
  • 网络Basic skills;Foundation skills
  1. 但是,多数培训着眼于基础技能,而非领导力的开发。

    But much of the training aims at basic skills rather than leadership development .

  2. 应用心理学专业学生的实践技能主要包括基础技能、专业技能和综合技能。

    The practice skills for the students majoring at applied psychology mainly include basic skills , professional skills and comprehensive skills .

  3. 您已经掌握了基础技能,因此,让我们看看一个实际示例,结合一个push按钮控件和一个更为复杂的宏。

    You have mastered the basics , so let 's look at a practical example that combines a push button control with a more complex macro .

  4. 它是一种默认的基础技能,就像知道如何制作PPT或者是找到去办公室的路。

    It is a given , a background skill like knowing how to create a PowerPoint presentation or find your way to the office .

  5. 祝福和结界类技能现在有基础技能学习要求了。

    Benediction and Warding based powers now have focus skill pre-reqs .

  6. 传统的听力和口语教材比较重视语言基础技能的训练。

    Traditional listening and speaking materials emphasize on basic language skills .

  7. 高职机械专业基础技能训练的模式与实践

    Higher Vocational Education Machinery Specialized Foundation Skill Training Pattern and Practice

  8. 随着时间的推移,这种行为扩大曲目的基础技能和资源。

    Over time , this broadened behavioral repertoire builds skills and resources .

  9. 素描是当今美术学科中各专业所必须具备的一项基础技能。

    Sketch is an essential foundation for all disciplines of arts today .

  10. 模拟病房护理学基础技能实验室建设和实验教学改革

    Construction of basic nursing skills laboratory of simulating wards and reform of experimental teaching

  11. 不要申请那些需要你不具备的基础技能的工作。

    Don 't apply for jobs that require certain primary abilities you don 't have .

  12. 它不仅让我具备了非常良好的各个商业学科的基础技能

    Not only did it give me very good foundation skills in all disciplines of business

  13. 熟练使用计算机办公软件是一项你必须必备的基础技能。

    Proficiency in the use of office softwares is the basic skill you have to equiped .

  14. 商务英语专业学生在语言基础技能方面的能力需求及解决办法

    The Needs for Basic Skill Training for Students Majoring in Business and the Ways to Meet them

  15. 对大多数语言学习者而言,听则被认为是最难的项目,同时听也是说、读和写的基础技能。

    But to most of the learners , listening is hardest part and the most fundamental skill .

  16. 《英语语音》是英语专业开设的一门独立实训课程,是语言类专业重要的基础技能训练通过课。

    English Phonetics is a practical course for English majors , and it is an important one to train students'basic language skills .

  17. 你需要知道你将要去的地方的环境,同时你必须有环境中的实践基础技能工具。

    You need to know about the environment to which you are going , and you must practice basic skills geared to that environment .

  18. 如针对高一学生基础技能训练枯燥、单调的特点,应适当引入竞赛活动;

    Contests can be introduced into the first grade students of high school , according to bald and monotone features of their basic technique training .

  19. 信息检索课是一门公共基础技能课,目的是使学生在掌握检索工具,提高信息获取利用和科研创新能力。

    Information retrieval is a public basic skills courses to enable students to master the search tools to improve access to information use and research innovation .

  20. 顺从压力不是纠正的基础技能,但是如果过早的使用项圈纠正进行训练会把狗搞糊涂。

    Give to pressure is not a correction based skill but it could be confusing to a dog that had earlier been trained with collar corrections .

  21. 通过连接基础技能原子去创造叫做技能链的原子的有向图,我们可以形象地表现玩家怎么学习。

    We can visually represent how players learn by linking our basic skill atoms together to create a directed graph of atoms called a skill chain .

  22. 本课程将使学生加强基础技能并扩展数字产品和展示技术来动态表达信息。

    The course will reinforce fundamental skills and extend the student 's abilities to use a range of digital production and presentation techniques to express dynamic information .

  23. 近年来英国的技能开发取得了不少成就,但在可持续就业所需基础技能方面仍存在严重不足。

    The skill development in UK has gained a certain achievements in recent years , however , the basic skill that the sustainable employment needs is still in lack .

  24. 结论模拟教学及点评训练可提高学生的学习能力,使基本理论、基本知识、基础技能显著提高。

    Conclusion : Simulated teaching and evaluating training may help improve students ' learning ability , and enhance their mastery of basic theory , basic knowledge and basic clinical skills .

  25. 其中,课程体系由四个模块组成,分别为通识教育课程模块、专业基础技能课程模块、专业素养课程模块、体育方向专业课程模块。

    Among them , the course system consists of four modules , namely , general education curriculum modules and professional skills courses based on modules , professional quality course modules , the direction of professional sports curriculum module .

  26. 较之以前那种只注重培养基础技能的表现方法已开始不再适合新世纪美术人才的培养方向,我们应该寻找新出路,培养更多的创新型美术人才。

    Compared with that focus only on the cultivation of basic skills performance is no longer suitable for the cultivation of art talents of the new century direction , we should find a way to develop more innovative art talent .

  27. 加强体育院校改革的步伐,提高学生身体素质,加强体操基础技能和知识的全面培养,培养出适合中学体育教育的复合性人才。

    Enhancement sports colleges and universities pace of reform , improves the student physical quality , the enhancement gymnastics foundation skill and the knowledge comprehensive raise , trains compound talented person who suits the middle school sports education . 6 .

  28. 视唱练耳是一门理论性与技术性并存、综合性的音乐学科,是众多音乐学科的基础技能课,也是高师音乐专业学生的必修课。

    The sight singing and ear training is an integrative musical subject with theoretics and techniques . It is a basic skill course for numerous music subjects and also a required course for the students of music major in advanced Normal College .

  29. 在目前的高等美术教学中,应该一方面注重基础技能训练,另一方面更应该加强对创作课程的注重,将创作课程上升到艺术创作的高度来看待。

    In present higher art teaching , on one hand , basic skill training should be laid stress on , on the other hand , creative courses should be paid attention to , and these courses should be regarded as art innovation .

  30. 阅读是一项基础技能,在英语学习中有着重要的作用,一直深受研究者和广大教师的青睐。

    It is well known that reading is one of the basic skills of learning English and plays a very important role in language learning . It has always had a prominent position in the interests of both reading researchers and teachers .