
  • 网络National Vocational Qualification Certificate System;NVQS
  1. BQ分类作为国标,具有普适性。在企业中推行国家职业资格证书制度的思考

    As national standard of China , BQ qualification is ubiquitous . The Popularization of National Professional Qualification Certificates System in Enterprises

  2. 英国国家职业资格证书制度概述

    Brief Introduction to British National Vocational Qualification Certification System

  3. 对我国引进英国国家职业资格证书制度的研究

    Study on the Introduction of the UK National Vocational Qualifications System To China

  4. 职业资格考评是国家职业资格证书制度的重要组成部分,是人力资源开发的重要途径。

    Vocational qualification assessment is an important part of the national vocational qualification system and a tool of human resource development .

  5. 推行国家职业资格证书制度,实行职业资格证书与学历证书的相互沟通与衔接,不仅是时势所需,也是国外经济发达国家的通行做法。

    This article states that it is not only the need of the time but also the common thing in the advanced countries to carry out the policy of Vocational qualification certificate .

  6. 伴随着国家职业资格证书制度的推行,高等职业教育与职业资格证书制度之间的衔接问题日渐突出。高等职业教育与职业资格证书制度的衔接,成为当前亟待研究的教育课题。

    With the implementation of the certificate system of vocational qualifications , the effective connection between higher vocational education and the certificate system of vocational qualifications has become an educational subject for quick research .

  7. 20世纪80年代中期,受经济建设、社会发展和新职业主义思潮的影响,英国政府对传统职业教育进行了一次改革,并在全国范围内推行国家职业资格证书制度。

    In the middle of 1980 ′ s , under the influence of economic construction , society development and the idea of new vocationalism , British government put up a reformation on traditional vocational education , and conducted National Vocational Qualification Certificate System throughout the country .

  8. 立足本职贯彻执行好国家的职业资格证书制度

    Based on Own Duty Carrying Out the Vocational Qualification Certificate System

  9. 本文对发达国家教师职业资格证书制度的四项功能,即评价、激励、选拔和保障功能作一详细阐释,以此来为我国实行不久的教师资格证书制度提供借鉴。

    In order to help our system develop , this article is to give a clear explanation of each of the four basic functions of the system ( judgment , stimulation , selection and guarantee ) practiced in some developed countries .

  10. 澳大利亚是世界上职业教育与培训较为成功的国家之一,其职业资格证书制度更是独具特色。

    Australia is one of the most successful countries in vocational education and training , and its professional qualification certificate system is even more unique .