
  • 网络Board of Governors of the World Bank
  1. 世界银行理事会正在审议向面临干旱和其它灾害威胁的贫困国家提供风险管理工具的倡议。

    The World Bank Board of Executive Directors is considering initiatives to provide risk management tools to poor countries faced by drought and other catastrophes .

  2. 更开放的程序,可以像其他国际组织一样,依靠一个由世界银行理事会任命的、小型的遴选委员会来执行,其任务将是从各成员国及其他各方提名的候选人中,挑选出入围名单。

    A more open procedure could rely , as with some other international organisations , on a small selection committee appointed by the board of the Bank . Its task would be to draw up a shortlist from candidates nominated by member countries or by others .

  3. 短短半年前,世界银行集团理事会批准了我们的两大目标,并宣布到2030年我们能够终结极度贫困。这为开展一场社会运动打下了基础。

    Just six months ago , the board of governors for the World Bank Group laid a foundation for a social movement by endorsing our two goals and declaring that we can end extreme poverty by 2030 .