
  • 网络Aristocratic Family;aristocratic great clans
  1. 六朝时期,世家大族的出现是一个重要的社会现象。

    Noble is an important social phenomenon in Six Dynasties period .

  2. 辽代世家大族的军事势力

    The aristocratic families ' military powers in Liao Dynasty

  3. 除了世家大族的女子以外,平民女子也有了接受教育的机会。

    Apart from the women from upper class , civilian women had also access to education .

  4. 奚人世家大族,亦多由部落联盟时代的显贵家族发展而来。

    The Hsi great families mostly also evolved from the celebrated and noble families of the tribe union times .

  5. 六朝时期的世家大族各有其家风与家学,并由此造就了各自独特的家族文化。

    Aristocratic families has particular family culture in the Six Dynasties because of their different family customs and family literature .

  6. 三槐王氏家族是宋代颇具代表性的世家大族,本文着重从仕宦、婚姻、文化成就等方面分析了其社会状况。

    The thesis analyses the social conditions from the officials , marriages and cultural achievements of the Wangs in Sanhuai .

  7. 魏晋南北朝时期士人多出身于世家大族,集政治、经济、文化特权于一身。

    More scholars in periods came from aristocratic families , which entitled political , economic , and cultural privileges in one .

  8. 其二,谢惠连的家学。世家大族作为六朝时一种特殊的结构单位,内部具有封闭性。

    Second , aristocratic families were special kind of structural unit in Six Dynasties , and its internal circumstance is closed .

  9. 但辽朝的社会制度,并不能确保世家大族的地位不受任何冲击,这同纯粹的世袭社会又有所区别。

    T guarantee that the position of the great families were not affected , where it was different from pure hereditary societies .

  10. 因此,我选择了衰亡期的世家大族之一荥阳郑氏作为我硕士论文的研究题目。

    So , the author of this paper focus his attention on the Zheng clan in Xingyang in central Henan province so as to .

  11. 世家大族家庭中的妇女没有独立的经济来源,但对家庭经济有一定的管理和支配权;

    Women in high society have no independent economic source , but they still have the certain power in managing and controlling family economy .

  12. 东汉以来,世家大族渐趋形成,并对当时的社会政治、学术文化等产生过很大的影响,崔氏家族也不例外。

    The geographical location of Cui family in the East Han Dynasty not only affected their disposition , but also took cultural provisions to them .

  13. 皇族、后族及遥辇氏家族等均为传统贵族,它们是辽朝世家大族的核心。

    The emperor family , queen family and Yao-lien family were all traditional nobles , which were the core of the great families in Liao Dynasty .

  14. 唐末五代的战乱,使形成于魏晋南北朝时期的世家大族式家族组织瓦解。

    War in the late Tang and Five Dynasties broke down the large family-run organization which was formed during the Wei , Jin , Southern and Northern Dynasties .

  15. 这种出身使得刘宋皇室对一直以来处于社会文化中心地位的世家大族持企羡和防范的态度。

    This background makes the Liu Song of the royal household envy and preventive attitude towards enterprises who has been in the social and cultural center of the aristocratic families .

  16. 这种以军事权贵和士绅阶层为中心的世家大族,不同于华南地区的民间宗族组织,呈现出河南地域社会的特殊发展形态。

    Prominent families centered around military bigwigs and gentry level were different from folk clan organizations of South China , which showed a special development formation of Henan local society .

  17. 辽王朝在中国历史上以用武立国而著称,作为主要的军事支柱,世家大族的军事势力引人注目。

    Liao Dynasty is famous for its maintenance of the country by means of power . The military power of the aristocratic families as their main military pillar is noticeable .

  18. 与耗资巨大的石窟造像大多由世家大族把持不同,费用较低的绢纸造像更多地为中下级官具、普通百姓所参与。

    Compared to costly Grotto is mostly dominated by the aristocratic families , a larger number of lower-level officials and ordinary people participate in the lower cost of silk paper statues .

