
  1. 我们的服务人员受过专业的上岗前培训,具有众多的餐宴服务经验,确保为您的晚会增添多一分亮点。

    Our service staff have received professional pre-service training , service experience with a large number of Feasts , sure to add a little more for your party highlights .

  2. 新护士上岗前集中培训方法的探讨

    Probe into methods of centralized pre-work training for newly employed nurses

  3. 从事技术工种的职工,上岗前必须经过培训;

    Any worker who is to do a technical type of job must undergo training beforehand ;

  4. 方法对42名保洁人员上岗前就公司培训项目、频率、体检防疫、自我防护、职业认识等进行问卷调查。

    Methods A questionnaire study was conducted in 42 cleaning workers about the content and frequency of training , physical checkup , self-protection and professional knowledge etc.

  5. 员工转岗或顶岗时,由各部门应根据岗位需要进行上岗前的各种知识培训,培训记录交总经办备案。

    The staff who transfer or on duty for other employee shall be trained according to the position requirement , Training record shall submitted to general office for recorder . The underpinning knowledge and skills may be assessed on or off-the-job .