
  • 网络Organizational Cohesion;organization cohesiveness
  1. 合理的激励机制可以鼓舞员工士气、提高员工素质、增强组织凝聚力。研究咨询公司的激励机制应用问题,对于做好知识密集型企业的人力资源管理具有重大而现实的意义。

    Reasonable application of incentive mechanism can encourage the staff morale , improve the staff quality and enhance the organizational cohesion .

  2. 利用计算机和网络技术手段,实现内外部交流的信息化;并通过构建良好的组织文化形成组织成员共同的价值观、提高组织凝聚力、实现长效的控制机制。

    Using means of computer and network technology , we achieve internal and external exchange of information . By building a good organizational culture , members shared values form and improve organizational cohesion and achieve long-term control mechanism .

  3. 作为APEC两大支柱之一的经济技术合作则是加强亚太经合组织凝聚力的重要途径。

    Being one of the two pillars of APEC , economic and technical cooperation is an important way to strengthen the cohesiveness of the APEC .

  4. 这次小比试的目的,是加强组织凝聚力

    The point of these little gladiatorial distractions is to strengthen unit cohesion .

  5. 组织凝聚力结构与影响因素:案例研究及理论建构

    The Construct and Antecedents of Organizational Cohesiveness : A Case Study and the Theory Development

  6. 心理契约是形成组织凝聚力和团队氛围的无形手段。

    Psychological contract is a kind of invisible means in forming cohesion and group atmosphere .

  7. 基层党组织凝聚力、战斗力的强弱与普通党员作用发挥的好坏是相辅相成的。

    The cohesion and combat effectiveness of the basic Party organizations and bringing ordinary Party members into play complement each other .

  8. 在公共部门中进一步完善激励机制的研究作为提升公共部门工作效率及组织凝聚力的重要管理手段更引起了学术界和各级公共管理部门的高度重视。

    The academe and public sector attach great importance to research Incentive System in public sector to improve work efficiency and cohesion within organization .

  9. 人本管理作为一种管理模式、管理机制、管理方法,对于增强公共组织凝聚力具有十分重要的作用。

    As a kind of management model , mechanism and method , the human-oriented management plays a key role in enhancing the cohesion of the public organization .

  10. 大学生党员有着自身特有的优势和朝气,是党组织凝聚力、战斗力和创造力的具体体现。

    The university student party member has own unique superiority and the vitality , is the party organization cohesive force , the battle efficiency and creativity concrete manifestation .

  11. 对基层党组织凝聚力工程建设的研究,对新时期加强和改进党的思想政治工作,充分发挥党组织的战斗堡垒作用具有重要的现实意义。

    The research of the Cohesion project construction is very meaningful for strengthening and improving the political thinking work of the CPC , and giving full play to the CPC 's effect as a fort .

  12. 高校基层党组织加强凝聚力建设的创新研究

    Innovative study on the basic party organization 's cohesion construction

  13. 使上海合作组织的凝聚力受到削弱;

    Weakening the cohesion of the Shanghai Cooperative Organization ;

  14. 企业管理者沟通能力对组织群体凝聚力影响的实证研究

    The Study that the Enterprise Manager 's Communication Competency Influences the Organized Group Cohesion

  15. 不断提高党的基层组织的凝聚力和战斗力。

    So as to increase the rallying power and combat effectiveness of primary organizations .

  16. 总的看法是右翼组织没有凝聚力或公共支持。

    The overall view was that right-wing groups didn 't have cohesion or public support .

  17. 党的建设不断加强,党组织的凝聚力和战斗力得到提高。

    Party building has been intensified , which helps further enhance the Party organization 's coherence and combat strength .

  18. 第三,加强作风建设增强村级党组织的凝聚力和感召力。

    Thirdly , enhance work style construction to strengthen the cohesion and appeal of the Party organization at rural level .

  19. 同时,将培训与员工的个人发展联系起来会调动员工的工作热情,增强组织的凝聚力。

    Also , an enterprise can motivate its employees and strengthen its coherence by way of combining training with career development planning .

  20. 第二个关联问题是,过时的习惯往往也就是让旧的组织形成凝聚力的习惯。

    The second related problem is that outmoded habits are often the same as the ones that knitted the old organisation together .

  21. 一个管理者应采取什么方式来增加组织的凝聚力?为什么这是非常重要的?请通过举例来解释你的答案。

    What techniques are available to a manager to encourage group cohesiveness ? Why is it important ? Illustrate your answer with examples .

  22. 增强工会组织的凝聚力,适应新情况、解决新问题、肩负新任务。

    Trade union organizations ought to strengthen their cohesiveness , cater to the needs of new circumstances , tackle the new problems and shoulder the new tasks .

  23. 通过对工会经费收缴与使用方法的管理,以及加强会计基础工作的方法和重要性的阐述,说明了收、管、用好工会经费,才能充分发挥工会职能,增强工会组织的凝聚力。

    ; Through the management of the collection and application of the trade union outlay discussion is made on how to exert the trade union and strengthen its cohesion foree .

  24. 管好、用好集体资产,对于壮大集体经济实力,改善农业生产条件,促进农业和农村经济发展,增加农民收入,增强农村基层组织的凝聚力,保持农村社会稳定,都有着十分重要的意义。

    How to use and keep collective assets well is very significance that can develop collective economy , improve the agricultural working conditions , augment boorish income , and keep social stabilization .

  25. 高校分党校的规范化建设对加强高校党校建设、加强大学生思想政治教育工作、提高基层党组织的凝聚力、战斗力和执行力都具有重要意义。

    It is an important aspect for strengthening construction in groups of cadres , to hard build a troop of Party teachers with high quality , and the key to education of the Party school .

  26. 要坚持围绕中心、服务大局,拓宽领域、强化功能,扩大党的工作的覆盖面,不断提高党的基层组织的凝聚力和战斗力。

    We should , by focusing on the central task and serving the overall interests , broaden the fields of our endeavor , intensify our functions and expand the coverage of the Party 's work so as to increase the rallying power and combat effectiveness of primary organizations .

  27. 网络组织成员间凝聚力与网络组织运行效率关系研究

    The Empirical Research on the Relationship between Members ' Cohesion and the Efficiency of the Firm Network Organization

  28. 它是一种使程序员能够自由发挥其创造力和生产力,却同时有保持组织性和凝聚力的环境。

    It is an environment in which programmers feel free to be creative and productive but remain organized and focused .

  29. 作为基层党组织,做好凝聚力工程是加强基层党组织建设的重大举措,也是发展党的教育事业的重要基础。

    The Cohesion Project is of great significance to strengthen the construction of the Party and enhance our Party 's power .

  30. 不管销售人员的内在动力如何,如果他们组织松散,凝聚力不强,工作不努力,他们就会难以满足客户越来越多的要求。

    Though salesmen have strong internal power , they will not meet their customers'more and more demands if their organization is incompact , less cohesive strength , bad work .