
  • 网络personal injury compensation
  1. 非事故原因造成铁路旅客人身损害赔偿若干问题探讨

    Discussion on Rail Passengers Personal Injury Compensation for Non-accident Causes

  2. 高压触电人身损害赔偿诉讼问题研究

    The Research of Personal Injury Compensation Litigation Due to High-Voltage Electric Shock

  3. 在校学生人身损害赔偿案件的法律思考

    Legal Thinking about Personal-Injury Compensation of the Students in School

  4. 大学生毕业实习期间人身损害赔偿问题初探

    On compensation for personal injury of college students during the graduation intern

  5. 个体打工者人身损害赔偿浅释

    Analysis : the Compensation of Manual Laborers ' Personal Injury

  6. 人身损害赔偿中精神障碍者民事行为能力评定

    Civil Competence Assessment of the Mental Disorders Involved in Compensation of Personal Injury

  7. 本案是一起交通事故引起的人身损害赔偿纠纷案件。

    The case is caused by a traffic accident for person damage compensation .

  8. 机动车交通事故人身损害赔偿若干法律问题研究

    Some Legal Questions on Compensation for Personal Injuries in Automobile Road Traffic Accedents

  9. 论触电人身损害赔偿责任的归责原则体系

    On Doctrine of Liability Fixation in Tort for Electric Shock of Personal Injury

  10. 损害赔偿的内容包括人身损害赔偿和精神损害赔偿。

    Damages include physical and mental damage compensation .

  11. 析认定触电人身损害赔偿案件责任的正确思路&兼论触电人身损害赔偿的若干问题

    Proper way to confine the responsibility of compensation for personal injuries by electric shock

  12. 论工伤保险与人身损害赔偿责任的竞合

    Competes by the Workers ' Compensation Insurance with the Person Damage Compensate Responsibility Gathers

  13. 应当运用价值-功能分析的方法来实现机动车交通事故人身损害赔偿法的体系化。

    We should accomplish systemization of auto-accident law by the method of value-function analysis .

  14. 关于无名流浪者交通肇事人身损害赔偿案件几个问题的思考

    The Thinking of Compensating Case About Unknown Vagabonds ' Body Injuring Due to Transportation Cause

  15. 四是触电引起人身损害赔偿责任的免责条件。

    And fourth , condition of liability exemption for personal injury due to electric shock .

  16. 受服务者人身损害赔偿责任探析&从一起银行抢劫案谈起

    Research on the Liability to Pay Compensation for Personal Damage of the People Received Service

  17. 侵权行为归责原则的变迁机理&兼议触电人身损害赔偿案的审理

    The Evolution of Tort Act Imputation Principle

  18. 铁路交通人身损害赔偿案件适用法律及其裁判

    Application Of Law And Trial For Cases Of Compensation To Personal Injury In Railroad Traffic

  19. 关于构建协调合理的医疗人身损害赔偿标准研究

    Establishing the rational compensatory standard about medical personal damage Study on the medical tort compensatory

  20. 海上交通事故人身损害赔偿海事调解的法律依据

    The legal basis for mediation of personal injury compensation caused in a maritime traffic accident

  21. 然后深入分析水上交通事故人身损害赔偿的保险法体系。

    And in-depth analysis of the maritime traffic accident personal injury compensation insurance law system .

  22. 首先,界定了国际航空人身损害赔偿的概念及分类。

    First , the definition of international aviation the concept of personal injury compensation and classification .

  23. 航空事故人身损害赔偿权利人的身份,在航空运输实践中有时很难界定。

    People usually think that claimants for personal injury compensation in air crash only are passengers .

  24. 第二章触电人身损害赔偿的责任主体。

    The second chapter is liability body in compensation of human detriment caused by electric shock .

  25. 将火灾事故损害赔偿分为人身损害赔偿、物质损害赔偿、精神损害赔偿以及惩罚性赔偿。

    The fire accidental compensation is composed of body , substance , spirit and punitive compensation .

  26. 海上人身损害赔偿案件连带责任的法律适用

    Application of law over the joint liability under the case 's of compensation for personal injury

  27. 新的人身损害赔偿司法解释对医疗行业的影响及医疗行业的对策

    Effect of New Personal Injury Indemnity Judicature Explain to Medical Vocation and the Countermeasure of Medical Vocation

  28. 工伤,道路交通事故,人身损害赔偿,医疗事故纠纷;

    Work accidents , road traffic accidents , Cases on Compensation for Personal Injury , Medical accidents .

  29. 雇工人身损害赔偿:游走于民事赔偿和工伤赔偿之间

    Hired laborer 's Personal Damage Compensation : Swinging between Compensation for Industrial Injury and Compensation for Tort

  30. 第二部分,雇佣关系不同调整模式下的雇员人身损害赔偿。

    Part II , the employee personal injury compensation in the different regulating modes of employee relationship .