
  • 网络Xue Manzi;Charles Xue
  1. 美国风险资本家薛蛮子(CharlesXue)的微博账户上周六发布了近八个月以来的首批信息。他在微博上的言论曾经是中国数百万社交媒体用户必读的内容。

    Messages posted on Saturday were the first in nearly eight months from the account of Charles Xue , an American venture capitalist whose remarks on Weibo were once a must-read for millions of Chinese social media users .

  2. 三天前,薛蛮子因为未详细说明的健康原因获得保释。

    They came three days after Mr. Xue was released on bail for unspecified health reasons .

  3. 中国知名天使投资人薛蛮子今年2月在一个商业竞赛中说,中国的创业环境仅次于美国。不过他说,创新仍是个问题。

    Xue Manzi , a prominent Chinese angel capital investor , said in a business competition this February that China 's entrepreneur environment is second only to that of the U.S. However , he said , innovation remains a problem .