
zǔ hé yīn xiǎnɡ
  • three-in-one stereo component system
  1. 有了组合音响才谈得到买激光唱片。

    I can only consider buying CDs after I 've bought a hi-fi set .

  2. 介绍了组合音响的CD开门机构设计方法,分析了塑料齿轮的强度校核及减小机构体积的设计方法,对开门机构的降低噪声措施进行了研究。

    This paper introduces the design method of audio product ′ s moving mechanism , makes a study on plastic gear strength and shows how to minimize the mechanism ′ s size , and gives some details on noise reduction measures .

  3. 本文介绍了NEC公司大规模专用集成电路μPD1715G&016及其在组合音响上的应用,讨论了设计中的几点关键性问题,并分析了解决问题的方法和途径。

    ASIC μ PD1715G & 016 of Nippon Electronic Company ( NEC ) and its application to combination audio equipment is introduced . Several key problems in design are discussed and their solutions are analyzed .

  4. 构思新颖组合音响,带给您快乐与活力。

    The music centre with original conception affords you happiness and vigour .

  5. 基于噪声控制的组合音响开门机构设计

    Design of Noise Controlled Audio Product ′ s Moving Mechanism

  6. 数字调谐系统在组合音响上的应用

    Application of Digital Tuning System to Combination Audio Equipment

  7. 让我介绍一下这套立体声组合音响的主要功能。

    Let me introduce the main functions of this set of stereophonic phonograph .

  8. 拥有组合音响,给您声临其境新感受。

    Once you own the music centre , you will be impressed by the reality of the sound .

  9. 例如,设计师需要特别考虑电视和组合音响放置的位置。

    For example , the designer needs to know your idea about the position of TV and music center .

  10. 有了组合音响才谈得到买激光唱片。激光唱片播放的声音保真度很高。

    I can only consider buying a CD after I 've bought a hi-fi set . Compact disc recordings give excellent sound reproduction .

  11. 基于激光光盘原理的新型光显尺研究有了组合音响才谈得到买激光唱片。

    Research of new type light display rule based on laser disc principle I can only consider buying a CD after I 've bought a hi-fi set .

  12. 用这家店的组件你可以配出近650万种各种组合的立体音响系统来。

    We can construct six-and-a-half-million different stereo systems out of the components that are on offer in one store .