
  • 网络Bretton Woods Institutions;BWI
  1. 论国际金融体系改革与布雷顿森林机构重塑

    On Reform of International Financial System and Restructure of Bretton Woods Institutions

  2. 与布雷顿森林机构联合举行的高级别特别会议

    Special High-Level Meeting with Bretton Woods Institutions

  3. 这家布雷顿森林机构和世界贸易组织(wto)创立者的智慧,从未像目前这样显而易见。

    Never has the wisdom of the founders of the Bretton Woods institutions and the World Trade Organisation been more evident than in this crisis .

  4. 关于布雷顿森林机构改革的几点观察

    Observations on the Reform of the Breton Woods Institutions

  5. 联合国和布雷顿森林机构联络委员会

    United Nations / Bretton Woods Liaison Committee

  6. 人们的注意力集中在布雷顿森林机构以及美国的全球领导力是否在走下坡路上。

    Attention has focused on whether the Bretton Woods institutions and US global leadership are in decline .

  7. 恢复布雷顿森林机构的合法性,要求大规模重新分配国家配额(决定投票权重的出资比例)。

    Restoring legitimacy to the Bretton Woods institutions requires a significant reallocation of country quotas ( capital shares that determine voting weights ) .

  8. 它挑战了布雷顿森林机构所代表的、在1945年后成形的全球经济体系的未来。

    At stake is nothing less than the future of the global economic system embodied in the Bretton Woods institutions that took shape after 1945 .

  9. 美方努力背后的另一个愿望是捍卫美国和欧洲现在拥有否决权的布雷顿森林机构。

    Behind that push by Washington has also been a desire to protect the Bretton Woods institutions over which the US and Europe now wield veto power .

  10. 来自各国的财政部长和中央银行行长将在会上讨论布雷顿森林机构改革以及全球不平衡等问题。

    The meeting , attended by finance ministers and central bank governors , will discuss , among other issues , reform of the Bretton Woods institutions as well as global imbalances .

  11. 布雷顿森林机构面临潜在的利益冲突,其成员国因此面对着一些挑战,而一家新的、由来自不同大陆的众多国家组成的多边机构,也将不得不面对与之类似的挑战。

    A new multilateral institution gathering a large array of countries from various continents will have to cope with similar challenges to the members of the Washington-based institutions which face potential conflicts of interest .

  12. 佐立克希望由现有的布雷顿森林体系机构负责实施这些计划。

    Mr Zoellick wants the existing Bretton Woods institutions to administer these schemes .

  13. 它们是布雷顿森林体系机构中的非积极成员,而该机构被一些已经风采不再的国家所主导。

    They are reluctant members of the Bretton Woods institutions which are dominated by countries that are no longer dominant .

  14. 1944年,凯恩斯(keynes)在布雷顿森林设计这些机构的时候,就清楚预见到了此类董事会干涉的必然性。

    Keynes foresaw the inevitability of such interference from the board clearly as he shaped those institutions at Bretton Woods in 1944 .

  15. 我们有世界卫生组织(who),两个全球粮食机构,还有“布雷顿森林”金融机构与组织,负责处理从贸易到民航到海事等各种问题。

    We have a World Health Organisation , two global food agencies , the Bretton Woods financial institutions and organisations to deal with everything from trade to civil aviation and maritime affairs .

  16. 设立gleco还将解决更新布雷顿森林体系规则和机构的要求。

    The establishment of Gleco would also address the need to update the rules and institutions of Bretton Woods .