
  • 网络Trainer;Corporate Trainer
  1. 洛杉矶一位企业培训师法拉赫帕克(FarrahParker)称,一些在夏季休过假的成年人之所以会会在劳工节后感到抑郁是因为他们尝过了仓鼠转轮般枯燥日子以外的生活的滋味。

    Some adults who get the summer off face Labor Day blues ' because they 've had a taste of life outside of the hamster wheel , ' says Farrah Parker , a corporate trainer in Los Angeles . '

  2. 曾在印度一所空乘学院担任企业培训师的乌斯曼表示,海外学习能够让她接触到那些在印度没有业务的企业。

    The former corporate trainer for an air hostess institute in India says studying abroad allows her to make contact with companies that do not have a presence in India .

  3. 实施过程中,应注重校企合作机制法规及企业培训师队伍建设工作,同时应加强学生的劳动培训保护。

    Meanwhile , students ' labour training protection should be strengthened .

  4. 企业培训师帕克说:如果你能一年到头都基本上不休假,那么假期结束带来的冲击就没那么大了。

    Says Ms. Parker , the corporate trainer : ' If you can take little vacations throughout the year , it 's less of a shock when vacation is over . '

  5. 基于此,企业兼职培训师队伍的建设尤为重要。

    So , the construction of part-time trainer team in enterprise is very important .

  6. 亨利有超过十年的管理和营销职业经验,并且已经作为企业英语培训师在北京工作多年。

    Henri has over ten years of professional experience in business management and marketing , and has been working as a corporate and English language trainer in Beijing for the past year .

  7. 培训效果是判断培训成功与否的基本标准,培训效果的好坏又反过来影响企业、员工、培训师对待培训的态度。

    That means output is something on judging if a training program succeeds or not on one hand , and also something that will affect the attitudes towards training among employees , trainers and enterprises on the other .