
  • 网络Total population;population size;total number of population
  1. 关于中国人口总量的探讨

    On the Total Population of China

  2. 这个群体数量多、增速快且在高龄老年人口总量中占比重大。

    The number of this group grew faster than the proportion in the total population of oldest old .

  3. 县域占中国国土总面积的94.0%,人口总量的70.41%,GDP的56.31%。

    The county accounts for the total Chinese area 93 % , the total Chinese population 70.41 % , and the Chinese GDP 56.31 % .

  4. 三是从发展意义上看,到2009年底,除43个市辖区外,四川有138个县,其GDP总值、地域空间和人口总量在全省都占相当大的比重。

    To the end of 2009 , in addition to 43 City area , Sichuan has 138 counties , the total value of GDP , regional space and the total population in the province are accounted for a large proportion .

  5. 在现状对比部分,文章选取两组代表性的指标,第一组是经济总量指标:包括GDP总量及其增长速度,国土面积和人口总量状况;第二组是人均指标。

    In the part of current macro situation contrast , the paper selects two groups of representative indexes , including the first group of economic gross index , as GDP and its growth rate , land area and population contained , and the second group of per capita index .

  6. 平衡态的人口总量与平衡态可再生资源总量成正比;

    The population is proportional to renewable resources in equilibrium state ;

  7. 我国人口总量大,但国民素质低,人才比重小。

    China has a large population but low national quality .

  8. 未来五十年陕西人口总量及老龄化发展趋势预测

    Forecasting the population and the population aging course in the future 50 years

  9. 目前学界关于春秋时期晋国人口总量问题的研究尚是一段空白。

    At present , the research about population of Jinn state has not be done .

  10. 作为中国人口总量的预测模型,我们提出的预测模型有估计精度高,误差低的特点,是目前用自回归方法估计得出的较好的中国人口预测模型。

    This model is relatively good Chinese population forecast model by using auto regression method .

  11. 人口总量及其空间分布特征与经济发展关系的动力学研究

    A study on the dynamic relationship between the economy & gross population and its spatial distribution features

  12. 新的发展变化趋势主要有:人口总量将出现快速增长期;

    The new trend mentioned in this article are : the quantity of population is growing rapidly ;

  13. 而一直是处于纠结状态的人口总量,最终会恶化上述问题。

    Demography , which has disguised the extent of the problem so far , will eventually exacerbate it .

  14. 预计在2040年前后,中国人口总量将达到15.4亿人的峰值,然后小幅下降。

    The population is then expected to peak at 1.54bn by about 2040 , and then decline slightly .

  15. 中国的人口总量很多,而且百分之八十的人口是农民。(整体与部分)

    The population of China is very large , and80 % of the population in China are farmers .

  16. 然而从1982年以来几乎所有的城市规划中人口总量的目标都未达到。

    However , since 1982 almost all of the total population in urban planning did not achieve the goal .

  17. 人口总量的增加和老龄化趋势的加快,会对社会经济发展带来新的问题,产生全方位的影响。

    The population increasing and aging will bring the new problems and effection to the development of the social economy .

  18. 对全国人口总量时间序列模型,已有很多人进行了一定的研究,对贵州省人口总量时间序列模型还未有人研究。

    The Chinese population time series models appeared , but the Guizhou population time series model have not been researched .

  19. 巴斯补充说,未来30年,全球智能机器和机器人的总量将超过全球人口总量。

    In the next 30 years , Bass added , smart machines and robots will outnumber humans on the planet .

  20. 且随着人口总量的增长及城市化水平的提高,中国牛肉消费必然还存在较大的增长空间。

    And with growth of the total population and the urbanization , beef consumption still has a large space of growth in China .

  21. 随着老龄人口总量急剧增加,社会对于这一特殊群体的关注度也是越来越高。

    With the dramatic increase in the total population aging , society is concerned about the degree of this particular group is increasing .

  22. 到二十一世纪中叶,全国人口总量在达到峰值(接近16亿)后缓慢下降。

    By the mid-21st century , the total population would reach its peak number of 1.6 billion to be followed by a gradual decrease .

  23. 随着未来人口总量的持续增加,工业化、城市化进程快速推进,我国的环境问题将会更加突出。

    These environment issues will stand out as the population is increasing , along with the intensification of industrialization and urbanization in our country .

  24. 从简单人口总量分析到综合素质分析&以烟台城市总体规划的人口分析为例

    From Simple Analysis of Total Population to Analysis of Comprehensive Qualifications & Take the Population Analysis of the Master Plan of Yantai City for Example

  25. 由于水资源严重不足和水环境恶化,目前的人口总量已超过生态承载力。

    The first , because of serious lack of water resources and deterioration of water environment , the population now has surpassed the ecological bearing capacity .

  26. 把中国的失业分为隐蔽性失业、结构性失业、周期性失业以及人口总量的绝对过量失业四种。

    It divided the unemployment into four types : concealing unemployment , structure unemployment , periodic unemployment and the unemployment caused by the absolute over population .

  27. 人口总量继续增加,老龄人口比重上升,就业和社会保障压力增大。

    China 's population continues to grow , the proportion of the aged is getting larger , and the pressure on employment and social security is mounting .

  28. 几年来,关于中国人口总量一直是社会上关注的问题。本文利用中国第四次人口普查数据、户籍部门统计的数据等,采用人口增长分析技术,对当前的中国人口总量进行了分析和测算。

    This article makes an analysis and estimate of China 's current total population using the 4th population census data and statistics from the household registration departments .

  29. 如今,面对愈加严峻的经济形势和日益膨胀的人口总量,英国在外来移民方面越来越谨慎。

    Now , in the face of increasingly harsh economic situation and growing population , the United Kingdom in respect of foreign immigrants more and more cautious .

  30. 通过排水管网服务区人口总量、人均污染物指标、污水处理厂水量、工业污染物排放指标、污水管网系统完善率等参数预测污染物指标年均值。

    Based on the population , average discharge loading parameters , wastewater quantity , industrial discharging index , sewage pipe-net completed ratio , wastewater quality index is predicted .