
  • 网络social isolation
  1. 而主流文化认同和积极的民族认同与失范感、社会孤立感、文化分离感、自我分离感之间的相关都不显著。

    But there was no remarkable correlation between host culture identity and positive ethnic identity and normlessness , social isolation , culture separation and self-separation .

  2. 一种可能的解释是社会孤立&我们更喜欢在独自一人时做更多的事情,而比以前更少参加集体活动。

    One possible explanation is social isolation & we tend to do more things on our own and engage in fewer group activities than we used to .

  3. 这个国家受到了完全被国际社会孤立的威胁,除非其暴行得以制止。

    The country has been threatened with complete isolation from the international community unless the atrocities stop .

  4. 他许多最有名的画都是他被社会孤立所画的。

    Many of his most famous paintings were isolated by society .

  5. 首先,在被国际社会孤立了几十年之后,缅甸的建设能力严重不足。

    First , after decades of isolation there is a desperate lack of capacity .

  6. 城市学生的压迫疏离感和社会孤立感高于农村学生。

    The levels of compulsion-alienation and sense of isolation of urban students are higher than those of rural students ;

  7. 白宫官员表示,想办法使所有卡扎菲身边的人都背弃他是美国及国际社会孤立卡扎菲、拯救利比亚的一项重要战略。

    Administration officials said that getting the people around Colonel Qaddafi to abandon him is a key part of the American and international strategy to isolate him .

  8. 科学家们想要知道,到底是什么让友谊如此有益健康,而社会孤立又如此有害,而他们正在收集的虽然并非决定性线索,但也令人兴奋。

    Scientists want to know what , exactly , makes friendship so healthy and social isolation so harmful , and they 're gathering provocative , if not yet definitive , clues .

  9. 南斯拉夫周二获得联合国安理会准许以新会员国的身份加入联合国,向结束该国八年来在国际社会孤立状态的目标再迈进一步。

    Yugoslavia moved a step closer Tuesday toward ending eight years of international isolation by winning the Security Council 's endorsement for it to join the United Nations as a new member .

  10. 以色列是中东地区的一个政治经济军事强国,1948年建国后以色列就积极的开展对非外交,以摆脱被国际社会孤立的态势。

    Israel is a political economic and military power in the Middle East , which has been carrying out positive diplomatic activities with African countries to break away from the international isolated situation since its foundation in 1948 .

  11. 但是游戏业也招致一些批评的声音,主要是游戏内容的健康性,游戏玩家容易沉湎其中而造成社会孤立感,并缺乏有效的身体锻炼。

    But the game industry has also incurred some criticisms , mainly about whether the game content is healthy or not ; the sense of isolation caused by the players ' addiction and the lack of effective physical activity .

  12. 男辅导师在社会孤立、活力品质和超越品质上辅导效果好于女辅导师;女辅导师在抑郁、未来希望和自我原谅上辅导效果好于男辅导师。

    In terms of counselors gender , counseling effects of male counselors in social isolation , vigor quality and transcendence quality , are better than female counselors ; but in depression , future hope and self-forgiveness , counseling effects of female counselors are better than male counselors .

  13. 不能脱离社会理论孤立地讨论惩罚。

    Punishment cannot be discussed in isolation from social theory .

  14. 美国政府在2009年推动国际货币基金组织(IMF)进行治理改革,但主要由于右翼的阻挠,美国未能批准改革方案,令其在国际社会陷入孤立。

    Largely because of resistance from the right , the US stands alone in the world in failing to approve the International Monetary Fund governance reforms that Washington itself pushed for in 2009 .

  15. 患听力障碍的儿童和成年人往往会受到歧视并为社会所孤立。

    Hearing impaired children and adults are often stigmatized and socially isolated .

  16. 我们呼吁国际社会将孤立种族隔离政权的运动进行下去。

    We call on the international community to continue the campaign to isolate the apartheid regime .

  17. 每个人都要盘算一下,被社会严重孤立的风险是否会高于受到宽容接纳的可能性。

    Every person has to decide , is the risk of severe social isolation greater than the possible greater social acceptance ?

  18. 认知无线电技术字词再认任务中不同认知方式个体的社会定向研究孤立字词识别

    Study on the Social Orientation of Field-dependent and Field-independent Individual in Chinese Word Recognition Task

  19. 因为那时世界的总人口数量很小,早期的社会可以在孤立状态下存活。

    Because the world 's total population was small , the earliest societies were able to survive in isolation .

  20. 他的小说具有现代叙事文学的共同特点:错综复杂的情节,通俗易懂的语言和一定的历史距离感;社会批评不再孤立自足地出现,而是嵌在情节本身里,作为它自然的派生物。

    They have the common characteristics of the modern literature : the intricate plot , easily understandable language and certain sense of historical distance ; the critical views of the society are no longer isolated , but embedded in the very plot as its derivation .

  21. 电化教育的发展是不可能脱离其社会环境而孤立发展的,它依附于社会的发展也推动社会的发展,故应该把电化教育放置于当时的社会环境中来进行系统研究。

    2 , audio-visual education development is not isolated from their social environment development , and it attached to social development as well as promoting the development of society , so should be placed on audio-visual education in the social environment at that time to carry out system .

  22. 民族文化与基础教育并非独立于社会环境,彼此孤立的存在着。

    National culture and basic education is not independent of social environment .

  23. 国际货币基金组织的这项决定标志着国际社会正在进一步改变孤立卢卡申科总统领导的白俄罗斯政府的作法。

    The IMF agreement marks a further easing of the international isolation of the government of President Alexander Lukashenko .

  24. 脱离语境或社会文化背景而孤立地理解语言,往往会笑话百出,甚至不知所云。

    Without a specific language context or cultural background , the independent comprehension of a language will be tricky or nonsense .

  25. 同许多发展中国家一样,中国的残疾人往往由于社会偏见而被孤立,或是难以得到适当的护理和照顾。

    As in many developing countries , people with disabilities in China are often isolated by social stigma or lack of access to proper care .

  26. 语言不是脱离社会而存在的孤立的抽象符号系统,它是随着社会的发展而发展,随着社会的变化而变化的。

    Language is not an isolated abstract sign system out of society , it develops as the society develops , and it changes as the society changes .

  27. 听力障碍还会妨碍患者的学业或职场发展,使他们在社会生活中受到孤立,更加难逃贫穷的厄运。

    Hearing impairment also makes it more difficult for them to escape poverty by hindering progress in school or in the workplace and by isolating them socially .

  28. 这样只能导致对人性的抽象认识,脱离了一定社会的生产关系孤立的看待人,忽视了受教育者的主体地位,造成道德教育中的无人现象。

    This can lead to human nature from the abstract knowledge , certain social relations of production , the isolated ignored at the pedagogue , moral education subject position of unmanned phenomenon .

  29. 他的政府早已明确表示没有计划进行报复性打击,但会迫使国际社会采取行动对付孤立的朝鲜。

    His government has already made clear it has no plans for a retaliatory strike of its own but will be pressing the international community to take action against the reclusive North .

  30. 地位不一致性是社会转型的一个必然结果,具有导致社会孤立、身心病症、腐败行为、社会变革、社会流动努力、平衡紧张与压力等方面的影响。

    It is also an inevitable result of social transformation and will cause such influence as social isolation , symptoms in body and mind , corrupt behavior , social reform , efforts of social mobility and balance of nervousness and social pressure .