  19. 自汉代世家大族开始在政治上崭露头角以来,历经曹魏到西晋,士族在政治舞台上占据的地位愈来愈重要。

    Aristocratic families from the Han Dynasty began to emerge in politics since , after the Western Jin Wei , gentry occupied in the political arena more and more important position .

  20. 社会重视文学的外在氛围,世家大族追求声名禄利的内在动力,形成一种互动机制,推动文学向前发展。

    The atmosphere of the public encouragement of literature and the inherent motive force of the well-known families had formed a mechanism of interaction , which pushed forward the progress of literature .

  21. 渤海世家大族以原渤海国的王族和右姓为主,尽管它们在新王朝统治下发展情况并不相同。

    The Po-hai great families consisted mainly of the King family and other famous families of the former Po-hai State , though they developed differently under the government of the new dynasty .

  22. 家传文化的盛衰对于世家大族来说具有重要意义,它在一定程度上反映世家大族在特定历史时期的文化地位,进而影响其政治地位。

    So , the rise or fall of family culture has great implications to a well-known family in terms of its cultural place in certain times and its political place in society .

  23. 他们不仅与归义军最高统治者张氏家族和曹氏家族频繁通婚,还与敦煌其他世家大族缔结姻亲关系。

    They not only established a close relationship by marriage with Families Zhang and Cao , the ruling ones of the Return-to-Allegiance Army , but also with other powerful families at Dunhuang .

  24. 主要表现在:1、选官的限制性法规遭到破坏,选拔人才标准的天平向外戚、宦官势力和世家大族势力倾斜。

    Main performance : 1 、 The restrictive laws in choosing officials encountered breakage and the standards which talents were selected by was more helpful to outside relatives , eunuchs and noble families .

  25. 关东豪族缺乏世家大族那样的政治特权,其发展的出路很大程度上取决于对土地的经营并以此致富,而主要不是表现在对政治的经营上。

    Thirdly , Guan Dong magnates lacked the political privileges enjoyed by the aristocratic families , their development and expansion depended on the increase of land wealth rather than on the control of political power .

  26. 党包括军队中的车兵将领及步兵之帅,还包括大夫之弟、有采邑者、世家大族之婿以及武士。

    Party , including army of the chariots generals and the commander of the infantry , also including the younger brother of the doctor , the fief , aristocratic families of the son-in-law as well as samurai .

  27. 第四章和第五章指出了隋唐时期长安城南地区的历史文化应该包括园林别业、宗教景观、世家大族等方面。

    Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 that the Sui and Tang Dynasties period Chang ' an southern region the history and culture should include other industry landscape , religious landscape , aristocratic families , and so on .

  28. 与此同时,大批卫所军户的后代经由科举入仕,逐渐形成了以士绅为中心的世家大族,确立了士绅阶层的地域支配体制,导致了明后期的衣冠之虐。

    Meanwhile , a multitude descendants of military households gradually became prominent families centered around gentry level via imperial examination , and established regional control system of gentry level , which led to many negative effects in Late Ming Dynasty .

  29. 徽州世家大族促进宗族和谐和宗族发展的一些措施,不仅产生了一定社会历史作用,具有一定社会历史价值,而且还或多或少具有一定的借鉴意义。

    Measures taken by Huizhou old and well-known families to promote clan development and clan harmony not only exerted certain social and historical effects and thus had its social and historical values , but , more or less , possessed some referential significance .

  30. 晋武帝重用宗室多为司马氏中的优秀者,这既有晋武帝执政思路的原因,也和西晋宗室的政治素质普遍较高有关。第四,了解晋武帝对世家大族的用人情况。

    Emperor Wu Clan mostly reuse the excellent Sima who thought that both the ruling Emperor Wu of the reasons , and the Western Jin Dynasty imperial clan politics generally higher quality . Fourth , understand the Emperor Wu of the aristocratic families of the employment situation .