
  • 网络iguana;tuatara;Lizard
  1. 我一直想让小蜜给我研制个分子式,能让我随时变成一个喷火大蜥蜴。

    I 've been trying to get Honey to develop a formula , that can turn me into a fire-breathing lizard at will .

  2. 恐龙被形容为残暴的大蜥蜴。

    Dinosaurs were characterized very early on as vicious lizards .

  3. 这柜子里要是没大蜥蜴,这地方就烂爆了

    If there 's not an iguana in here , this place is stupid .

  4. 你刚才被一只大蜥蜴咬了。

    You were bitten by a chuckwalla .

  5. 双窝类爬行动物;蜥蜴;蛇;新西兰大蜥蜴。鳞角蜥科的模式属;蛇状的侧生齿蜥蜴,没有前肢,仅有未发展的后肢。

    Type genus of the Pygopodidae ; snake-shaped pleurodont lizard with no forelimbs and only rudimentary hind limbs .

  6. 据殖民者们介绍说,大蜥蜴以前遍布新西兰,直到老鼠、猫和白鼬把它们挤掉。

    Tuatara once ranged throughout New Zealand before rats , cats , and stoats - introduced by human colonizers - wiped them out .

  7. 内蒙古额济纳旗大沙鼠和蜥蜴体内的利什曼原虫及其媒介的调查研究

    Studies on Leishmania in Big Gerbils and Lizards and Its Sandfly Vectors in Ejin Banner , Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region