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  • artificial heart
  1. 亚利桑那州的医生称他们已经把一颗人造心脏移植到一名46岁妇女的体内。

    Doctors in Arizona say they have implanted an artificial heart into a 46-year-old woman

  2. 人造心脏仅仅是为短期应用而设计的。

    The artificial heart is designed only for short-term use .

  3. 组织工程心脏瓣膜(tissueengineeringheartvalve,TEHV)具有自体活细胞,能够自我更新和改建,生物力学和血流动力学性能优良,耐久性好,无需抗凝,符合理想人造心脏瓣膜的条件。

    Tissue engineering heart valves ( TEHVs ) constructed from autologous living cells theoretically have the potential to meet the characteristics of an ideal valve substitute because they have .

  4. 瑞辉公司的部分问题是一个关于著名心脏专家、人造心脏制造者罗伯特·贾维客(RobertJarvik)的广告宣传。

    Part of Pfizer 's problem was an ad campaign featuring noted heart specialist Robert Jarvik ( maker of artificial hearts ) .

  5. 人造心脏泵及心脏瓣膜泵研究

    Present Situation and Prospects of Artificial Heart Pumps in Jiangsu University

  6. 人造心脏机械瓣膜肺动脉器官支撑环

    Support ring for pulmonary artery of artificial heart valve

  7. 一种新型人造心脏双叶瓣跨瓣压差的研究

    Study of the transvalvular gradient of a newly China-made bileaflet heart valve prosthesis

  8. 人造心脏瓣膜替换术18例体会

    Experience of Candiac Value Replacement in 18 Patients

  9. 人造心脏瓣膜研究的现状和展望

    Heart valve prostheses : Current situation and prospect

  10. 人造心脏瓣膜&牛心包生物瓣的制备及其临床应用

    Prosthetic cardiac valve : preparation and clinical application of bovine pericardial bioprosthetic heart valves

  11. 人造心脏瓣膜置换术后超声随访

    Ultrasonographic follow-up survey after prosthetic valve replacement

  12. 工程师把它设计为永久性的而非临时的人造心脏。

    Engineers designed it to be a permanent heart transplant instead of a stopgap measure .

  13. 而贾维克七号人造心脏(Javic-7)是不一样的。

    The Jarvik-7 artificial heart was different .

  14. 国产新型人造心脏瓣膜&全热解碳双叶瓣的研制和植入研究

    Studies on Preparation and implantation of a newly domestic-made solid pyrolytic carbon bileaflet heart valve prosthesis

  15. 他同样是一名开创者在人造心脏,心脏移植和录制外科手术上。

    He was also a pioneer in artificial hearts , heart transplants and recording surgeries on film .

  16. 1982年,在犹他大学,巴尼·克拉克成为首位接受永久人造心脏的人类。

    At the University of Utah , Barney Clark , becomes the first person to receive a permanent artificial heart .

  17. 他同时还是人造心脏的先驱者,心脏移植和外科手术的影像记录。

    He was also a pioneer in artificial hearts , heart cha plans transplants are and recording surgeries on film .

  18. 然后,他们把死鼠的身体弄热,安装上人造心脏泵,再把死鼠放在饥饿的蟒蛇面前。

    Then they warmed up the rats , set the hearts pumping , and dangled them in front of hungry boas .

  19. 而现在,一家法国的公司宣称他们已经拥有技术让人造心脏的临床应用成为可能。

    Now , a French company says that it has the technology to make the implantation of it a standard surgical procedure .

  20. 这样的方法能够产生足够的电能来驱动哪怕是最耗费能源的设备,比如人造心脏。

    Such a setup would be capable of producing enough electricity to drive even the most power-hungry of devices , like artificial hearts .

  21. 然而,这家法国公司并不是第一家生产人造心脏以彻底替代损坏的或者病变的心脏的公司。

    The French company is not the first to make total artificial hearts , which are meant to completely replace damaged and diseased organs .

  22. 结论:C-L短柱瓣具有优良的血流动力学性能,是一种优良的人造心脏瓣膜。

    Conclusion : CL pugesturt tilting disc valve prosthesis , with an excellent hemodynamics , is an ideal choice for patients of valve replacement .

  23. 据悉,这枚人造心脏名为利奥塔-库利人造心脏,重量为半磅(226.8克),由医生多明戈利奥塔与1969年用塑料和聚酯纤维制作而成。

    Known as the Liotta-Cooley Artificial Heart , this half-pound ( 226.8-gram ) device of plastic and polyester fiber was developed by Dr Domingo Liotta in1969 .

  24. 因此,对不同个体、不同类型的人造心脏瓣膜,维持不同的抗凝强度,是预防瓣膜相关并发症的最重要措施。

    Therefore , maintaining of optimal anticoagulation intensity for individual with a specific type of valve prosthesis is the most important measure in preventing of valve prosthesis related complications .

  25. 人造心脏与远处科学家控制的泵相连,他们变换心脏跳动的时间,重复投放老鼠进行试验。

    The fake hearts were connected to a pump that scientists controlled from a distance , and they varied the amount of time the hearts beat from feeding to feeding .

  26. 即便是如今,在找到真正的心脏之前,依然有许多医疗机构依靠与1982年的贾维斯七号相近的人造心脏来维持病人的生命。

    Even now , several medical institutions rely on artificial hearts that are nearly identical to the Jarvik-7 model from 1982 to keep patients alive while waiting for a real human heart .

  27. 结果早期死亡6例(11%),死亡主要原因为低心输出量综合征、人造心脏瓣膜性心内膜炎和多脏器功能衰竭。

    Results The operative mortality was 11 % . Complications included low cardiac output syndrome , recurrence of endocarditis , multiple organ failure , ventricular arrhythmia , bleeding , mediastinal infection , respiratory insufficiency and heart block .

  28. 外科医生1950年代首次在人类心脏里植入了试验性的人造瓣膜。心脏医学自那以来取得了巨大进展。

    Cardiac medicine has made tremendous strides since the1950s , when surgeons placed the first experimental artificial valves in the human heart .

  29. 吉普森说,人造血管在心脏搭桥手术上有很多优点,因为不需要从病人腿上取血管了。

    According to Kypson , the artificial blood vessel would have advantages in heart bypass surgery because it doesn 't require removal of a vein from a patient 's leg .