
ɡuó jiā wài huì ɡuǎn lǐ jú
  • State Administration of Foreign Exchange
  1. 这是中国国家外汇管理局(Safe,简称:外管局)面临的问题。

    That is the question facing China 's State Administration of Foreign Exchange .

  2. 国家外汇管理局(safe)把自己的运作和投资视为国家机密,无论哪类信息都极少发布。

    The State Administration of foreign exchange considers its operations and investments as state secrets and rarely releases information of any kind .

  3. 的确,中国国家外汇管理局(SAFE)储备管理司有足够的本钱折腾。

    Sure , the reserves division of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange has a lot to play with .

  4. 负责审批大额跨境交易的国家外汇管理局(SAFE),仍将对任何离境资金掌握最终决定权。

    The State Administration of Foreign Exchange , which approves big cross-border transactions , will still have the final say over any money leaving the country .

  5. 周四,国家外汇管理局(StateAdministrationofForeignExchange)表示,去年4月开启的一项调查已查出100亿美元的虚假贸易被用于掩护非法资金流动。

    On Thursday the State Administration of Foreign Exchange said an investigation launched in April last year revealed $ 10bn in fake trade used as a cover for illicit fund flows .

  6. 如果用同样的比率计算,购买密歇根州,中国需要花大约2万亿美元大致相当于中国国家外汇管理局(safe)必须花掉的钱。

    If the same ratio applied , buying Michigan would cost China almost $ 2 trillion - roughly what its state administration of foreign exchange has to spend .

  7. 然而,对于使用本国货币的中国企业,地方银行和国家外汇管理局(SAFE)仍会支持其获取战略资产的交易。

    For Chinese companies using their home currency , however , local banks and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange have remained supportive of dealmaking for strategic assets .

  8. 如果中国央行和国家外汇管理局(SAFE)都予以批准,这将是中国银行业体系朝着自由化迈出的重要一步。

    If the People 's Bank of China and the State Administration for Foreign Exchange agree , it would represent a major step toward liberalisation of the banking system .

  9. 隶属中国央行、负责管理外汇储备的国家外汇管理局(SAFE),是中国唯一获准大量购买海外债券的投资机构。

    The only Chinese investor allowed to make sizeable offshore bond purchases is the State Administration of Foreign Exchange ( Safe ), which manages the reserves under the central bank .

  10. 甚至负责管理大部分储备的国家外汇管理局(safe)也在上周承认,该局正在论证新的方法。

    Even the body that manages the bulk of the reserves , the State Administration of foreign exchange ( SAFE ) , admitted last week that it was debating new approaches .

  11. 过去十年间,中国国家外汇管理局(SAFE)放松了对国际货币基金组织(IMF)界定的43种资本账户交易中许多交易的管控。

    Over the past decade the State Administration of Foreign Exchange has relaxed controls around many of the 43 capital-account transaction items identified by the International Monetary Fund .

  12. 第三个大型主权买家是国家外汇管理局(stateadministrationofforeignexchange),该机构在央行的指导下开展业务,持有石油巨头英国石油(bp)和法国道达尔(total)的少量股权。

    The third big sovereign buyer is the State Administration of foreign exchange ( SAFE ) , which operates under the central bank and owns small stakes in oil majors BP and total of France .

  13. 安踏将其内地全资子公司的单据包括工资账单和原材料发票提交给中国国家外汇管理局(safe)。

    Anta takes bills from its wholly owned Chinese subsidiaries invoices for wages and raw materials , among other things and presents them to the State Administration of foreign exchange ( SAFE ) .

  14. 2009年10月,在中断17个月后,中国国家外汇管理局(safe)恢复批准qdii额度。

    In October 2009 , the State Administration for foreign exchange ( SAFE ) resumed approval of QDII quotas after a 17-month moratorium .

  15. 中国国家外汇管理局(safe)国际收支司司长管涛发表这番言论后,周二美元汇率应声下跌,令人更加担心仍在挣扎中的美国经济。

    The comments by Guan Tao , head of the international payments department in the State Administration of foreign exchange , knocked the dollar on Tuesday , adding to fears about the struggling US economy .

  16. 如果企业计划想在离岸市场发行人民币债券,要获得中国国家外汇管理局(Safe)批准可能极其困难,所以它们主要通过香港子公司发行。

    Because it can be so tough to get approval from SAFE , the Chinese foreign exchange regulator , to issue bonds in the offshore market , companies mainly sell debt through their Hong Kong subsidiaries .

