
  1. 唐代女冠诗人的婚姻境遇及其人生选择&以李冶、鱼玄机和薛涛为中心

    The Female Taoist Priest Poets ' Difficult Marriage Position and their Life Choice

  2. 你知道唐朝有一位叫薛涛的女诗人吗?

    Do you know there was a poetess , called Xue Tao , in the Tang Dynasty ?

  3. 薛涛是唐代著名的乐妓,更是一位杰出的女性诗人。

    Xue Tao was a famous music prostitute and more of an outstanding female poet in Tang Dynasty .

  4. 薛涛诗具有独特的艺术魅力,所展现的心灵世界令人惊叹。

    Xue Tao 's poems have the unique artistic charm , unfold the mind world makes one exclaim in surprise .

  5. 唐代女诗人薛涛,一生命运坎坷,但她以诗作在文学史上留下了自己的足迹。

    Poetess Xue Tao in Tang Dynasty , living hard all her life , made great achievements in literature history .

  6. 在唐代李冶、薛涛、鱼玄机三位杰出女冠诗人中,鱼玄机经历最为坎坷,而生命最为短暂。

    Three outstanding female Taoist Poets in the Tang Dynasty , Yu has experienced ups and downs , life is short , but left many has a certain influence on the outstanding poetry .

  7. 本文研究的重点不是作家薛涛的守望意识,也不单纯是薛涛少年小说中人物的守望意识,而是薛涛少年小说文本本身所表现出来的守望意识。

    This paper investigates on the consciousness of watching & guarding represented from pure texts of Writer Xue Tao 's youth novel , neither simply on the writer 's nor the dramatis personae 's from these works .