
  • 网络social networking
  1. 网络社交盛行当下,貌似我们认识的人越多,感觉就越好。

    Social networking is all the rage . Seems the more people we know , the better we feel .

  2. 只要提及他的名字,定是无人不知、无人不晓。他所创立的网络社交平台——脸书(Facebook),更是风靡全球。

    Everyone knows who he is and what he has done for the Internet with the invention and wildfire spread of his social networking site , Facebook .

  3. 有时,我在猜想Facebook(一种网络社交平台)的整个商业模式是不是基于“信息强迫症”的。

    Sometimes , I wonder if Facebook 's entire business model is based on FOMO .

  4. 对了,移动QQ是手机网络社交服务的一种。

    Yes , Mobile QQ is an application of Mobile Social Service .

  5. 2006年开始,以SNS为代表的网络社交服务成为网络上新兴的词语之一。

    From the year 2006 , the SNS represents " networking social service ", becoming one of the popular words of internet .

  6. 她充分利用自己建立起来的网络社交圈,在QQ群里推销她的手机SIM卡生意。

    She made full use of the social network she built online and promoted her SIM card business in the QQ group .

  7. 摘要:一项针对社交网站对学业影响的最新调查显示,Facebook的使用者也许在网络社交中颇为成功,但他们在考试中往往表现很差。

    Facebook users may feel socially successful in cyberspace but they are more likely to perform poorly in exams , according to new research into the academic impact of the social networking website .

  8. 此外,笔者还收集他们的实物材料,并通过网络社交平台如QQ群及时观察和了解他们的状况和想法。

    Besides , the author collects the members ' physical materials , and observes and understands their situation and thoughts timely through social networking platforms such as QQ group .

  9. 根据新版词典,现在tweet一词既有网络社交服务推特的含义,又保留传统短暂而尖锐之声的意思。

    According to the dictionary , tweet is now a posting on the social networking service Twitter as well as its more traditional meaning : a brief high-pitched sound .

  10. 总的来说,SNS基于六度分割理论,通过朋友的朋友提供网络社交拓展服务。

    Generally speaking , SNS is based on the theory of " Six Degrees of Separation ", providing the service of expanding individuals ' networking circles through their friends and friends of theirs .

  11. 弗兰德斯说,杂志已经调整了一些内容,可以安全地在工作场合观看,这是为了杂志可以在Facebook、Instagram和Twitter等重要的网络社交媒体平台上传播。

    The magazine had already made some content safe for work , Mr. Flanders said , in order to be allowed on social media platforms like Facebook , Instagram and Twitter , vital sources of web traffic .

  12. SoLoMo交往作为新的交往模式出现,成为了网络社交的一个补充剂,并不是网络社交的一个主流。

    SoLoMo interaction as a new communication mode , becomes a supplement , the social networking is not a mainstream of social networking .

  13. 该研究的主要负责人,俄亥俄州克利夫兰凯斯西储医学院ScottFrank博士表示:这项惊人的研究结果表明,未经检查的短信以及现在广泛流行的网络社交方式严重危害着青少年的健康。

    Dr. Scott Frank , lead researcher at the Case Western Reserve School of Medicine , Cleveland , Ohio , said : The startling results of this study suggest that when left unchecked texting and other widely popular methods of staying connected can have dangerous health effects on teenagers .

  14. [00:00.00]可可英语[00:05.85]轻松英语之旅[01:41.24]网络社交[01:56.58]社交,与…交往、联谊[02:18.75]社交生活[02:38.30]gopubbing泡吧[03:05.90]devotee爱好者,热心家[03:26.92]casual随意、随便的[03:32.04]casualclothes便装[03:33.97]weird奇怪的,怪异的[03:39.89]他有一些怪异的想法。

    but are perfectly happy to trade MySpace profiles . [ 01:39.84 ] online socializing [ 01:53.41 ] socialize [ 02:18.05 ] social lives [ 02:46.07 ] There is a new generation growing up . [ 03:09.80 ] It 's a casual way to stay in contact without appearing weird . [ 03:37.89 ] He 's got some wired ideas .

  15. 对于儿童使用网络社交工具,受访者态度不一。

    Attitudes towards children 's use of the Internet is mixed .

  16. 网络社交密度也已大得惊人。

    The density of human networking online is also already staggering .

  17. 因为过去十年是网络社交的黄金十年,

    Because while the last decade was the decade of social

  18. 您了解所谓的手机网络社交服务吗?

    Do you know what is so-called Mobile Social Service ?

  19. 大学生网络社交安全教育问题初探

    A Study on the Safety Education of University Students ' Internet Social Contact

  20. 不要只在需要的时候才进行网络社交。

    Don 't just network when you need something .

  21. 网络社交平台,是品牌传播大平台。

    Thirdly , the social networking presents as the platform for brand communication .

  22. 网络社交游戏能帮助人们对抗肥胖吗?

    Can an online social game help fight obesity ?

  23. 过去的十年是网络社交的黄金十年。

    last decade was the decade of social .

  24. 三是构建具有普遍意义的大学生网络社交道德观念和规范。

    Thirdly , establishing college students ' moral ideas and rules of social networking .

  25. 许多网络社交工具实现了他们的创造者当初从来就没有梦想的功能。

    Many online social networking tools have fulfilled uses their creators had never dreamed of .

  26. 不要只是进行网络社交。

    Don 't just network online .

  27. 社交网站作为一种新的网络社交平台,很快得到大学生的普遍关注和积极参与。

    SNS , a new online socializing platform has gained popularity and active participation among university students .

  28. 网络社交让你认识和你有共同爱好的人。

    Your online social networks enable you to connect with people who have interests similar to yours .

  29. 研究公司NucleusResearch的一项新研究显示,工作时进行网络社交活动会妨碍工作效率。

    Online socialnetworking while at work hampers business productivity , accordingto a new study by Nucleus Research .

  30. 在网络社交媒体崛起的同时,门户网站却陷入了衰落。

    While network socialization media rises abruptly , portal website was immersed in be on the wane however .