
  1. 难怪这个地方被称为“世界建筑艺术博览会”。

    No wonder this place is called " Exhibition of World Architectural Art " .

  2. 西方古典建筑和中国古典建筑是世界建筑艺术中的两大体系。

    There are two principal systems in world architecture-Western classic architecture and chinese traditional architecture .

  3. 中国古建筑装饰是世界建筑艺术史上一朵艳丽的奇葩。

    The Chinese ancient construction decoration is outstanding work in the world construction art history .

  4. 20世纪世界建筑艺术

    Architecture Art in the 20th Century

  5. 领略悉尼海上歌剧院的风情,观赏世界建筑艺术的经典。

    Sydney Opera House to enjoy life in the sea , viewing the world of classical art of architecture .

  6. 客家土楼以其鲜明的风格成为世界建筑艺术的一朵奇葩,其中蕴含着丰富的象征文化。

    The hakka earth building complex , which has prolific symbolic culture , has been the distinguished one in the art of architectural world .

  7. 它是中华民族乃至世界建筑艺术的瑰宝,具有极高的文物、历史、艺术和科学价值。

    It is the Chinese nation and the world a treasure of architectural art , with a high cultural , historical , artistic and scientific value .

  8. 侗族建筑是中华民族文化之瑰宝,也是世界建筑艺术的奇葩。

    The architecture of Dong nationality , one of the minorities of china , is great treasure of Chinese culture and splendid art of architecture in the world .

  9. 中国传统油饰彩画是中国古建筑遗产中极有价值的组成部分,也是世界建筑艺术史上卓有成就的亮点之一。

    Chinese traditional architectural painting and colored drawing is a very valuable part of the ancient architectural heritage , and it is also a brilliant part of global architectural art history .

  10. 世界建筑空间艺术源远流长,随着绘画艺术、空间艺术、材料艺术、装饰艺术和科学技术的渗入,现代建筑空间已经进入了一个全新的时代。

    The world architectural space art has a long history . Modern architectural space has entered a brand-new stage , with the combination of painting art , space art , material art , decoration art and scientific technology .