
  1. 森林资源的匮乏与温室效应、大气污染、生物多样化、土地沙化、水土流失、热带雨林危机等都有着直接或间接的关系。而中国是世界沙漠化程度危害最深、范围最大的国家之一。

    There is certain direct or indirect relationship between the forest resources shortage and the greenhouse effect , air pollution , biodiversity , desertification , soil erosion , selva crisis , etc. China is one of those countries who suffer the largest influenced areas and the most severe desertification .

  2. 世界上沙漠与大海相接的地方非常少见,这里就是一处。

    It is one of the rare places in the world where the desert meets the sea .

  3. 总的来说,世界上沙漠的面积在逐年增加。

    On the whole , the area of desert in the world is growing every year .

  4. 全世界每年沙漠化的土地约600×10~4公顷。

    Every year 600 × 10 ~ 4 hectares of land is deserted in the world .

  5. 我国乃至世界在沙漠公路的设计、施工、试验、检测等方面没有较为全面的规程和规范,以指导沙漠路基的施工。

    There are not comprehensive specifications and criterions for the construction of desert roadbed in respect of design ? experimention and test in our country even in the world .

  6. 我国是世界上沙漠及沙漠化面积较大的国家之一,治理和控制土地沙漠化以及沙尘暴的发生,已成为亟待解决的环境问题。

    China is one of the largest desertification countries in the world . Governance and control of land desertification and dust storms occurrence have become an urgent environmental problem .

  7. 我国是世界上沙漠分布广阔的国家之一,近年来随着旅游产业规模的扩大、人民生活水平的提高和各项优惠政策的出台,沙漠旅游不断升温。

    China is one of the vast desert distribution countries in the world . In recent years , with the expansion of the tourism industry , the improvement of living standards , and various preferential policies , desert tourism is growing .

  8. 我国是世界上沙漠化最为严重的国家之一,且自上世纪50年代开始有加剧的趋势,因此对其进行预警研究十分必要和重要。

    China takes a rose of one of the most serious sandy desertification countries . More than that , there is a trend of acceleration since the end of 1950s . So the prediction research is important and necessary for sandy desertification .

  9. 然而,在世界各地的沙漠中,这些和类似的岩层里,一些顽强的植物已经适应了在不断变化的条件下继续生存。

    Yet on these and similar formations in deserts around the world , a few fierce plants have adapted to endure under ever-changing conditions .

  10. 你可能认为世界上的沙漠里只有沙子,但事实并非如此。

    You may think there is only sand in the desert of the world , but it is not true .

  11. 我国是世界上受沙漠化影响最严重的国家之一,给生态环境和社会经济带来极大危害。

    China is one of the countries that are severely threatened by desertification in the world .

  12. 世界上的沙漠主要分布在副热带,唯独我国的沙漠分布在温带。

    The deserts in the world are mainly distributed in the subtropical zone , only the deserts in China are in the temperate zone .

  13. 例如,气候变化和土地的开发使用预计将加剧世界范围的沙漠化,增加沙尘暴的风险。

    For example , it says climate change and land use are expected to increase desertification worldwide , increasing the risk of sand and dust storms .

  14. 我国沙漠广布,是世界上受沙漠化危害最为严重的国家之一,沙漠化的研究对于中国具有十分重要的意义。

    Desert widely distributed in China and it is one of the countries that damaged seriously by desertification . Therefore , desertification has great significance to China .

  15. 在一个更为温暖的世界中,沙漠变得越发干燥,但是人类曾经居住的地区将很有可能再次出现河流&人们最初就是被水所吸引才到了这里。

    In a warmer world , the deserts may grow drier , but the parts where humans dwelled will likely again be visited by what attracted those humans in the first place : flowing water .

  16. 这是撒哈拉沙漠,世界上最大的沙漠。

    This is the Sahara Desert , the largest desert in the world .

  17. 撒哈拉沙漠是世界上最大的沙漠&大约相当于美国的面积!

    It 's the biggest desert in the world - about the size of the US !

  18. 每个人都想要的友情,因为没有了朋友,世界就像一个沙漠。

    Everyone wants friendship , because without a friend , the world is like a desert .

  19. 鸣沙山月牙泉是世界上罕见的沙漠景观。

    The Sing Sand Mountain and Crescent Moon Spring is a rare desert view in the world .

  20. 巴丹吉林沙漠是中国第二大沙漠,世界第三大沙漠。

    Badain Jaran desert is the second biggest desert in China , and the third in theworld .

  21. 巴丹吉林沙漠总面积4.7万平方公里,世界第四大沙漠。

    The desert Covers a total area of47,000 square kilometers , the forth largest in the world .

  22. 几千英里的沙丘和干旱带来的荒芜使得该地成为世界上最大的沙漠之一。

    Thousands of miles of dunes and arid desolation , make this place the largest sand desert worldwide .

  23. 撒哈拉沙漠是世界上最大的沙漠,它从北到南有1000英里,从东到西有3000英里。

    The Sahara is the largest desert in the world , 1000 miles from north to South and3000 miles from east to west .

  24. 新疆是世界上唯一环绕沙漠,戈壁荒漠分布着大量山岳冰川的特别地区。

    Xinjiang is a unique region with sand deserts and Gobi deserts and surrounded by high mountains where many modern glaciers are distributed .

  25. 它早已是世界上最大的沙漠,(按这样的速度)它会吞没整个北非,同时改变非洲的环境。

    The desert , already the largest desert in the world , could consume all of Northern Africa , altering the environment of a continent .

  26. 商队的丝绸之路线程现在已经进入了一些通过世界最高山脉和沙漠的道路与公路。

    The caravan tracks of the Silk Road have now been made into roads and highways which thread through some of the highest mountains and the harshest deserts in the world .

  27. 世界范围内现有沙漠约800万平方公里,据专家估计还有3000万平方公里即20%以上的土地面临沙漠化的威胁。

    There are about 8,000,000 square kilometers of deserts in the world and the experts estimate that there are 30,000,000 square kilometers , i.e. 20 % of the land facing the threat of desertification .

  28. 2006年世界环境日聚焦沙漠和荒漠化,关注人为因素导致的土地退化,为全人类敲响沙漠和荒漠化警钟!

    The theme of 2006 World Environment Day was " Deserts and Desertification " . The land degradation caused by human activity created a potential condition of " Desert and Desertification " for all mankind .