteristics from the cities , and so the rules , because the rural areas and the cities in China are so different from each other .

  28. 通过对我国社会保险立法现状和现实问题的分析,指出了社会保险立法的必要性,并重点探讨了社会保险法的基本原则、法律关系以及社会保险的法律救济等基本理论问题。

    By analyzing the legislation situation and realism problems , this article points out the necessity of legislation of social insurance , mainly discusses fundamental principles , legal nexus about social insurance law and the legal remedy of social insurance etc.