  17. 该行发表上述言论之前,中国国家外汇管理局(SAFE)位于香港的一家子公司上月在公开市场上收购了澳新银行近1%的股份。

    The comments follow a move last month by a Hong Kong-based subsidiary of China 's State Administration of Foreign Exchange , which purchased a near 1 per cent stake in ANZ in the open market .

  18. 中国外汇管理机构&国家外汇管理局(StateAdministrationofForeignExchange)昨日在自己的网站上表示,合格境外机构投资者(QFII)的限额将从100亿美元提高至300亿美元。

    The State Administration of Foreign Exchange , the country 's foreign exchange regulator , said on its website yesterday that the quota for registered foreign investors would be increased from $ 10bn to $ 30bn .

  19. TPG这才接洽国家外汇管理局。

    TPG then courted SAFE .

  20. 出现国家外汇管理局这样的大型投资者,可能会使TPG与其他投资者的关系复杂化。

    The presence of a large investor like Safe could complicate TPG 's relations with other investors .

  21. 急切等待这一全球经济实力转移象征的观察人士,上周五抓住了中国国家外汇管理局(SAFE)局长易纲的一句话。

    Observers eagerly awaiting what will be a symbol of shifting global economic power on Friday seized on a remark by Yi Gang , director of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange , about China 's growth prospects .

  22. 最近,国家外汇管理局已达成协议,向私人股本公司TPG经营的一只基金投资逾25亿美元。

    It recently agreed to put more than $ 2.5bn into a fund run by private equity firm TPG .

  23. 近日,中国国家外汇管理局(Safe,简称:外管局)的代表们,正与外国银行家在北京会晤,商讨该问题。外管局隶属中国央行,负责管理国家的外汇储备。

    Representatives of China 's State Administration of Foreign Exchange , or Safe , which manages the reserves under the country 's central bank , has been meeting with foreign bankers in Beijing in recent days to discuss the issue .

  24. cerulli数据显示,迄今为止,外资基金公司获得的配额仅占国家外汇管理局(safe)已批qdii总投资配额的三分之一。

    Foreign companies have so far received only one-third of the total QDII quota approved by the State Administration of foreign exchange , according to cerulli .

  25. 1月5日,国家外汇管理局(SAFE)发布了《个人外汇管理办法实施细则》,规定从2月1日起,个人外汇结算和购汇限额为5万美元。

    On January 5 , the State Administration of Foreign Exchange issued detailed rules for administering individual foreign exchange transactions , prescribing an annual quota of $ 50,000 for both individual settlement of foreign exchange and individual purchases of foreign exchange from February 1 .

  26. 今年8月20日,中国国家外汇管理局(SAFE)宣布了所谓的港股直通车试行计划,首次允许中国内地居民通过中国银行天津分行投资香港股市。

    On August 20 , China 's State Administration of Foreign Exchange announced the so-called through train pilot project to allow Chinese residents to invest in Hong Kong 's stock market for the first time , via the Bank of China 's operations in Tianjin .

  27. 但近几个月来,国家外汇管理局变成了更为激进的强大投资者,追逐中投公司(cic)受命寻求的那种海外投资回报。

    But in recent months , safe has emerged as a powerful and more aggressive investor , chasing the kind of returns offshore that CIC was mandated to go after .

  28. 根据一位娱乐业领域金融人士的说法,截至11月28日,已有多笔已经达成的对外交易被推迟,等待国家外汇管理局(StateAdministrationofForeignExchange)的问询——其中包括部分规模大大低于10亿美元官方审查门槛的交易。

    A number of already agreed foreign deals have been delayed as of November 28 , according to one financier who works in the entertainment industry , pending questions from the State Administration on Foreign Exchange - including some transactions well below the $ 1bn threshold for official scrutiny .

  29. 央行曾提议,央行下属的外汇储备管理机构&国家外汇管理局(SAFE)要么作为中投的股东直接投资,要么委托中投代表其管理一部分外汇储备。

    The central bank had proposed that the State Administration of Foreign Exchange , an agency under the central bank that manages the forex reserves , either invest directly as a shareholder in CIC or hand CIC a mandate to manage a certain amount of reserves on its behalf .

  30. 国家外汇管理局(SAFE)已对QDII申请者做出明确表示,目前仍有更多额度。分析人士表示,政府对于该机制的支持将最终重新燃起内地投资者的热情。

    The State Administration of Foreign Exchange has made it clear to QDII applicants that there are a lot more quotas available , and analysts say the government 's support for the scheme will eventually re-ignite enthusiasm among domestic investors .