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  1. 这些结构的形成为人造子宫的实现带来了希望。

    The emergence of these structures brings hope for the implementation of artificial uterus . 5 .

  2. 人工授精、试管婴儿、人造子宫、无性繁殖(克隆)等现代人工生育技术的发展,不但改变了人们的生育观念,由此带来的价值冲突也使传统法律受到前所未有的挑战。

    Artificial insemination , the test-tube baby , the artificial uterus , and asexual reproduction ( cloning ) have not only changed the human concept of birth , but also brought value conflicts that pose an unprecedented challenge to law in its traditional sense .

  3. 科学家已经从妇女体内提取细胞,培育出人造子宫原型。

    Scientists have created prototypes made out of cells extracted from women 's bodies .

  4. 医务人员正在研制人造子宫,实现胚胎体外生长。

    Doctors are developing artificial wombs in which embryos can grow outside a woman 's body .

  5. 荷兰科学家开发人造子宫

    Dutch Scientists Developing Artificial Womb

  6. 人造子宫能够解决很多妇女的生育问题,但也提出了重要的伦理问题。

    Artificial wombs could end many women 's childbirth problems & but they also raise major ethical headaches .

  7. 重要的是,他们都认为再过几年就能够实现人造子宫维持胎儿生长9个月。

    Crucially , both believe artificial wombs capable of sustaining a child for nine months will become reality in a few years .

  8. 在实验中,6只相当于人类孕期23周的早产小羊在剖腹产之后被立刻放入人造子宫。

    In their experiment , six premature lambs were placed in artificial wombs immediately after caesarean deliveries at the equivalent of 23 weeks human gestation .

  9. 荷兰的科学家们获得了一笔巨额资金,用于研究和开发世界上第一个人类人造子宫。

    Scientists in the Netherlands have been given a large grant towards the research and development of the world 's first artificial womb for humans .

  10. 根据一项发表在《自然通讯》上的研究显示,费城儿童医院的医生们发明了一种可以维持重度早产儿发育的人造子宫。

    Doctors from the Children 's Hospital of Philadelphia have invented an artificial womb to support critically premature babies , according to a study published in Nature Communications .

  11. 第一部分首先介绍了人工生殖相关技术的概念、种类,目前已经应用和正在研究的人工生殖技术,在医学上包括人工授精、体外授精-胚胎移植、人造子宫、克隆。

    The first part introduces the correlation technology concept , the type of assisted reproduction . At present already applied and studying technologies include artificial insemination , in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer , man-made womb and the clone .