
  • 网络Movie;world cinema
  1. Arenafilm先后引进世界电影导演简坎皮恩,文森特沃德,罗文伍兹和理查德罗克斯堡。

    Arenafilm has introduced to world cinema directors Jane Campion , Vincent Ward , Rowan Woods and Richard Roxburgh .

  2. 世界电影的百年历史中,除了好莱坞,印度电影也是功不可没。

    Century-old history of world cinema , besides Hollywood , Indian film is also denied .

  3. 我谈论过世界电影的发展趋势。如今,说起KANK,每个人都会想到婚外恋,当SRK的影片涉及婚外恋时,是不是意味着这样的关系合法呢?

    I mention worldwide filmi trends . Now , post'KANK ' , everyone 's looking to have an extra-marital affair – just'coz SRK does it , it 's'legal ' ?

  4. 好莱坞电影产业在世界电影产业中一直雄踞霸主地位。

    Hollywood film industry has been dominating the film industry in the world .

  5. 本文第一章,从对电影的历史观照中,梳理了世界电影、中国电影的奇观发展脉络。

    In the first chapter , I card the development of Cinematic spectacle domestically .

  6. 国际上好莱坞主流商业电影依然强劲,独霸世界电影市场。

    International commercial mainstream Hollywood film remains strong , dominating the world film market .

  7. 世界电影经典对白

    Top classical actor lines in the world film

  8. 好莱坞不再是世界电影业的中心了。

    Hollywood is no longer the heart of the world 's motion picture industry .

  9. 生态电影已经成为世界电影创作的新的生长点。

    The ecosystem movie has already become the new growth in the worldwide movie creations .

  10. 史蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格是美国乃至世界电影史上的一位大师。

    Steven Spielberg is a master of not only American , but world film history .

  11. 是世界电影的始祖,当年,它带给人们的精神愉悦丝毫不逊于现代的电影、电视。

    At that time , it brought people pleasure as modern movies and TVs do .

  12. 在全世界电影市场上充斥着好莱坞的影片。

    The films manufactured by Hollywood are saturated in the cinemas all over the world .

  13. 早在电影工业诞生伊始,好莱坞就主宰了整个世界电影市场。

    From the earliest days of the industry , Hollywood has dominated the world film market .

  14. 电影的成熟时期(1927~1945)&世界电影史第二分期回顾

    The Ripening Stage of Film ( 1927-1945 ): Description of the Second Historical Stage of World Film

  15. 另外,许多韩片在世界电影节上获得了奖项,并建立起良好声誉。

    Furthermore , many Korean films have won prizes in world-famous film festivals , and established good reputations .

  16. 它是香港电影人对于世界电影语言系统和电影文化发展所做出的重大贡献。

    It marks the outstanding achievements of Hong Kong film artists in their enriching film rhetoric and national culture .

  17. 斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格,是美国最富盛名的电影导演、电影制片人之一,也是世界电影界举足轻重的人物。

    Steven Spielberg is one of the most eminent director and filmmaker both in the US and the world .

  18. 电影《暴雨将至》是一部有着现代剧作结构的优秀电影,在世界电影殿堂中占有重要一席。

    Before the Rain , an excellent movie with modern screenwriting structure , occupies an important place among the world films .

  19. 你去金石堂书店的时候,请(顺便帮我)问一下新的一期“世界电影”杂志什么时候到。

    When you go to Kingstone Bookstore , please ask when this month 's issue of World Movie will be in .

  20. 也就是说,目前我国电影产业还处于发展初步阶段,在世界电影产业竞争中还处于弱势地位。

    In other words , china movie industry is a developing position and belongs to inferiority industry in the world competition .

  21. 他因在1999年的电影《铁道员》中的表演而获得蒙特利尔世界电影节最佳男演员奖。

    He won a best-actor award at the Montreal World Film Festival for his performance in the 1999 film Railroad Man .

  22. 现在世界电影业的联合制作发展带来了发展中和发达国家间在这一部门中的密切关系。

    The development of co-production in world cinema today resulted in a close relationship between developing and developed countries in that sector .

  23. 新世纪以来,奇幻电影在世界电影界大放异彩,几乎获得了满堂彩的票房佳绩。

    In the new century , the fantasy film shines in the film world . It wins a well box office success .

  24. 中国是世界电影业中不可忽视的一股力量,世界关注着中国的发展。

    China is a force to be reckoned with in the world film industry and the world is paying attention to China .

  25. 据说中国的皮影戏是世界电影最早的雏形,同时也是现代电影的基础。

    It is said that Chinese shadow play is the earliest form of film and is the basis of the original film .

  26. 有一个观点认为,戛纳应该是世界电影的天堂,而英语电影的天堂已经有了,就是好莱坞。

    The argument goes that Cannes is supposed to be a haven for world cinema ; for English , there is Hollywood .

  27. 在一八四八年还不存在的洛杉矶现在已经成为了世界电影中心。

    Los Angeles , a large city that was not even there in 1848 , had become the movie capital of the world .

  28. 独立电影在中国的迅速发展既是世界电影影响下的产物,同时也是中国社会变革带来的一种结果。

    Independent Film developed rapidly in China is the result of both the developing world Independent Film and the reformation of Chinese society .

  29. 武侠电影作为中国电影特有的一个类型,为世界电影的发展做出了重要的贡献。

    The Martial arts films as a unique type of Chinese film , made an important contribution to the development of world cinema .

  30. 每一部电影的诞生不可避免地铭刻着以往电影的印记,可以说世界电影史的内部潜行着一部元电影史,潜行着一部与自身传统持续对话的历史。

    We can say that the inner part of the movie history goes in a secret meta-cinema history and the traditions continuously dialogue .