
  • 网络recommendation by organizations
  1. 世界卫生组织推荐心肌缺血的诊断标准包括三个方面,病史与症状、心电图(electrocardiogram,ECG)的表现和生化标志物。

    The diagnostic criteria of myocardial ischemia recommended by WHO , include medical history and symptoms , electrocardiogram display , and biochemical markers .

  2. 这种方法在DOTS(全程监督短程化疗)的规则下使用,是世界卫生组织推荐的用于控制肺结核的方法。

    It is still implemented under DOTS , the internationally recommended strategy of the World Health Organization ( WHO ) for TB control .

  3. 然而,在缺乏资源的环境下,世界卫生组织推荐使用CD4细胞测试&测量免疫系统的健康状况。

    In resource poor settings , however , the WHO recommends that CD4 cell testing a measure of the health of the immune system is used .

  4. 可扩展标记语言(XML)是W3C组织推荐的数据表示语言,受到了人们的广泛重视,已渐渐成为网络间数据交换的事实标准。

    Extensible Mark Language ( XML ) is a data-express language recommended by W3C . XML is paid attention to by people and is becoming a standard of exchanging data in the network .

  5. 世界卫生组织推荐艾滋病感染者/患者使用抗结核药异烟肼(isoniazid)减少潜伏结核病被激活的可能性。

    The World Health Organization recommends that HIV / AIDS patients take the antibiotic isoniazid to reduce the chance of latent TB becoming active .

  6. 国际权威组织推荐普遍食盐加碘(USI)来消除IDD,但是随着全球纠正碘缺乏的快速进展,碘过量出现。

    USI has been recommended by authoritative organizations to eliminate IDD all over the world , but excessive iodine has appeared with the fast progress in eliminating IDD .

  7. 从色品坐标(u,v)到颜色温度和相关色温的计算过程比较复杂,很难依据国际标准化组织推荐的不确定度评定方法进行分析。

    Because of the complex calculation process between the colour temperature , the correlated colour temperature and the chromatic coordinate ( u , v ), it is difficult to analyze the expression of uncertainty according to the international organization for standardization ( ISO ) guide .

  8. DVP是G-30组织推荐的防范本金风险最有效的制度设计。

    D VP is the most effective mechanism to eliminate principal risks of stick precaution that G-30 organization recommends .

  9. 对训练样本人群进行双能X线吸收仪(DEXA)骨密度检测和骨密度影响因素的调查,以世界卫生组织推荐的T评分标准作为诊断标准。

    Then they were examined the mineral density with the dual energy X-ray absorption ( DEXA ) and investigated with the influencing factors of the POP , taking T standard recommended by the World Health Organization as the standard of diagnosis .

  10. 蒙得维的亚公共卫生主任PabloAnzalone说乌拉圭人均钠消费大约是9克,是世卫组织推荐值的两倍。

    The national consumption of sodium in Uruguay is about 9 grams per person , which is double what the World Health Organization recommends , says Pablo Anzalone , the director of public health for Montevideo .

  11. 自从抗结核药物上市以来,特别是近几年世界卫生组织推荐的INH、RFP和PIA联合用药标准短程化疗被应用到临床以来,抗结核化疗已被公认为是控制结核病最有效的治疗方法。

    Since the application of the medicine for anti-tuberculosis , especially the clinical application of the INH 、 RFP and PIA of the short-term chemotherapy recommended by World Health Organization in recent years , anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy has been accepted as the most effective method to control tuberculosis .

  12. 3种国产牛奶中的饱和脂肪酸(SFA):单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA):多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)均不符合世界卫生组织推荐的1∶1∶1。

    The proportion of the contents of fatty acid composition : saturated fatty acid ( SFA ), monounsaturated fatty acid ( MUFA ), polyunsaturated fatty acid ( PUFA ) is not correspond to the proportion ( 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 1 ) which is recommended by the Health Organization .

  13. 像一些组织推荐的一样,常规检查有时包括筛查。

    Usual care sometimes included screening , as some organizations have recommended .

  14. 试论联合国粮农组织推荐的灌溉水质确定表决心(英文)水中溶解氧的测定

    Discussion on irrigation water quality determination table recommended by FAO of the United Nations

  15. 执行世卫组织推荐策略的各个国家中,疟疾死亡人数降低了50%甚至更多。

    Countries following WHO-recommended strategies are seeing drops of50 % and higher in malaria deaths .

  16. 结果:按世界卫生组织推荐的参考标准评价,婴幼儿主要是中度营养不良;

    Results : According to evaluation reference recommended by WHO , middle-severity taked up the main kind .

  17. 通过参考作物腾发量来估算作物需水量是世界粮农组织推荐的一个重要方法。

    By reference crop evapotranspiration to estimate crop water requirements is an important method recommended by FAO .

  18. 在向某组织推荐知识战略时应该掌握哪些信息?

    What sorts of information are needed in order to recommend a KM strategy to an organization ?

  19. 1960年,一个官方的国际组织推荐采用国际单位制。

    In 1960 , an official international body recommended the use of the International System of units .

  20. 世界卫生组织推荐的神经行为核心测试方法是检测神经系统亚临床损害的理想方法。

    WHO neurobehavioral core test battery is valid for early detection of affected welders at the subclinical stage .

  21. 世界卫生组织推荐的食盐摄入量每天不超过六克。

    The World Health Organization recommends that people eat no more than six grams of salt a day .

  22. 结论:世界卫生组织推荐的三阶梯止痛法,安全、有效,应大力推广,造福患者。

    Conclusion : The three steps analgesic ladder for cancer pain management introduced by WHO is safe and effective .

  23. 近来世界卫生组织推荐的重点新药是原来药物价格的4倍以上。

    Key new drugs recommended recently by the WHO were up to four times more expensive than the older drugs .

  24. 在该研究中,一个组的母婴服用了世界卫生组织推荐的剂量,而另一个组服用了国际维生素A咨询小组推荐剂量。

    In the study one group received the WHO recommended dose , while the other received the IVACG recommended dose .

  25. 方法:采用世界卫生组织推荐的限定日剂量、应用频度为指标,分析抗抑郁药的利用度。

    Methods : to use DDD and DDDs recommended by who as the indexes , to analyze availability of antidepressive drugs .

  26. 世界卫生组织推荐孕妇在看医生时服用药物,通常是四次。

    The WHO recommends that pregnant women receive the medicine , usually around four times , during visits to a clinic .

  27. 估算作物腾发速率的方法很多,本研究采用了联合国粮农组织推荐的作物系数法。

    Many kinds of approaches have been used for estimating crop evapotranspiration , here , we use crop coefficient approach recommended by FAO .

  28. 但是加热被感染的样本或者用紫外线照射此前这被一些病毒学家和农业组织推荐使用需要远远更多的时间。

    But heating the virus-infected samples or treating them with ultraviolet light previously recommended by some virologists and agricultural agencies took much longer time .

  29. 独立的水上交通事故安全调查是目前世界海事组织推荐的一种事故调查模式。

    Independent Maritime Safety Investigation ( MSI ) is a mode recommended by the International Maritime Organization ( IMO ) for marine traffic accident survey .

  30. 本文介绍了激光光束质量诊断技术近年来的进展,以及国际标准化组织推荐的聚焦光束测量法,指出了该技术的发展方向。

    This paper introduces recent advances of laser beam quality diagnostics and focused beam measurement method recommended by ISO , and analyzes the progress trend in the future .