
  1. NET架构中的网络应用服务ASP。

    And , together with the web application service ASP .

  2. 云计算概念最初是由Google公司提出,云计算指的是一种网络应用服务模式。

    Cloud computing is a concept originally proposed by Google , cloud computing refers to a web application service mode .

  3. 此外提出了一种基于多Agent系统的资源全球化模式,通过提供网络应用服务的方式实现本地制造资源的广域和远程使用,这种模式还能够支持分散的制造资源集成以及企业应用集成。

    A method of resources globalization based on multi-agent system is presented . Employing network services , it can integrate the decentralize manufacture resources and application of enterprises .

  4. ASP模式是应用服务提供商以在线租赁方式向客户提供网络应用服务的一种商业模式。

    ASP is a commercial online - renting - mode of network applied service offered by Application Service Provider to the clients .

  5. 分析和研究了针对大容量、多连接、高并发的网络应用服务系统应采用何种底层网络IO结构。

    As for the large-capacity , multi-connection and highly concurrent network application service system , the possible bottom-level network IO structures are analyzed and researched .

  6. 传统的网络应用服务监控软件大多数都是以SNMP协议作为被监控对象通讯接口,但并非所有的网络设备都支持SNMP协议,如一些非网络核心设备。

    The traditional network service monitor software monitors the network service by the SNMP protocol . But not all network equipment supports the SNMP protocol such as some non - network core equipments .

  7. 通过调研,课题采用了最新的HTTP网络应用服务的开发模式,使研究成果以最快的方式服务于学校和社会成为可能。

    Through investigation and research , the paper put the latest HTTP network application service models into use . That made it possible to apply the research results to serve the school and society in a fast way .

  8. 网络应用服务质量监测及其实现

    Monitor and realize the service quality of network application

  9. 网络应用服务监控系统主要作用是实时监控当前运行的网络应用服务,发现并处理当前失效的网络应用服务。

    The main function of the monitor system is real-time monitoring current network application service discovering and processing currently false network application service .

  10. 网站企业为网民和顾客提供的产品实际上就是网页中的内容和各种网络应用服务,而这些信息内容和网络应用服务往往是免费提供给顾客和网民的。

    Actually , the products which website companies provide for Internet users are the content of the webpage and a variety of network application services .

  11. 在现今高度复杂的分布式计算环境中,网络应用服务系统往往被细化为许多服务子系统从而形成多层次的服务结构。

    In the highly complex distributed computing environment , network application services systems tend to be refined for many services subsystem to form the multi-level structure .

  12. 网络应用服务监控系统包括了采集、分析网络应用服务信息,显示当前网络应用服务状态,对符合告警条件的发送告警消息并执行告警事件。

    Monitor system will gather and analysis network application service information . When conforms to the alarm condition , system send alarm message and execute alarm event .

  13. 近年来随着企业信息化建设的不断进步以及互联网技术的不断发展,越来越多的基于B/S架构的网络应用服务被开发出来。

    With the development of enterprise information technology and internet technology in recent years , more and more network application services based on B / S architecture have been developed .

  14. 随着企业网上运行的应用服务不断增多,如何把各种不同的服务系统集成起来成为网络应用服务领域所面临的重大问题。

    When application services of enterprise network constantly are getting more and more , it has been become an important problem in the network application field on how to integrate different service systems .

  15. 要不是近几年斥资近2亿美元来购买高价苹果和联想设备,他们本可以把钱用在如谷歌笔记本等便宜的网络应用服务设备上并让更多人手管理。

    But instead of spending nearly 200 million in recent years on overpriced Apple and Lenovo gear they could have invested in cheaper network-based devices like Chromebooks , and more staff to manage them .

  16. 本文通过研究和分析目录服务及其应用的发展,着重从目录服务与网络应用服务及应用服务管理相结合的方面出发,总结了目录服务现有的各种应用模型。

    By studying the Directory Service and its applications , this dissertation concludes several existent application models about Directory Service , especially from the aspect of combining Directory with the network applications and their managements .

  17. 我国文学网站在十余年中,作为我国文化产业的重要组成部分,已越来越受到广泛的重视,其商业价值、文化价值和社会价值丝毫不亚于任何一项网络应用服务。

    As an crucial part of Chinese culture industry , Chinese literary websites has achieved wide importance in the past 10 years . Its commercial value , culture value and social value can be equal to any network application service .

  18. QoS控制的目标也就是为网络应用提供服务区分和性能保证。

    The object of QoS control is to offer the distinguish service assurance the performance of network and application services .

  19. 基于QoS资源控制是保证网络综合应用服务质量的必要手段。

    Resource control based on quality of service ( QoS ) is the necessary method that can supply network integrated applications with QoS guarantee .

  20. TAO是一种C++ORB,它具有性能高、互作性强、健壮性好等特点;ACE是一个高性能的面向对象的网络应用和服务工具开发包,可以与TAO做到无缝的结合。

    TAO is a kind of C + + ORB , highly capable , interactive and robust , while ACE is one high-powered object-oriented developing toolkit package for network application and service utility that can work with TAO seamlessly .

  21. 本文对几种主要的网络终端应用服务协议的图形终端界面显示原理进行了研究,在自主研究开发的RASP上实现了图形终端界面的显示。

    This paper discusses the principles of graphical terminal interface displaying in network terminal application service protocol , and then implements the display of graphical terminal interface in RASP .

  22. 本文主要研究了在网络终端应用服务协议中采用的各种编码方法,根据各种应用环境,选取了几种合适的编码方法在RASP中实现。

    This paper has studied the encoding methods which are used in some dominating network terminal application service protocol , and then chooses some of them according to various instances to actualize in RASP .

  23. 基于模式驱动的通用对等网络应用和服务管理系统

    Application and service system of P2P computing based on schema driven

  24. 另一方面,随着网络应用和服务的不断涌现,在给人们带来更多便利的同时,也引入了更多的安全隐患。

    On the other hand , the emerging network applications and services , produce more security risks beside the convenience .

  25. 拥塞控制是解决计算机网络多媒体应用服务质量的关键技术之一。

    The congestion control is one of essential technology about solving the quality of service in computer network multimedia application .

  26. 用户和应用程序应该只使用别名引用网络应用程序服务,而不应该直接使用主机名或TCP/IP网络地址。

    Users and applications should only use alias names to refer to network application services and should never refer directly to host names or TCP / IP network addresses .

  27. 校园数据中心是数字化校园的核心基础,包含了各种网络应用和服务的数据,其安全性关系到各项网络应用系统的安全和稳定运行。

    Since the campus data centre is the heart of the digital campus including the data of the varied network application and service its safety is of vital importance to the safety and steady work of every network application system .

  28. 它可以根据网络应用和服务的要求,对网络进行编程,因而大大加快了新网络应用和服务的实施,适应了网络快速发展的需要。

    Active Network is a programmable network . It can program the network according to what the net services request , so it accelerates greatly the pace of implementation of new network services and satisfies the need of the Internet .

  29. 在当前的网络应用和网络服务中,服务质量即QoS(QualityOfService),是人们关注的焦点。

    Among the current network applications and network services , QoS ( Quality of Service ) is our main concern .

  30. J2EE融合了各种网络技术和应用服务技术,它是仍在不断发展完善的平台。

    J2EE platform combines many network technologies and application service technologies .