
  • Network Marketing;Internet Marketing;E-Marketing
  1. 基于Web服务的网络营销集成方案的研究

    Research of network marketing integrated scheme based on web service

  2. 基于web的汽车网络营销系统设计与研究

    Design and Research of Based on Web Network Marketing System of the Vehicle

  3. 基于INTERNET的企业网络营销系统

    The Network Business System Based on Internet

  4. 我国网络营销发展现状与加入WTO对其影响

    Internet Marketing in China and Influences of Entering WTO upon It

  5. E时代重庆旅游网络营销策略探讨

    A Study on Chongqing Tourism Marketing Online Strategy in the Age of Internet

  6. CM公司网络营销策略分析及调整方案

    The Analysis of CM E-marketing Strategy and Adjustment Solution

  7. 第七部分介绍网络营销对我国经济发展、法制、税制和Internet的影响。

    The seventh section introduces the effect of network marketing on our national economic development , legal institutions , taxation and internet .

  8. 随着Internet的发展和普及,网络营销逐渐成为很多企业的主要营销方式。

    Network Marketing ( NM ) become the main marketing way gradually in many enterprises , while the development and popularization of Internet .

  9. 基于网络营销的房地产CRM研究

    Research on Customer Relationship Management Based on Internet Marketing in Real Estate Industry

  10. 因此,对于作为接入服务提供商的CM公司而言,制定更为行之有效的网络营销策略是当务之急。

    As an Internet service provider , it is urgent for CM Corporation to make more effective E-Marketing strategy .

  11. 最后,对服务营销、关系营销、网络营销以及体验营销理念在AL英语培训公司的市场应用中的应用进行了研究。

    Finally , service marketing , relationship marketing , network marketing and experiential marketing concept in the AL English training market applications .

  12. 随着Internet的产生和发展,网络营销作为一种新的营销方式应运而生并且得到了快速发展。

    With the generation and development of Internet , being as a new marketing mode , the network marketing arises at the historic moment and gets fast development .

  13. Internet的发展和应用,改变了传统的营销环境,企业的营销方式从传统的市场营销转向网络营销。

    With the development and application of Internet , the circumstance of traditional marketing changed ; the manner of marketing turned from traditional marketing to e - marketing .

  14. facebook卷入诉讼之际,美国议员正在审核可能导致客户意外付费的其它网络营销活动。

    The Facebook dispute comes as US lawmakers are looking at other Internet marketing practices that can result in unexpected charges for consumers .

  15. 他的配偶、网络营销专家彼得(Peter)无法获得伴随沙米姆驻香港所需的签证,只能留在英国。

    Unable to obtain the necessary visa to accompany him , his partner Peter , a web-marketing professional , was staying behind in Britain .

  16. 互联网之外,病毒式营销被用来指“口碑(word-of-mouth),”“制造热点(creatingabuzz),”“整合媒体(leveragingthemedia),”“网络营销(networkmarketing)。”

    Off the Internet , viral marketing has been referred to as " word-of-mouth ,"" creating a buzz ,"" leveraging the media ,"" network marketing . "

  17. 我国中小企业B2C网络营销策略研究

    B2C Network Marketing Strategy of Small and Medium Enterprise in China Research on Experiential Marketing to B2C E-commerce

  18. 网络营销导向下的YT公司网站优化管理研究

    Study on Website Optimization and Management of YT Company Guided by Cyber Marketing

  19. 随着中小企业信息化进程的推进,网络营销的比重将越来越大。中小企业将更多的选择第三方B2B电子商务平台作为营销手段。

    With the small and medium-sized informationization processed , SMEs will have more choices on third-party of B2B e-commerce platform as a marketing tool .

  20. 只要轻轻一点击鼠标,任何一个商人都可以与一个拥有无数潜在用户的惊人的市场联系在一起。然而,Internet不是救世主,开展网络营销依然需要扎实的营销功底,艰苦的营销工作。

    So long as gently hitting the mouse , any businessman can contact with the striking markets which possess innumerable latent consumers But Internet isn Christ , developing online marketing still needs the well-knit basic skill of marketing and hard work of management .

  21. 随着电子商务、网络营销、博客营销的兴起以及数据挖掘、Web挖掘技术的日渐成熟,Web挖掘在企业博客营销以及顾客信息分析中的应用研究变的得重要并且急迫。

    With the fast development of electronic commerce , network marketing , blog marketing and the skills for data mining and web mining , web mining becomes more and more important and urgent in application research of enterprise blog marketing and customer information analysis .

  22. 本文的核心论点是:搜索引擎营销(SEM)其实就是基于关键词搜索的目标客户推广,是目前最有效,针对性最强的网络营销方式。

    This article core argument is : at present , the search engine marketing ( SEM ) actually is based on the keyword search goal customer promotion , is most effective , the pointed strongest network marketing method .

  23. 为保证索尼数码相机陕西市场4Ps、4Cs、网络营销以及服务营销策略的顺利实施,文章最后给出了相关的保障性措施。

    At last , the paper gives the relevant security measures to ensure the marketing strategy implement successful .

  24. 根据L2的报告,一些擅长网络营销的品牌,如博柏利(Burberry),已经把社交媒体和其他网络平台直接纳入了整体的营销计划中。

    Some digitally savvy brands like Burberry , according to L2 " s report , have incorporated social media and other online platforms directly into their wider marketing campaigns .

  25. 目前,网络营销理论还处于发展阶段,但可以肯定的是其理论基础来自于传统的市场营销理论,尤其是以消费者需求为导向的4C理论。

    Now , e-market theory is still developing , but what is certain is that the theory come form traditional marketing theory , especially consumer demand-oriented 4C theory .

  26. 随着行业监管政策的不断放宽,证券公司已可以不受限制的开设营业网点甚至开展网上证券活动,如何有效利用网络营销手段为企业打开更广阔的用户市场也成为JY证券急待解决的问题。

    With the continuous relaxation of the industry regulatory policy , Securities companies have opened business outlets can be unrestricted or carry out online securities activities .

  27. 为WH烟草公司制定了市场营销策略,包括品牌策略、分销渠道策略、促销策略、网络营销、体验营销等营销组合策略。

    Then the marketing strategy were drawed up for China Tobacco at WH , including brand strategy , distribution channel strategy , promotion strategy , network marketing , experiential marketing and so on .

  28. 最后,本文还针对目前市场营销环境发生的变化提出了LBD进一步开拓市场的策略,即网络营销和关系营销,并对其实施做了详细论述。

    In the last part , it made and stated minutely further market strategy to cope current variety of market situation , which is net marketing and relationship marketing .

  29. 现阶段SG公司的网络营销策略主要包括网站建设策略、网络营销吸引策略(包括网站推广策略、网络营销促销、顾客服务策略)、网络营销产品策略、网络营销价格策略以及网络营销物流配送策略。

    Nowadays the e-marketing strategies mainly includes that website construction , the internet marketing attraction ( including website promotion , e-marketing and promotion , the service on the consumers ), the products of e-marketing , the price of e-marketing , the delivery of e-marketing .

  30. 这不仅对GT公司的长远发展指明了方向,同样也为其他企业实施网络营销提供了理论借鉴;以寻找最佳的网络营销策略和销售模式提供思路和解决方案。

    This thesis provides the new idea and solution of any studies of network marketing strategies and market model , as well . It is not only to direct the development of GT Company , but also to have solid values for any other company .