
  • 网络organizational level;level of organization
  1. 构建三阶段(II-IP-IO)脑力模型,将知识型劳动微观层次的认知机制和组织层次的信息交流活动联系起来,不同类型知识型劳动整合在统一的框架上。

    It establishes three stage ( II-IP-IO ) mental models and unified different types of knowledge work into this framework , connecting recognition mechanism at micro-level and information communication at organizational level together .

  2. 个人、团队和组织层次知识的资本化过程

    A Study on the Process of Knowledge Capitalization in Individual , Team and Organizational Level

  3. 必须每月对这些层次结构进行更新,并作为IBM的组织层次结构数据受信任来源提供。

    These hierarchical structures must be updated monthly and be made available as IBM 's trusted source for organizational hierarchical data .

  4. 各种空间、圈层和系统,都有一定的自然组织层次,彼此不是孤立的,而是共同组成最高层次的人类总体生态系统(Totalhumanecosystem)简称THE。

    Various spaces , spheres and sys - tems are in hierarchical level , and depend on each other in organizing a total human ecosystem ( THE ) & the highest level of ecosystem .

  5. 一般而言,Eclipse工作区的功用与VisualStudio解决方案相同:组织层次结构中的顶级项目、文件夹和文件。

    Generally speaking , the Eclipse workspace serves the same purpose as a Visual Studio solution : It organizes top-level projects , folders , and files in a hierarchical structure .

  6. 但是,人们对Internet和WWW的拓扑结构、组织层次以及发生在它们之上的各种行为等还知之甚少。

    Nevertheless , we know less about the structure and hierarchical organization of the Internet and WWW , such as their global topology , their local properties , and various dynamic behaviors occurring within them .

  7. 该样例中包含两个级别的组织层次结构。

    Two levels of organizational hierarchy are covered in this sample .

  8. 基于组织层次的人机融合智能决策支持系统模型

    Study on the Models of Human-Computer Fusion Intelligent DSS Based on Organization

  9. 第二部分:分别从内部审计的定位、内部审计的组织层次、人员素质、外部保障几个方面探讨了我国内部审计如何拓展的问题。

    The second part : It discusses how to expand the internal auditing .

  10. 基于组织层次的科技信息流程再造

    Technical Information Process Re-engineering Based on Organizational Levels

  11. 通过将组织层次结构合并到客户数据中,从而使得客户信息更有意义、更有用。

    Make customer information more meaningful and useful by incorporating organizational hierarchy into customer data .

  12. 自组织层次式大规模网络入侵检测系统

    Self-organized hierarchical massive network intrusion detection system

  13. 在所有的组织层次上都有女人。

    Women arerepresented at all organisational levels .

  14. 鼻下端的被覆软组织层次及其血管密度的观察

    Investigation of the layers and vascular density of the soft tissue in the inferior nasal portion

  15. 论文从三个层次即人际信任、组织层次信任和网络信息层次信任分析了虚拟企业信任关系的结构特点,提出并建立了虚拟企业信任管理的分析框架。

    Author divides VE 's trust relation into three levels including human , organization and information network .

  16. 然后可以将这些公共属性确定为一个组织层次结构中的基本元素的一部分。

    These common attributes can then be identified as part of a base element in an organizational hierarchy .

  17. 组织层次结构提供有关不同业务实体彼此如何相关、其地址以及分支机构的业务信息。

    Organizational hierarchical structures provide business information on how different business entities relate to one another , their addresses and subsidiaries .

  18. 很多企业认为,外派人员在接受行动提议前,由于在组织层次上的优势,会了解很多情况。

    The firm believes that expatriates are superior in organization hierarchy and knows a lot , prior taking up the offer .

  19. 以媒体为中心的教育思想构建的教育体系应包括三个层次:教育媒体层次、学习认知层次、教育组织层次。

    And the educational system based should be of 3 layers : education media layer , learning cognition layer and education organization layer .

  20. 从森林生态系统层次性的角度,通过对法正林、检查法与森林生态系统经营的组织层次的分析,不同程度地体现了多层次经营管理的思想。

    The analysis of a normal forest , the control method and ecosystem management shows that they all represent some idea of multi-level management .

  21. 从冲突发生的组织层次水平来看,有非正式组织与正式组织之间、直线主管人员与参谋以及委员会内部成员之间的冲突。

    Tissue Engineering Determining Straight There are three main types of conflicts-conflicts between formal organization and informal organization , beeb'ne and brainman , members in committee .

  22. 方法6具新鲜尸体头部的外鼻标本,制成石蜡切片,光镜下观察HE染色切片的软组织层次;以图像分析仪测量各层次内的微血管密度(血管面积/框面积)。

    Methods Under a light microscope , the density of microangium ( vascular area / frame area ) in each layer was measured with an image analyzer .

  23. 结果:观察正常结膜组织层次分明,无炎症细胞浸润,光镜下春季角结膜炎的结膜组织中,可见新生血管散在分布,大量炎症细胞浸润,其中以嗜酸性粒细胞为主。

    Dispersed new vessels can be found and much inflammatory cell infiltrate conjunctiva in the conjunctival tissue of vernal keratoconjunctivitis by light microscope , Eosinophile granulocyte is main .

  24. 根据该系统的主功能和辅助功能要求,规划设计了软件总体布局和功能模块组织层次。

    According to needs of the main function and auxiliary functions , the general layout of software and organizational arrangement of the function modules are planned and designed .

  25. 在组织层次,企业的关系网络开发利用受到财务资源的重要性影响而加强,但是知识的重要性在验证中没有得到支持;

    At the organizational level , network utilization is strengthened by importance of financial resources while the result didn 't support the positive effect of importance of knowledge .

  26. 最后从企业的管理跨度、组织层次和职权授于等方面提出确定企业管理模式的要点。

    At last , it puts forward the main point for determining enterprise management mode from the aspects such as the management span , organization level and authority conferment etc.

  27. 利用聚类算法对图像特征进行聚类,根据特征库的数据视觉特征相似来组织层次索引结构。

    Use the clustering algorithm to cluster the Image features data , and according to the visual characteristics similarity of the characteristics library to organize the hierarchical indexing structure .

  28. 论文在软件组件技术的基础上,分析了中间件在系统组织层次中所起的作用,阐述了组件化思想对中间件本身的促进作用,提出了一种组件化中间件的开发模式。

    Based on Component-Based Software Development ( CBSD ), the effects of middleware in system architecture are analyzed , and then the promotion of component technology to middleware is illustrated .

  29. 检查法的核心组织层次是林分,上、下两个层次分别是经营作业区与林木个体;

    However , the forest stand is the focal level of the control method , of which the upper and lower levels are the working section and individual trees respectively .

  30. 介绍了英国学者伯奇的高教体制模型,其主要内容包括:高教体制是一种由方式和组织层次组成的双维结构。

    The article introduces a model of higher education system which is proposed by Tony Bencher , an English scholar . The model is two-dimensional , embracing modes as one dimension and levels of organisation as another .