
  • 网络Kilkenny
  1. 基尔肯尼市希望明天能推出世界上最大型的圣诞节颂歌歌唱节目。

    Kilkenny is hoping to stage the world 's biggest Christmas carol-singing service tomorrow .

  2. 我教会了他唱《基尔肯尼的小伙子,个个是健壮的荡子》。

    I taught him to sing , the boys of Kilkenny are stout roaring blades .

  3. 基尔肯尼的圣卡尼斯大教堂将在于平安夜11.30,圣诞节当天早上8点和11.15点举行弥撒仪式。

    St Canice 's Cathedral in Kilkenny will have services on Christmas Eve at11.30pm and at8am and11.15 am on Christmas Day .

  4. 他们的这部新片讲述了发生在17世纪中叶的一个激动人心的神话故事,故事里英格兰士兵正试图攻占基尔肯尼附近的一片原始森林。

    Their latest rousing fairy tale is set in the mid 17th-Century , when English soldiers are trying to tame the wild woods near Kilkenny .

  5. 他的工作是消灭基尔肯尼附近森林的狼群,但是当萝宾探索这片森林时,她发现其中一只狼可以变身为一个人类女孩(伊娃·惠塔克配音)。

    He has the job of clearing the wolves from a forest near Kilkenny , but when Robyn goes exploring , she finds that one of those wolves can transform into a human girl ( Eva Whittaker ) .