
  • 网络labor rights
  1. 卡梅隆还推动政府通过法律禁止企业在雇佣前进行侵害劳工权益的HIV检测。

    Cameron has also passed laws prohibiting the Government to promote enterprise in the employment of labor rights violations before the Detect HIV .

  2. 香港&苹果(Apple)的股价接近纪录高点,其最新款的iPhone也将于周二发布,但与此同时,这家公司在中国的供应商也面临着侵犯劳工权益和违反工作场所安全规定的新指控。

    HONG KONG & With its stock near a high and its latest iPhone expected to be introduced on Tuesday , Apple is facing new accusations of violations of labor rights and workplace safety at a supplier in China .

  3. WTO和社会条款&劳工权益国际保护的法律困境

    WTO and Social Clause & A Legal Dilemma in the International Protection of Labour Rights

  4. 香港——苹果(Apple)的股价接近纪录高点,其最新款的iPhone也将于周二发布,但与此同时,这家公司在中国的供应商也面临着侵犯劳工权益和违反工作场所安全规定的新指控。

    HONG KONG - With its stock near a high and its latest iPhone expected to be introduced on Tuesday , Apple is facing new accusations of violations of labor rights and workplace safety at a supplier in China .

  5. 企业承担社会责任是大势所趋,CSR是构建企业与社会和谐关系的一种基本思想,包括劳工权益、产品质量、环境保护、社区贡献等多方面内容。

    CSR is a fundamental concept for building up a harmonious relationship between corporations and the society , and it involves various issues such as labor rights , quality of product , environment protection and social commitment .

  6. 工人和劳工权益组织表示,在为耐克(Nike)和阿迪达斯(Adidas)等品牌代工的台资制鞋企业裕元工业(YueYuenIndustrial),至少有3000名工人发起罢工。此前,管理层宣布了合并两块生产业务的计划。

    Workers and labour rights groups said at least 3000 went on strike at Yue Yuen Industrial , a Taiwanese shoe manufacturer for the likes of Nike and Adidas , after management announced plans to merge two production operations .

  7. SA8000是社会责任国际组织(SocialAccountabililityInterentional)发布的由第三方认证的关于劳工权益保护的国际采购社会责任标准体系。

    SA8000 is a standard system of social responsibility of international stock about the protection of laborers ' rights and interests , which is released by the Social Accountability International Organization and certificated by the third party .

  8. 中国的劳工权益保护非常薄弱。

    The employee rights protection in China is weak .

  9. 苹果向来坚称其在环保和维护劳工权益方面表现良好。

    Apple typically maintains that its environmental and labor-rights records have always been good .

  10. 有效制度供给与劳工权益保护

    Effective Institution Supply and Labor Rights Protection

  11. 调研内容集中在三个方面:劳工权益、环境保护和社会公益活动。

    The research content three areas : labor rights , public welfare and environmental protection .

  12. 这次事件激起卡梅隆为艾滋病毒感染者争取劳工权益的冲动。

    The case stirred up Cameron for HIV-infected people the impulse to fight for labor rights .

  13. 企业社会责任国际标准及其实施&兼论我国劳工权益的保护

    International Standard of Corporate Social Responsibility and its Implementation-On the Protection of Labor Rights in China

  14. 此前劳工权益活动人士呼吁富士康为工人加薪50%以上。

    Labour activists have appealed to Foxconn to raise wages by at least 50 per cent .

  15. 跨国公司与中国劳工权益受损关系初探

    A Preliminary Inquiry into Causal Link between Multinationals and Violation of Basic Rights of Chinese Laborers

  16. 目前我国企业在追求利润最大化的过程中,出现了一些严重忽视劳工权益保护的现象。

    Nowadays , enterprises in China try to pursuit maximum profits while often ignore the labor rights protection .

  17. 本文首先分析国际劳工权益保护的现状。

    In this paper , the status of the international labour rights protection will be analyzed at first .

  18. 我国许多企业存在侵犯劳工权益问题,民工的工资公平感普遍很低。

    Since many farmer workers ' rights are invaded by the employers , that they have very low pay fairness .

  19. 这些准则是:遵纪守法,关爱环境,保障员工健康安全,尊重劳工权益。

    These principles are : respect for the law , caring for the environment , worker health and safety , employee rights .

  20. 维护职工的劳动就业权,是工会维护劳工权益的基础和重中之重。

    Safeguarding the workers ' right to work is a basis and key point that trade unions protect workers ' rights and interests .

  21. 调整企业的竞争策略,加强企业的劳工权益保护,为企业可持续发展奠定基础。

    Chinese enterprises should adjust their own competition strategy , enhance labor rights protection so as to make a base for their continuable development .

  22. 协会属下工作小组处理的事宜包括薪酬、劳工权益及劳资纠纷、职业健康及安全、员工训练、中国事务及出版书籍等。

    Its sub-committees cover such issues as pay , labour rights and disputes , health and safety , training , China-related matters and book publishing .

  23. 上个世纪40年代初,西格组建了以录制维护劳工权益和反对战争等歌曲而闻名的年鉴歌手乐队。

    In the early 1940s , Seeger formed The Almanac Singers . The singing group was known for recording songs about labor rights and against war .

  24. 中国作为一个主要依靠廉价劳动力资源参与国际竞争的国家,在劳工权益保护问题上,情况非常不容乐观。

    China , as a country that participate in international competitive mainly depends on cheap labor force , shows the austerity in the problem of labor protection .

  25. 从长远来看,劳工权益保护是经济全球化发展的必然趋势,有些劳工标准还可能成为贸易壁垒。

    From a long-term point of view , labor rights protection is the trend of economic globalization and some of the standards can evolve into trade barrier .

  26. 《第一财经日报》和鸿海在一份联合声明中表示,他们将携手合作为建设和谐社会,并增进劳工权益而努力。

    The newspaper and Hon Hai said in a joint statement that they would join hands in establishing a harmonious society and striving for workers ' rights .

  27. 虽然最激烈的批评人士抨击的焦点集中在劳工权益和用水问题,但普通消费者最担心的或许还是儿童肥胖。

    While labour rights and water usage are the focus of Coke 's fiercest critics , the issue causing arguably the greatest concern among ordinary consumers is childhood obesity .

  28. 10月24日,北京一个与政府有关的行业协会宣布了一套指导原则,就劳工权益、环境保护和社区关系等问题为在海外运营的中国公司设定了规范。

    A government-linked industry group in Beijing announced plans on Oct. 24 to introduce standards for Chinese companies in areas like labor rights , environmental protection and community relations .

  29. 企业则应该遵守法律的规定,切实重视劳工权益的保护,重视相关的标准认证,发挥其主体作用。

    Enterprises should comply with the law , the protection of effective attention to labor rights , attention to the relevant standard certification , to play its main role .

  30. 劳工权益倡导团体认为定期检查对于印度经济的繁荣更为重要,而去除劳动法律可能会削弱公会并导致剥削。

    Labor rights advocates say that regular inspections are even more important as India 's economy booms and that dismantling the labor laws could weaken unions and lead to exploitation .