
  • 网络Network communication;cmc;Social networking;computer-mediated communication
  1. 语域理论模式下的网络交际和网络语言

    The Application of Register Theory to the Analysis of CMC and Cyber-language

  2. 在结尾处,笔者强调了网络交际文化研究的两大方面&语法和语用。

    At the end of Chapter Four , it is pointed out that the study of CMC culture concerns the study of both grammatical rules and pragmatic rules of the language used .

  3. 由于这种新的语言形式逐渐被人们在网络交际中认可和使用,后来,更多的学者,象SusanHerring,RodneyJones等,更进一步分析了网络语言的语言特征。

    And many scholars , like Susan Herring , Rodney Jones , have analyzed the special features of the Internet language , as the result of the general acceptance and adoption of the new form by more and more people in CMC .

  4. 网络交际:跨文化交际研究的新视域

    Communication on Internet : A New Field for Cross-cultural Communication Studies

  5. 网络交际中自然语言的属性

    The Attribute of the Natural Language in the Network Communication

  6. 试析语言的经济原则在网络交际中的运行和应用

    The Reflection of the Principle of Economy in Net-language

  7. 电子邮件的网络交际文化特征

    On the Cyber-Communication Cultural Features of E mail

  8. 随着互联网的迅速发展,一门新兴的语言形式&网络交际语正在形成;

    A new language is in the forming on the internet , network language .

  9. 商务电子邮件的网络交际文体特征

    On the cyber-communication stylistic features of business email

  10. 浅谈网络交际的基本特征及其规制

    On the characteristics and regulations of net communication

  11. 网络交际是人们交流与沟通的重要方式。

    Network communication is an important way for exchange and communication in the 20th century .

  12. 网络交际中英语及其所代表的文化的应用远远多于其他语言及文化,占有绝对的统治地位,影响了跨文化交际中语言与文化的平衡与发展。

    The English language and the culture it stands for dominates the Internet intercultural communication .

  13. 网络交际英语的文体特征

    Stylistic Features of English for Internet Communication

  14. 浅析网络交际语

    An Analysis of Network Communicative Language

  15. 网络交际语言的特征探析

    Feature Analysis of Network Communication Language

  16. 任务型教学与跨文化网络交际

    Task-based and Cross-cultural Internet Communicational Teaching

  17. 但是现在它们越来越多的是用于人际交往,即以计算机为中介的网络交际或简称网络交际。

    Increasing in popularity , however , is their use in person-to-person communication , called computer-mediated communication .

  18. 交际法和任务型教学法之异同任务型教学与跨文化网络交际

    On the Relations between the Communicative Approach and the Task-based Approach Task-based and Cross-cultural Internet Communicational Teaching

  19. 网络交际是信息时代一种新型的复合式交际方式,相应地,网络语言的含义也可有多种理解。

    The network communication is a new complex way of communication in the period of knowledge and information .

  20. 情感符在网络交际中的出现与流行,反映了书面交际与口头交际的融合趋势。

    Its appearance and popularity in e-language reflects a tendency towards bridging the gap between oral and written communication .

  21. 网络交际中双话题平行推进的语用特征与话轮结构

    On the Pragmatic Characters of the Parallel Development of Double-Topic in Cyber Communication and it 's Models of Conversational Turn

  22. 第五章探讨网络交际可能带来的诸多问题,涉及社会文化、语言学、法律等方面。

    Chapter Five attempts to discover problems and challenges for future discussion , which involve cultural , linguistic and legal concerns .

  23. 本文试图根据所收集的电子邮件探讨商务电子邮件的网络交际文体特征。

    This paper aims to discuss the cyber-communication stylistic features of business emails based on the sample emails collected by the author .

  24. 网络交际推动着跨文化交际学的嬗变、重组和新的建构。

    This paper argues that , in order to adapt to this new kind of communication , cross-cultural communication studies need reorganization and reconstruction .

  25. 虚拟的网络交际空间形成了网络交际不同于日常交际的新交际环境。

    The hypothesized network human relations space formed the network human relations to be different with the daily human relations new human relations environment .

  26. 语言交际符号系统当然是主要的,但在非语言交际符号的辅助下,网络交际才焕发出更大的活力。

    Verbal communication symbol system plays the main role , yet with support of nonverbal communication symbols , net communication is greatly vitalized with vigor .

  27. 网络交际中,非语言交际符号与语言交际符号是两个并行的系统,网络非语言交际发挥着表明态度、强化感情、补充说明等作用。

    In network communication , nonverbal communication sign is a parallel system against verbal communication sign , playing the role of expression , enhancement , complementarity and so on .

  28. 文章还分析了以网络交际为核心的语境因素在英文电子书信体特征形成过程中的重要作用。

    It also analyses the situational contexts which , based on cyber - communication , have played a great role in the forming of the genre 's stylistic features .

  29. 网络交际语逐渐成为一种崭新的语言变体,该变体有独特的构词方式,在社会语言学的语域方面有着自身的特点。

    Cyber language gradually became one kind of new language variety , which has a particular way of word-building and has its own features in sociolinguistics , especially in register .

  30. 其为现代汉语变异形式的一种,是人们为适应网络交际的语境,采用的一种现代汉语的变异形式。

    That it is a mutated form of modern Chinese , is the people to adapt to the context of network communication , the use of a variant form of modern Chinese .