
  • 网络Keith;Keys;Chris
  1. 虽然我们尚未发现支持这些指控的证据,但是基斯的判断失误最终还是削弱了他在Square有效行使领导权的能力。

    While we have not found evidence to support any claims , Keith exercised poor judgment that ultimately undermined his ability to remain an effective leader at square .

  2. 研究员基斯•贝克(KeithBaker)甚至发现,一国学生在这项测试中取得的成绩与该国未来经济增速之间存在负相关。

    The researcher Keith Baker actually found a negative correlation between scores in this test and future growth .

  3. 《财富》杂志编辑的选择是联合利华(Unilever)首席营销官基斯•韦德。

    Keith weed of Unilever ( UL ) , was the editors ' pick .

  4. 基斯•拉博伊斯,这位快速增长的移动支付公司Square的二号人物因为受到与其关系密切的一位员工提出的性骚扰指控而辞职。

    Keith rabois , the No. 2 executive at square , the fast growing mobile payments startup , resigned from the company amid sexual harassment accusations made by an employee with whom he had an intimate relationship .

  5. 恰恰相反,她常说:“有一天人们将认识到他们有多感激基斯•约瑟夫。”1996年,她在政策研究中心(CentreforPolicyStudies)纪念约瑟夫的演讲中发表了上述言论。

    On the contrary , she often said : " One day people will realise what they owe to Keith Joseph . " Anyone can confirm this by looking at her Joseph Memorial Lecture of 1996 given to the Centre for Policy Studies .

  6. “毕业舞会越来越精细讲究了,”管理着一家宴会厅的基斯•赖德(KeithRider)说。很多学校租用他的宴会厅举办毕业舞会。

    ' It 's getting more and more elaborate , 'says Keith Rider , who manages a banquet hall here that many schools hire for the big dance .

  7. 这一合作计划得到了英国政府的支持,并于周二正式公布。帝国学院院长基斯•奥尼恩斯爵士(SirKeithO’Nions)以及华为企业业务(EnterpriseBusinessGroup)首席执行官徐文伟(WilliamXu)签署了合作谅解备忘录。

    The venture , which has UK government backing , was formally announced on Tuesday with the signing of a memorandum of understanding by Sir Keith O'Nions , president of Imperial College , and William Xu , chief executive of Huawei 's Enterprise Business Group .

  8. 克利夫兰诊所的妇产科主任托马索·法尔科内(TommasoFalcone)是察基斯博士的合作伙伴之一。

    One of the surgeons working with Tzakis will be Dr. Tommaso Falcone , the Cleveland Clinic 's chairman of obstetrics and gynecology .

  9. 近日诸多长篇大论都忽视了一点:撒切尔的思想有多少要归功于基斯•约瑟夫(KeithJoseph)?作为一名保守党员,约瑟夫曾帮助推动真正的自由市场思想重新登上政治议程。

    A point that has been missed in all the verbiage of recent days is how much her thinking owed to Keith Joseph , the Conservative who helped to put the idea of a genuine free market back on the political agenda .

  10. 尼基•利昂达基斯(NikiLeondakis)是三藩市精品连锁酒店KimptonHotels&Restaurants的首席运营官。他说,这样的求职者通常“确实是走投无路了”。

    Such applicants often'are really desperate , 'says Niki Leondakis , chief operating officer at Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants , a boutique chain in San Francisco .

  11. 我差点象失去基斯一样失去他。

    I could have lost him the way I lost keith .

  12. 基斯就开始存钱以备你上大学之需。

    Keith has been saving a fund for you for college .

  13. 基斯,丹想让你背上谋杀的罪名。

    Keith , Dan is trying to convict you of murder .

  14. “基斯学院运动员赢得蓝带奖牌”

    " Caius college athlete wins Blue riband at games . "

  15. 基斯:你觉得我把你当作出气包?

    Keith : you think I treat you like a doormat ?

  16. 基斯,你好像并不在乎这些条例。

    Keith , you don 't seem concerned about the rules .

  17. 十倍于上将·德·基斯郁金香只要它产仔

    for ten Admiral De Keys tulips when it 's born .

  18. 基斯:你从哪里听说收购这件事的?

    Keith : Where did you hear about the takeover ?

  19. 这次高尔夫联赛让基斯感到压力很大。

    The stress of this golf tournament has Keith all jammed up .

  20. 你知道基斯现在有多为你骄傲吗?

    You know how proud Keith must be of you right now ?

  21. 我很乐意做你的儿子,基斯。

    I would love to be your son , keith .

  22. 基斯告诉我你企图杀了丹。

    Keith told me that you tried to kill dan .

  23. 我们以雷森,伊顿和基斯学院的名义来挑战。

    We challenge in the name of repton , Eton and caius .

  24. 安定也是基斯给你吗?

    Was Keith the one who gave you the diazepam , too ?

  25. “妈妈和基斯会结婚”

    " Mom and Keith will finally get married . "

  26. 第三贝尔基斯,示巴套房,第177页女王:三。

    Belkis , Queen of Sheba Suite , P.177 : III.

  27. 香提,基斯好不好?

    Shante , what about Keith with his fine self ?

  28. 伊丽莎白。基斯是印第安那州普渡大学的私人财务专家。

    Elizabeth Kiss is a personal finance specialist with Perdue University in Indiana .

  29. 护士为基斯注射疫苗,令他对麻疹产生免疫能力。

    The nurse gave Keith a vaccination which offered him immunity against measles .

  30. 你认为你将出卖基斯?

    You believe you have to betray chris ?