
  • 网络Dalian International
  1. 本文较为详细的介绍了一个基于XML的报表系统的设计思想和实现方法,实现了大连国际合作公司的子公司与总公司间的远程报表系统。

    This paper introduces in detail the design idea and the method of realization of a report form system based on XML . Meanwhile it realizes the long-distance report form system between subcompany and parent company of Dalian international cooperation company .

  2. 大连国际康复疗养中心项目计划书

    The Project Scheme of Dalian International Rehabilitation and Recuperation Center

  3. 预祝第二届中国大连国际DNA和基因组活动周圆满成功!

    And I wish the2nd DNA & Genome Day a complete success .

  4. 海外传媒聚焦大连国际服装节。

    Foreign media focus on Dalian international fashion festival .

  5. 关于大连国际物流中心的研究

    Study on the International Physical Distribution Center of Dalian

  6. 在论文的最后,对大连国际航运中心临港产业的发展进行了宏观上的战略规划,并提出了措施与建议。

    And finally the paper gives out a program ming and some suggestions .

  7. 大连国际旅游区的开发战略与开发布局

    Study on the development strategy and development arrangement of Dalian international tour regions

  8. 港口腹地划分的两种新方法探讨&以大连国际航运中心为例

    Two New Methods for Partitioning Port Hinterland

  9. 根据现实基础和发展趋势,提出大连国际航运中心的特征与功能定位。

    Based on which the paper advances the character and function orientation of Dalian Shipping Center .

  10. 大连国际服装节霓裳盛宴

    Dalian International Fashion Show

  11. 成立于1986年的大连国际信托投资公司(简称大连国投)是典型的国有金融机构。

    Dalian International Trust & Investment Corporation ( DITIC ) which was founded in 1986 is an example .

  12. 犹如东北的龙头,大连国际航运中心将在东北老工业基地振兴中担当着十分重要的服务角色。

    Dalian international shipping center will play more important service role in the rejuvenation of Northeast traditional industrial base .

  13. 大连国际水产品交易中心行场综合楼地基振冲加固

    Vibrating and impacting reinforcement of multiple building foundation in the centre square of international aquatic product trade in Dalian

  14. 发展空港物流产业是建设大连国际东北亚航运中心的重要支撑。

    Development of airport logistics industry is an important support for the construction of the Dalian international shipping center in Northeast Asia .

  15. 现在国家批准了大连国际航运中心的建设,辽宁各港口的相互配合就非常的必要了。

    Now countries had ratified the construction of an international shipping center in Dalian , Liaoning . For enhancing the competitiveness of Liaoning , co-operation between ports is very necessary .

  16. 第一部分主要说明选题原因,即提出问题:为什么要进行大连国际康复疗养中心项目计划书的撰写。

    The first part of the thesis focuses on the reason for choosing the subject , that is , raising a question & why do we exploit the project of Dalian International Rehabilitation and Recuperation Center .

  17. 传统设计方式的实例选择了上海大剧院和星海音乐厅,主题设计方式的实例调研了广州歌剧院、国家大剧院戏剧场和大连国际会议中心大剧院。

    Examples of traditional design choice of Shanghai Grand Theatre and the Xinghai Concert Hall , theme design case studies of Guangzhou opera house , the National Grand Theater theater and Dalian International Conference Center theater .

  18. 大连国际机场作为东北地区四大机场之一,辽宁省南北两翼的重要空港之一,一直以自身的空港优势不断促动区域经济的发展。

    Dalian International Airport are one of the four major airports in Northeast China and important airports in Liaoning province , which has its own advantages that is motivating the development of regional economy all the time .

  19. 在对大连国际的工作流程与企业上报报表的特点进行了全面的了解的基础上设计了远程报表系统。

    Based on the full understanding of the process of Dalian international work and the characters of the enterprise 's report forms , the long-distance report form system is designed . This system adopts advanced three-stored-frame design .

  20. 本文分析了大连国际航运中心软实力发展的内外部环境和发展现状,并运用模糊综合评价法对伦敦、上海与大连进行了软实力的综合对比分析。

    The paper analyzes the internal and external environment of the development of the soft power of Dalian international shipping center , and comparative analyzes the soft power in Shanghai and Dalian by the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method .

  21. 此后,就大连国际航运中心发展中保税区建设、内部资源整合、综合运输体系建设、航运服务业发展和环保与节能减排五个问题进行了深入研究,最后就研究结果提出了措施和政策建议。

    Then focusing on the construction of tax free zone , the integration of inside resources , the construction of multi-modal transportation system , the development of shipping service industry as well as environmental protection and energy efficiency , the paper makes deep study and gives suggestions .

  22. 大连周水子国际机场的CI导入

    Cl Leading in Dalian International Airport

  23. 以设计曼哈顿中央公园西15号(15CentralParkWest)等豪华建筑而著称的纽约罗伯特・斯特恩建筑师事务所(RobertA.M.SternArchitects)正在设计大连中航国际广场(DalianAVICInternationalSquare),这是一个新古典风格的综合开发项目。

    Robert A.M. Stern Architects of New York , known for luxury buildings such as Manhattan 's 15 Central Park West , is designing Dalian AVIC International Square , a mixed-use development in neoclassical style .

  24. 大连周水子国际机场航站楼钢结构设计

    Design of the Roof Structure in Dalian International Airport Terminal Building

  25. 大连发展国际性城市的环境经济模式

    Urban development of Dalian : city marketing towards international hub

  26. 大连沿海国际中心5号楼超限高层结构设计

    The top building overrun structural design of No.5 building of Dalian coastal international center

  27. 大连市国际网球中心网球馆基础设计研究

    Design and Research for the Foundation of Tennis Gymnasium of Dalian International Tennis Center

  28. 城市的精神、人性的张扬&大连名仕国际公寓设计方案构思

    Spirit of City and Exaggerating of Human Nature & Plan Idea of Dalian Mingshi International Apartment

  29. 大连建设国际性城市产业结构调整与第三产业发展研究

    Study development of tertiary industry and adjustment of industrial structure of building international city in Dalian

  30. 2010年,大连虎威国际贸易有限公司,荣获“2010上海世博民营企业联合200强”企业资格证书!

    In2010 , the company was granted with certificate of Top200 Private Companies Coalition of2010 Shanghai World Expo .