
láo gōng
  • labourer;worker;laborers;proletarian
劳工 [láo gōng]
  • [laborers;workers] 旧时称工人

  • 劳工介绍所

劳工[láo gōng]
  1. 我父亲是一名失业劳工。

    My father was an unemployed labourer

  2. 从国际劳工标准看农民工社会保障制度的完善

    On the Perfection of Farmer Workers Social Security System from the International Labourer 's Standard

  3. 对来自其他欧盟国家的劳工可说并无偏见。

    There is little prejudice against workers from other EU states .

  4. 这些矿由来自被征服国家的强制劳工开采。

    The mines were manned by forced labour from conquered countries .

  5. 劳工部长将与这一地区的农民举行对话会。

    The minister of labour will be holding an imbizo with farmers in the area .

  6. 这个决定激怒了劳工大众。

    The decision incensed the workforce .

  7. 劳工大臣表示,改革将带来新的就业机会。

    The Employment Minister said the reforms would generate new jobs .

  8. 劳工部的数据进一步印证了经济复苏状况的不稳定。

    The Labor Department figures underscore the shaky state of the economic recovery

  9. 这家公司说自己严格遵守美国的各项劳工法。

    The company says it is in full compliance with US labor laws

  10. 工会组织劳工行动应提前7天作出声明。

    Unions are required to give seven days ' notice of industrial action

  11. 因庆祝劳工节,这个交易日交易时间缩短了。

    The trading day is shortened in observance of the Labor Day holiday

  12. 劳工党连一个州长职位也未能赢得。

    The Workers ' Party failed to win a single governorship

  13. 医生们愿意采取某种形式的劳工行动。

    Doctors are willing to take some form of industrial action

  14. 他成为了劳工运动中举足轻重的人物。

    He became a colossus of the labour movement .

  15. 第二次世界大战期间,英国的劳工工资级差进一步拉大了。

    During the Second World War , industrial wage differentials in Britain widened .

  16. 另一个工会已经投票赞成采取要求加薪的劳工行动。

    Another union has voted for industrial action in support of a pay claim

  17. 你们愿意采取劳工行动吗?

    Are you prepared to take industrial action ?

  18. 在举行罢工投票表决和采取劳工行动之间应当有7天的冷静期。

    There should be a seven-day cooling-off period between a strike ballot and industrial action .

  19. 本周早些时候多数银行职员举行罢工,遍及全国的劳工行动由此开始。

    Nationwide industrial action began earlier this week , when staff at most banks walked out .

  20. 他们是廉价劳工。

    They were cheap labour .

  21. 劳工运动遭到女权主义者的猛烈抨击,指责其存在性别歧视,并要求作出改善。

    The labour movement has been assailed by accusations of sexism and demands for change from feminists .

  22. 停滞不前的经济和最近的一次劳工骚乱浪潮影响了新政党的声望。

    A faltering economy and a recent wave of labour unrest have affected the new party 's popularity .

  23. 他是市长的一个劳工顾问。

    He is a consultant on labor affairs to the mayor .

  24. 商业不景气常使劳工们受苦。

    Business depression usually causes misery among the working class .

  25. 这个问题关系到劳工的利益。

    This problem bears on the interests of the labour .

  26. 国际劳工部公布了下面的统计。

    The international labor office publishes the following statistics .

  27. 劳工和整体经济复原需要的是更多自由,而不是更多政府干预。

    What those workers , and the economy overall , need is more resilience-enhancing liberalization , not more government intervention .

  28. 在紧要关头,劳工部长沃兹进来干预,制止了给棒球场开幕造成威胁的罢工。

    Labour Secretary Wirtz stepped in at the last minute to halt a strike which threatened opening day at the ball park .

  29. 劳工统计局的报告和预期一样悲观。

    The report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics was just as gloomy as anticipated .

  30. 迁出城市中心成为普遍现象,而市区的租户们主要都是由贫苦的劳工阶层构成。

    Movement out of city centers was widespread , and downtown tenants were predominantly made up of the working poor .