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sāng fú
  • weed;mourning apparel;sable;mourning
丧服 [sāng fú]
  • (1) [mourning apparel]∶为哀悼死者而穿的服装。中国旧时习俗用本色的粗布或麻布做成

  • (2) [sable]∶为表示哀悼而穿的黑色衣服

丧服[sāng fú]
  1. 先秦丧服制度中的性别等级地位差异问题初探论预审的地位

    Difference in Gender Estate and Status under the Mourning Apparel System in Pre-Qin Times

  2. 《仪礼·丧服》经、传全面系统地记载了周代亲属之间的丧服关系,因而也就较全面、系统地反映了周代的亲属称谓制度。

    Mourning Apparel in Ceremonial Etiquette comprehensively and systematically recorded the mourning apparel relations of kinsfolk in Zhou Dynasty and reflected kinsfolk appellation system of that age .

  3. 她母亲死了,她穿上了丧服。

    She went in to mourning on the death of her mother .

  4. 两天后,他穿上丧服。

    Two days later , he put on a black suit .

  5. 丧服随着悲哀一起消失了。

    All mourning garments were laid aside , together with grief .

  6. 感谢上帝,你总算没穿着破衣衫或者丧服到这里来!

    Thank God , you aren 't in rags or mourning !

  7. 而且开始觉得他们的丧服也已经穿得褪色了。

    and began to think their mourning was wearing rusty too .

  8. 全家都穿了丧服去参加葬礼。

    The family was dressed in mourning for the funeral .

  9. 城里的人都注意到他的丧服,议论纷纷。

    This mourning was noticed in the town , and commented on .

  10. 谁正在劝说你提前几年便匆匆地将丧服脱掉呢?

    Who is getting you out of mourning several years too soon ?

  11. 他们给我穿上了丧服似的衣裳。

    They clothed me in the clothes of death ,

  12. 阿尔弗里兹哭了,母亲哭了。他们两人都穿上黑色的丧服。

    Alfred wept , and mamma wept , and they both wore mourning .

  13. 妈妈说下个月就可以穿半丧服

    Ma says we can go into half-mourning next month

  14. 因为我自己就穿着丧服,所以马上就会留意到。

    Notice because I 'm in mourning myself .

  15. 哈姆雷特很伤心难过,因此他一直穿着黑色的丧服。

    Hamlet was so sad and sorrowful that he never stopped wearing black clothes .

  16. 她已脱去丧服,打扮得珠光宝气,雍容华贵。

    She had put away her mourning and she walked in no small shimmering splendor .

  17. 姐妹们身着丧服站在死去兄弟们的棺柩旁。

    The sisters stood in garments of mourning over the biers of their dead brothers .

  18. 试论丧服习俗的起源

    The Origin of Funeral Clothing Custom

  19. 他要永远居丧,只好以夜色为丧服。

    As he wished always to appear in mourning , he clothed himself with the night .

  20. 您已经量过您丧服的尺寸了吧,是不是,理查兹?

    You have been already measured for your mourning , haven 't you , Richards ? '

  21. 对。我想我该帮你脱掉这身假惺惺的丧服了。

    Yes , I thought it was about time I got you out of that fake morning .

  22. 丧服(黑色或深色的)

    black or dark clothes worn as a ( conventional ) sign of grief at sb 's death

  23. 他被尊重的放在一个巨大无比的葬礼队伍中,所有随行的人都身着丧服。

    He was honored with a huge funeral cortege , with all members present in full funeral regalia .

  24. 那还是在她离开德纳第客店时他替她穿上的那身丧服。

    This was the same mourning suit which he had made her put on when shehad quitted the Thenardiers'inn .

  25. 从出土的有关丧服的文字看,当时的统治阶级都不服三年丧,并且丧期都有不同程度的缩短。

    Because the ruling classes at that time all refused to obey , the time was shorten in various degrees .

  26. 丧礼时,送葬者太多的泪水使人衰伤。全家都穿了丧服去参加葬礼。

    The mourner 's profuse tears at the burial were heartbreaking . The family was dressed in mourning for the funeral .

  27. 社会习俗规定葬礼时我们应穿黑衣(丧服)。他的行为违反一切礼教规范。

    Convention prescribes that we ( should ) wear black at a funeral . His conduct runs counter to all rules of propriety .

  28. 白宫从来没有带颜色的长袍,因为官方的习惯做法,采取洁白颜色的丧服。

    White had never been taken as the color of official robes because of the practice of being the color of mourning dress .

  29. 第五部分为结语部分。主要提出本文的研究结论,以及因能力所限尚未涉及到的丧服色彩研究领域。

    This part presented the conclusion of this research as well as those un-involved research fields in mourning colors due to my limitation .

  30. 先秦儒家的亲情原则和道德原则的特色&以与丧服服叙制度相关联的亲亲和尊尊思想为视角

    Characteristic of Pre-Qin Days Confucian Thought about Principle of Natural Feeling and Morality : Discussion on View of Filial Piety and Respect and Love